
Demonically Infected

A girl made to pay for a father debt to a demon lord, the ultimate sacrifice or a slim chance to survive. Where will her choices lead her? Can she make it back or forever walk the tightrope till she falls into hell.

Vawn_Mobbs · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


"Maybe I should rape them both first before I decide. Screaming woman under my body always makes my day and a few inside and outside broken bones won't kill them. Then again I have a tendousy to bite off my sex partners heads maybe I should just watch and give them to my sons that's always fun too. Maybe we can have them hung on the wall and see..."

" Stop, stop, please spare my daughter. I'll give my soul and pain to you, just let her live she has nothing to do with this. Please, how could god allow this to happen, isn't there rules to these things. How can a man even sign away his soul let alone both his families? Please just a least let her live or I'll sure gods wrath will destroy any plans you will make," my mother cried.

"You think you can tell me what to do, as if your soul and pain is enough to pay for the disrespect and broken contract that your husband signed with blood. What do you think he used as collateral in case he broke his promise not just you but his daughter as well." " No, no he would not do that certainly not both of us its impossible?, I will sign a new contract with you here and now if you will just let her live please," my mother screamed.

" These beings are always so stupid, How did we know where to pick you up then? He's been brought back for the last two years did he spend that precious time with you, no right. We followed him as he drank and screwed around in brothels, and gambled his money. Then he robbed and killed to do it all, again over and over. He's corruption was going so well, I was truly thinking of making him into a general in my army."

"I wondered why he finally went back home, I though maybe to at least say goodbye, sit with his family a few last times. But even then he would sneak out to get drunk and tell the men in the village tales of how he met many a beautiful woman who had given themselves freely to him. He laughed and told lies about his bravery and how it felt to trampled a demons under his warhorse feet.

He filled they heads with bull shit about cities and temples, treasures and beasts and the millions in gold that he had found and then gambled away. Over half of what he said was newly made up lies of coarse. Then strange priests came and they went into the church where we can not hear."

"The next day you all had a big fight and then he vanished, we looked but he was shielded from us even his seal was not tracible. Then when the date of contract was complete with him gone, all we could get was his left over crappie collateral instead. What a colossal waste of my time and his corruption and the power I was receiving was so good.

Now I receive nothing but weakness what will you give me for signing this new contract how can you female compensate me for my loss." A small demon approached my mother and she whispered something into its ear and it hopped to its master side. I heard no words spoken but he replied, "deal done.

However if I can't corrupt him completely it could affect my end plan, and I am tired of being placed into the lesser demon catagory. Within the last thousand plus years I have build not just a diverse army but one with massive power so I can place in the top ten during our next elite demon ranking contest to come."

"Hum, your fathers soul and determination would have created an exstreamly strong warrior. With his experiences he also would have been able to train my army into an effective and more powerful force. I would have gotten a soul to control and help me win that was to be my entertainment.

Now I just get you two which might provide me with a fleeting and mostly useless type of entertainment but not my powerful warrior. I still feel cheated even it killed you both. Let me test your souls and see if your daughter or you are worthy of corruption but how can I do that and keep my contract, one usually must die to have their soul tested."

Got it, I shall pierce your soul with one of my cursed baby claws to test your soul and it will make you immortal til the claw is removed or till I pull it back to myself. Sounds like a great experiment we will see what will happen to a human immortal who is totally corrupted. With my bite she'll bring me power even if shes weak and if she is strong I will feast on that power until she is finally fully corrupted. In this way I keep my promise to not kill you."

"What about your promise not to kill me when I'm corrupted I'll be worst then dead. I rather die and be reincarnated so I can kill you all in the future, you bastards." That's the last thing I was able to scream before the demon pierced me with a small claw from a necklace that graced his neck. My body refused to die or release my soul so he sent his minions to break it lose. Their claws ripped into my flash and the it teeth took pieces of my flesh but still I did not die. I could hear their cheers appearently my soul was slowly coming out. Angra stepped forward and cracked my ribs open his hands burned with a blue fire that made my insides cook and steam. As darkness fell around me I heard him gasp.

When I awoke it was to the feeling of emense pain and screeching voices, I didn't know what had happened. For a few seconds till my mind caught up I looked around for my mom and gramps then remembrance and shock overwhelmed my pain. A bite on my arm jerked me back to my current surroundings where ten demons stood around me talking.

I was chained to a rock wall deep inside some kind of cave, only a small fat candle gave off the only light. Wetness was slowly running down my back and slowly joined to flow into the cavernous entryway. The demons that were there I tryed to burn their images into my head. That way I would be sure to kill them in the future, no demon would get away if I had my way in the future.

The smallest one stepped forward to bite my lower leg and shouted that it was done now, all of them would steal a little bit of power from me as well bastards. They turned to leave and I shouted at their backs screaming for them to kill me or free me. They little one flipped me off and said we be back in about fifty years to see how my corruption was going.

I shivered in the cold even as I licked the liquid to quench my thirst. The chains would not let me move but at least I could see my front was closed and healing. What kind of monster would I become? Was I still human? I felt so different on the inside and outside of my body and I could feel things changing. With each day I grew hungrier and slimmer and soon I didnt even feel the cold anymore.

However in my mind and heart I refused to change I would never help demons and never allow corruption to rule my instincts and emotions. As time passed my eyes seemed to adapt to the darkness and I could see further down the pathway, sadly about a hundred feet away the trail turned to the left. I would see around that corner if it was the last thing I did.