
Great war

A million years ago a war started between demons and humans…

The war was the most violent…

The demon lord the strongest demon that lived he is the embodiment of chaos. the human armies made an alliance with the gods to fight the demons.

The demons were strong but the gods were stronger.

Thousands died…

A century passed and the demons were finally driven back to the depth of hell. But the gods and humans didn't know that the spawn of the demon lord escaped…


This is the protagonist Yamashita.

Yamashita is the son of the demon lord but he thinks he is a human.

on Yamashita's 18th birthday he when to the adventurers gulid.

He signed up as rank B.

The gulid master said, the ranks are F,C,B,A,S,SS,SS+ and SSS.

Yamashita agreed to join rank B. Yamashita went to fight a level 36 boss.

The boss was easy, Yamashita thought.