

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantaisie
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100 Chs

Training 2

               Bethany was eagerly waiting for Savarus to tell her what she wants, but he was just resting his heads like if he hasn't make up his mind.

"Come on, just tell me already, the suspense is killing me".

"Your first flaw is this, you always attack with mere determination, you can't use just determination, you have to predict and foresee your opponent movement. Your second flaw, your swing with the sword is too early, you have to wait to see what your opponent will do first then use it against him. The third one, your grip on the sword is too tight, you have to free it a little for easy swinging. The fourth, the power you are using to swing the sword is just too much, you have to swing it quickly and gentle so in case your opponent is quicker, you can just change you attack to counter attack, I'm very sure if you do this things you would be able to learn in no time" said Savarus.

"I'm ready, let's go for a second round" said Bethany.

"No, I'm pretty tired right now and too much training isn't good for you, don't you know you are a girl".


"How is your skill in archery" interrupted Savarus just when Bethany wanted to lash out.

"I'm very good at archery, hate to brag, but you might be looking at the best Archer in the whole kingdom right now".

"Isn't that some heavy words, please I hope you don't mind demonstrating some skills for me, so I can learn from the best Archer in the kingdom" said Savarus in a smirking tone.

"I will make sure you eat your doubt" said Bethany while going to get her bow and arrow from the various training equipment around them, Savarus also pick a pair from it, they didn't waste anytime before walking to the roving course. The targets were hang on different trees, she stood at the middle of the forest with different target surrounding her.

"I want you to time me, I'm going to aim all six target perfectly well in less than a minute" said Bethany.

"Okay, your time start now" said Savarus causing Bethany to quickly draw an arrow from her quiver before aiming at the first target in front of her, she quickly turn to her left already removing another arrow from her quiver in the process and firing at the next target, she continuously aim at the rest target quickly without wasting anytime.

"How did I do".

"You did well, I'm impressed, I didn't know you were so good in archery, with just this skills you have demonstrated, you will make a fine archer, so why did you prefer sword".

"I love using both, but the sword is more preferable to me, because if my opponent is up to twenty in a close range, I can't possibly use an arrow because it will take up a lot of time and also not a good choice for defense but with a sword I can attack and also defend in a close range, how about you show me some of your skill in archery" said Bethany.

Savarus was quiet for a short period of time, he was just looking at his bow and arrow.

'I have clearly display so many things that a normal human won't be able to do, if this keep on happening, I might not live the normal life I wanted, but still, I just can't stop myself, I want to see the look on her face when I exceed her limit' think Savarus.

"I don't see why not, just wait a little I want to get something" said Savarus while walking to one of the trees and tearing a black piece of material that was hanging around it.

"What do you want to use it for" asked Bethany.

"Don't worry, you are going to see it when the time comes, which is now" Savarus walked to the spot Bethany has been not too long, he raise the material and tie it around his eyes "you can start the time now" the moment Savarus heard the little sounds from the clock, he quickly draw out six arrows from his quiver and quickly put three in his bow and firing it onto the three target in front of him, he quickly turn to his back and fire the other three arrows to hit the target, he removed the black material from his eyes and look at Bethany, her mouth was wide open, looking at all the target in disbelief. All the arrows shot by Savarus was accurate, hitting the bulls eyes.

"How, how come...?" Asked Bethany in disbelief, shock was clearly seen on her face.

"I don't see why you are so shocked, it's not that hard, I'm sure even you can do it".

"No I can't and I clearly know nobody can do what you just did".

"Then I guess I'm one in a thousand, hahahaha, come on that's is it for today, tomorrow is another day, so let's draw the curtains on this one" said Savarus but didn't get a reply from Bethany "you can keep on thinking about it, but I'm going home to change from this clothes, I don't know about you" Savarus started moving out of the roving course. After some while Bethany started running after him.

"I hope you didn't forget that you will be taking me to the festival today".

"Is it today?, aah I forget and I have a lot of plans for today, how about the upcoming one".

"Don't you dare, you are taking me to the festival and that's final".

"That's some very nice way to ask for help, you are really cute when you are angry, I was just pulling your leg, don't worry I will be here to pick you, what time is it again?" asked Savarus.

"It's around six o clock in the evening".

"Okay, I'm going home, see you later at evening, adios" said Savarus already walking out of the gate. He quickly stop a carriage to take him to his destination, after some few minutes of riding, he has gotten to his destination, his new home.