
Welcome to this (my) mind.

Things that you will read may or may not be based off my life. Some things may have to do with my world view and philosophical view as well. Please understand that this is my first story book. So it will be different and harder for me to come up with ideas. I may stop writing for one of three or all three reasons. 1. I have to do school work because my grades have slipped (2. I have ran out of ideas or am stuck (3. I got bored and quit. Like I said it could be all three or just one, but probably all three. I have written three books already. they are for my personal use. One is a journal, two is a book called philosophical realizations, and thrid is a mix of the two. I might tried to get the second book published. If you like what I will write when Im writeing it, thank you. If you don't, okay I really don't care.