

- The trials of the eleven houses? It's going to be boring, I can tell. And to think that I wanted to become isekaïté to live in peace and now, I am being forced to undergo another check and interview... Piss off.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom"

Successive explosions, the intense shaking of the house and the cry of the servants, was the noise that woke me from my sleep. The castle was on fire and we could hear several sounds of fighting going on everywhere. I quickly left my room. Nerbia was running at full speed towards me. She wore her white armor, for real combat.

- My lord come with me, I will shelter you.

- Tell me first what's going on.

- The castle is attacked...by a surface hero. They opened a breach in the world barrier and tumbled into the castle. The lord...the master-at-arms has been defeated. Lord Umbrella and his guard are not there, we have no other choice but to flee. Your mother's succubus army is doing everything to hold them back, but it's only a matter of time before she's wiped out. Get on my back, I'll take you to safety.

- Huh... although you didn't want me to ride you last night. Hmm...I'll be back.

- My lord...

I used my powers to make a red cape appear which I put on before using teleportation to move to the area where there was the most powerful magical concentration.

I was floating quietly in the room, hands behind my neck when right in front of me, two succubus demoness were using a combined fire and lightning attack to strike their opponents.

She only used a jet of mana with her sword to repel their attacks towards themselves in a huge explosion. About ten other succubi arrived on the scene flying. They used a union spell to merge, forming a gigantic succubus with a red trident.

In front of her was a young woman dressed in head-to-toe black tights with a white boot, straight black hair that went down to her back with strands of it covering her left eye. She held two swords in her hands and avoided trident strikes with disconcerting ease.

- Houla if this continues, the castle will not hold.

The girl made a cross with her two swords before saying

- Black wave!

Two large waves of black mana gushed from his swords. She threw two large sword slashes to slice the giant demon's legs and bring him to his knees. The giant demoness still launched another trident attack which the girl countered with her sword before deflecting the attack to follow up with another slash which took the giant demon's right arm.

- As if a pathetic demon was equal to a heroic soul. Heroic brilliance.

She threw a sword on the ground and created a ball of light to swing it at the giant demon, piercing her stomach.

The spell wore off and the succubi fell like flies. The girl rushed at them to finish them off when her eyes met mine. She displayed incredible astonishment before stopping and saying

- A red-haired satan?! Impossible, they were exterminated centuries ago.

- Hi!

3 ends

Without responding, she rushed at me at full speed with her sword. With a wave of my hand, using telekinesis, I sent him into the wall. She quickly got out by jumping in the air with her sword which projected dark mana before coming down on me. I tried telekinesis but it didn't work so I dodged the attack with teleportation.


That's all I heard from the impact site. Before I turned towards her, she was already on me, ready to slash me, so I teleported to another room, narrowly dodging her attack.

- Whoa, I was hot...


The wall behind me exploded and the girl burst into the room, throwing a powerful double slash at me.

- Telekinetic barrier and demonic barrier.

I set up two barriers to counter her attack but she was already on me with a kick that I took, causing dragon scales to appear on my skin. The attack still sent me into the background. Before I got up, she was already trying to crush me with her feet. I dodged the attack by teleporting up high. From above, I could see the dark mana emanating from his leg, destroying the floor of the room up to the walls.

- Stigma

I created several small balls of yellow lightning with each of my fingers to throw at him. She didn't even attempt to dodge and when the cloud of my attack passed, she had no damage.

- Well, you're a big guy. That's good.

I cloned myself into ten and with my clones, we started teleporting all over the room, watching for an opening. Each of my clones has summoned an attack

- Demonic vision

An overview of the situation, shared by everyone.

- Elemental ball

Five element ball earth, fire, water, air and lightning.

- The poisoned dare

Four large snake made of liquid poison

- Thunderbolt

A large yellow circle appears capable of summoning an explosion of lightning.

- Demonic Ray

A Lazer beam that directly attacks the soul.

- Lean over.

A gravity manipulation spell.

- Disaster.

A spell that sends out an immense shock wave.

- Poison Cloud

As the name suggests, it is spit out by the user.

- Ancient flowering

A combined spell that summons piles of bones from the ground and walls to fill a room in addition to the wave of blood that comes with it and casts a curse on the enemy

- Demonic Wave

A black ray spell that disintegrates everything on touch.

My ten clones and I launched the assault at the same time and all together. The enemy did not even flinch and absorbed all the attacks in a huge explosion which destroyed a good part of the castle. As the cloud of smoke disappeared, I felt the presence of the enemy, still in the same place. Suddenly, a torrent of black energy burst from his body and crossed the ceiling to the outside. for a moment I could see her smile.

The exchange that followed was particularly violent. It only lasted two minutes at most and yet half of the castle was destroyed under our blows.

In barely two minutes, a black ray carried me from the other end of the castle to the other and smashed me against the wall. I was coughing up blood. My body protected by the dragon scales was severely injured.

- There's no denying that...she really is a heroine. One of the people who killed my father.

She burst out of the rubble with a kick at me but I managed to dodge by teleporting to let her hit the scenery head-on. I didn't even have time to rest when she burst out of the cloud of dust to attack me with her sword. I had no choice but to fight. The sword blows rained down but my arms were protected by the dragon scales so I managed to absorb and counter the super ultra fast sword blows that she unleashed on me.

But I was bad at handling the kicks and direct hand strikes which made me spit blood and inflicted serious injuries. I still continued to block the majority of his attacks while trying to escape without success. The blows were more and more powerful and I felt my strength diminishing

- Shit, if this continues...I'll stay there.

Suddenly, She grabbed my right arm and gave me a violent sword blow to my chest. His sword passed through my scales to reach my flesh. The blood was flowing profusely and since she was holding my hand, I couldn't avoid her second attack which was aimed directly at my neck.

- It is the end.

It was at this moment that a shadow appeared in the sky and fell violently on us and separated us, sending each of us to one side of the room. He was the fencing master. He was alive but had lost an arm. Another guy with long white hair appeared behind the girl, probably a colleague. My instructor addressed the room

- You, get out of here quickly. These are my prey. They belong to me and I won't leave them to anyone.