
Demoness's Concept Of Justice

"You are freak" "I'm ashamed to have given birth to you" "You should just die, you are just worthless" A petite little girl pondered "Why are these beings called humans, acting so stupid, just because I don't share their weakness called emotions, they shun me for it, Well, grandma said to put a bright smile to get together with society and they will love me for it But, why do I have to earn their love and affection? or respect or anything from them? I don't feel they need to do it and what do I gain from it?" as her inner thoughts spiraled against the societal norms at young age of five she soon found emotions within herself, but they arose unexpectedly in particular circumstance and it's not happiness that arose within herself, It's Boundless rage that would consume her if left unchecked, It disgusted her to the core when she for the first time in her life watched injustice occur before her very own eyes and Ironically it was done to her grandparents by her own parents Her emotionless heart twisted as she felt indescribable pain, When she saw her grandmother's detached head placed in front of her with her grandfather head besides, She looked with heartbreaking pain at their faces and remembered how they showered her with unconditional love, even when she didn't express her thankfulness, even when she was different the others, They were kind and warm and recalling those fond memories She broke, her sanity spiraled out of her grasp, madness consumed her and let it out by massacring her whole family, till the pain in her heart sated by a little, and she had a nothing in her left and waited for her death But before that, as her life met with an unforeseen event that changed her life, As she was created anew and born in a cultivation world with system assisting her, here she became something she doesn't recognize but loved, that is her becoming Demon Unbiased Justice is what she can be described She Judge, She Executes, She Torture, she finds bliss in it, in bloodcurdling screams of the sinned she finds satisfaction within her emotionless heart, As she always Remained Unbiased throughout her Cultivation Journey, she was sicked by the way cultivators wielded their strength to do whatever they pleased and lived as gods Here She prepared to Go against gods to exact her cruel Justice, which is harsher than Heaven's wrath itself and as she earns herself the moniker 'Venerable Truth Seeking Demoness' throughout her journey Which when heard, sinned will kill themselves to avoid the fate of falling into her hands The Cover Image is not owned by me, If you want me to take it down or include credit just tell me This Novel is not for those 17 under, It contains gore and other elements

VenerableColdQueen · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Lesson from Ada

After crossing the path of the creature insides, that was riddled with life-threatening thorns, Mackee finally arrived at the designated destination with a lot of struggle, As he looked at Ada's presence with a spell-bound expression on his face because it's a natural occurrence to be enthralled by certain powerful individuals aura alone but Ada was different, his whole persona radiated command and order, calm and collected and with his turbulent character it only served to prove how unpredictable he was

If one had to describe Ada's current form that put a spell-bound expression on Mackee's face, then Divine is the word that came to his mind when he looked at the six-divine looking long pristine white wings, They looked like were made of long, soft feathers, thick and so soft, it looked like the personification of clouds. They were whiter than a soft colored cloud on a bleating summers day, so white that a pure golden glow seemed to emit from them, the wings were from Ada's currently undressed back with halfway showing his chiseled and tenderly toned pale body for all to view as he was wearing black pants that complimented his youthful appearance    

Mackee was currently silently looking at Ada's glorious form with admiration, While Ada was working on something like an experiment with a person tied upside down in front of him, as he heard the familiar booming Ada's regal voice echo in the wide space of the creature's innards they were in "Oh! you made it, looks like you aren't entirely useless, so Seldiad Mackee you may begin narrating your purpose for being here" 

Mackee snapped out of his dozed off state and only now he realized that he was pretty exhausted from all running until now and a little out of breath, as he said breathing out loud "I was hoping I could have some refreshments before discussing business, I wasn't expecting this bad of hospitality from you guys" while wiping the blood coming from his ears, that was caused by the creatures scream before

"Would you like some Demon Blood for refreshments then?, freshly obtained I must point out" Walter added with a smirk, standing beside Ada like, How an obedient Butler should 

"Walter, whatever you say, man, you are a failure as a Butler, there's no changing that" Mackee replied with a cheeky chuckle  

Walter's face instantly contorted into an ugly frown, Just when he was about to open his mouth to retort he heard these words from Ada "Shush... Walter, you don't get angry Walter, Listen carefully Walter, Anger is a weakness,

when provoked you don't act like a rabid dog and chase around braking your mouth off because you are angry, Instead, you put calmness and rational thoughts above everything that's the right attitude for the path I have chosen for you, the more you deviate from it the more you become weak and frail" 

"Yes, Master I'll burn these words in my consciousness to never forget" Walter replied with a stoic face

"As for you scavenger, Looks like your mother didn't teach you how the world works, would you like me to teach it for you, I may not look like it but I am two hundred and forty years old, so I am very qualified for the task," Ada said without even turning back as he worked on with mixing various liquids   

When Mackee was about to say something to Ada's words, he suddenly felt a somewhat sick from the bottom of his heart, as he felt dread encompassing his whole

"Fear is a powerful tool Mackee, I personally think it can make a person invincible if some could control it" Ada added chuckling as kept working   

When Mackee he tried to open his mouth to speak no words came out, he tried screaming the same happened again, Just when he thought about escaping, he felt a calamitous presence behind him, his face lost all color and a look of instant panic formed on his face,

But he was already too late, When he looked down on his body there was huge razor-sharp teeth opening a gaping wound in his chest, as Mackee wondered looking at it with surprise, why wasn't there any blood coming out of the wound