
Sometimes Gods are just Mortals

Tell me what do you think of your self? Do you think you're the hero? the villain? or just a side character? I think i'm the villain.

Ike used to look up to his hero like he was a god, but in the end he was just a mortal like me or you. Ike lives in his grandparents house. His father abandoned him and his mother and his mother went to jail.

"Hi Ike, how are you today?" Ike looks up "Meh, I don't care." " Well thats a little sad to hear, isn't it?" Ike looks out the car window " Not really." His grandmother shuts up and has an angry expression on her face.

When he gets home he just goes to his room. He might comtinue writing, watching an anime or reading a manga on his phone. He doesn't care as long as he doesn't feel bored. People think he should care about the weather, " Ike, look at how beautiful the weather is today? Isn't it just nice?" Ike looks out the window of the car " Meh, I don't care if it's beautiful weather today, why should I when it has no meaning to me?" They think he should care about things that don't matter to him or have no meaning to him.

At the end of the day the teacher asks this qeustion to Ike, " What would you say are your beliefs philosophically, Ike?" "I would have to say that I believe nothing matters, nothing has meaning, everything is worthless, and that no one has a purpose in life. Only three things are promised and they are life, death, and destruction. An empire will one day crumble just like how their emperor will die. But everything has a different meaning, worth, and purpose based on who is experinceing it. Every last one of us is replaceable. I beileve that everyone's experiences make up their prespective which is what makes everyone join a certain group over another and that people who get along can have similar back grounds but slightly differnt experiences."

But in the end everyone you look up to who is famous is someone you look upto like as if they where a god, but they are just a normal mortal like you or me. They can still die. No one is special.