
Rebirth in a new world [Part III]

It's been three days since I first woke up in this world and I've learned a few things. Firstly, this world only has three continents in total. The first one is where all the major species live, and it's the one I'm currently on. Asura. The second is where fairies, demi-humans and the like originate. Animatica. And finally, the unknown continent which doesn't have a name yet. No one rules the continent and no one knows what's in it. I sure would love to know.

Another thing I learned is about magic. There are seven main affinities. Fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, light and shadow. There are also sub affinities that are made from two or more of the main affinities, similar to compounds. An example is water and wind makes Ice magic. Apparently, the max amount of main affinities a regular human can have is three, but that doesn't apply to me because I'm a Demon and I have the Multi-Mana Affinity skill.

Speaking of skills, I gained a few myself. It was from basic activity and from interacting with people. I'm surprised that it's so easy to gain skills like these. Anyways, these are the skills I've gained so far:

Status Skill, Internal Compass

Skill, Mutilate

Exclusive Skill, Iron Thread

Exclusive Skill, Battle Thread

Status Skill, Physical Enhancement

Status Skill, Bladeworks

Skill, Reinforcement

Most of those skills I got from labour work, while Internal Compass is the only one I gained from interacting with people. (I didn't add in the ones I gained before.) The thread skills I gained from accidentally killing a weird white spider. I think it may have been a monster if I gained a skill from it. Oh, I also progressed from Level 2 to Level 5. Seems like Levels have precedence in this world. The majority of the villagers here are Level 2 or 3, but they don't have too many battle skills.

All I've been getting are skills that help me in battle. Sure they're good, but I'd like to get more for times outside of battles. I mean, Internal Compass is good for helping me tell my directions. As soon as I go in a certain direction, I know which way I'm going almost subconsciously. It's actually pretty useful when it comes to memorizing locations.

Oh, I might as well explain what I've learnt about skills. So, there are different types of skills. The ones I have now are Skill, Status Skill, Exclusive Skill and Ultimate Skill. Status refers to anything that has to do with the body and mind. Skill refers to just the basic normal skills. Exclusive refers to skills that are slightly more special and Ultimate refers to skills that can put a major change in a battle, or so I think. This is all I've learnt of skills.

Now, for the third day in a row, I've been doing my job as a lumberjack. In exchange for doing this, they provide me with a place to sleep and eat. Also letting me stay in the village. Doing this has been easier ever since I gained Physical Enhancement. There is a backlash to using Physical Enhancement for too long. My muscles tighten up and cramp, then my muscles don't follow what my brain wants to do. I can use Physical Enhancement for three minutes max without having to experience two minutes of extreme pain. The skill has a five-minute cooldown.

I would also be able to cut these trees using Iron Thread but I've never tried out the skill, plus it'd be suspicious if a child randomly uses a skill like that.

'Whoo! That's my load done for the day.'

I say, placing down the log in the pile of others.

'Damn, how does a kid do more work than us? When he's carrying the logs, it's like it doesn't affect him!'

Well, I am a Demon and I was using Physical Enhancement. I'm only slightly stronger than the average human male. I think. It's not like that female AI voice thing confirmed it for me, though I wish it would.

'Altair! Lunch is ready!'

I heard a voice coming from the back entrance of the village. As expected, it was Rina. She was running toward me with a square-shaped cloth in her hand. It was a bento, from what I could see. This was the first time she was bringing me one.

'Tch! He's also lucky to have that young beauty, Rina, run to him with a lunchbox.'

'He's young. He won't get his first chance in years.'

Is this the type of jealousy I had for those who were loved? I'm starting to see how much of a jerk I was when I was a hikikomori.

'I made a lunchbox for you!'

I accepted the box happily.

'A bento. It's been years.'


Ah, crap! I said that out loud. I guess they don't use that term in this world, do they? Wait, I just thought up a good idea. Opening the cloth, I opened the box. There were lots of types of food in there. This is the perfect time to use Identify. I haven't tried it out yet, so using it on food I don't know is useful for future reference.

And so, I activated Identify but simply thought about using the skill in my mind.

Boar meat, tree leaves, wolve meat, rice, bread. Wait, that's bread?! It's shaped so weirdly I didn't recognise it. Now, let's see what the rest is–wait. I didn't review the rest of the food, but, instead, went to the mushrooms, instantly. Why? Because there was another word attached to the Vanius Mushrooms.


'I put all the foods and ingredients in there intentionally! I made it with love!'

Yeah, love. Love, my ass. This girl clearly has another side to her. This is why whenever I played otome games, I never liked the pure and innocent main character you would play as. Because there's always something under the innocence. Well, maybe not always, but in this case, there sure is something hidden under that veil of innocence.

I'll just eat in secret and I'll dump the mushrooms later.

'Okay! I'll be sure to eat it!'

In times like these, the child's smile is needed. There's no way she wouldn't disagree with this cute and innocent smile. Oh, yeah, she's smiling happily. I guess I'll go eat out in the woods since I don't want anyone to see me eat this.

And so, I start sauntering deeper into the forest.

'Hey, kid, where're you going?!'

One of my fellow lumberjacks shouts at me. I smile at him and shout.

'Don't worry, I won't be going deep into the woods.'

'Just make sure to come back and finish off your load!'

I already did! Well, I would be able to occupy myself if I do more wood chopping. I lied to them. I went deep into the woods and started eating my lunch. While eating, menacing growls could be heard from around me. I think I put myself in a bad situation. I was already surrounded. By wolves.

This chapter is more about stuff the MC has learnt.

Hxvokcreators' thoughts