
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Establishment


DAY 2.



Tyler woke the next morning VERY confused as he saw the canvas tent and fur bedroll instead of his usual cramped bedroom. He sat up with a sore body and looked out the flap entrance to his tent into another tent across from him...only to see a sleeping beauty with silver hair in her belly and naked....with her blanket in an oddly perfect positon for him to get a full view of her bald slit and massive melons. He blinked and then memory hit him like a truck.

"OOOOOOH. I got shot to death...then isekaied.....annnd now I'm a Jarl. THAT is Belfast. okay."

He rubbed his eyes and got out of the tent to take stock of the morning....and he flicked a rock at Belfast's exposed foot in the tent. She moved and the unintentional flash was covered. He smiled and looked around. The large firepit in the longhall was a pile of glowing coals that'd need to be shoveled out while the meat locker was at half capacity. He nodded at this and walked outside to take stock of the remainder of the village. The town was still in the midst of being constructed while a shiny dew covered the grass. The logbank and forge was still there along with their projects in progress. Tyler did a walk along the edges of the in progress houses with his greatsword n the event of uninvited visitor and smiled as he found nothing. Not even a snake in the grass. The crane was in the store position and he returned to the longhall to find Belfast drawing water from the well with a cup in her battered maid outfit.

"mornin Belfast."

She smiled as he walked over.

"Good morning. Never a word."

"agreed. All quiet out there."

The silver haired beauty smiled and smirked as he walked by.

"I know you saw."

"Lots a things I like."

"Hm. I do see a few things I have liked as well. So long as advantage is not taken."

"Oh absolutely not. My roll's for two."

"How fortunate."

He chuckled at the open door as he walked inside. The Jarl used his sword to stir up the coals of the firepit as more and more Haveners crawled out of their tents. Mina came out and smiled as she saw Tyler walking around the pit.

"YOU start duty early."

"Ha. We're at half capacity for meat."

"we'll do more hunting in the forest."

"Good. we'll also see about farming as well when we get that far."

"Smart. The grounds are fertile."

He nodded.

"For now we'll focus on building the town. Once the storehouses are situated we can expand our supplies and arms."

She nodded and Tyler finished stirring up the coals. He then refilled it with kindling and brush from the logbank and relit the fire. Once the flames caught the Jarl and the cooks laid ut the morning's breakfast. Tyler looked at the Haveners s they waited for the meat.

"Order a the day is build. we got a lotta work before we can call ourselves a proper town. Once the homes are situated we'll need defenses. The end of the oval clearing will be the entrance and we'll have a full wall guarding us. Asuna, we'll need a quarry."

"On it. The one we've been milking could try up at any time."

The Jarl smiled.

"I'll be bouncing from piece to piece. MY Hall is more or less situated and just needs quality of life. Belfast, I'd like you to start a pelt bank. Anything furry is added to it."

"I will set an area."

Tyler smiled as the meat was passed around.

"Yoshkia, YOU pick a group and forage for edible plants"


Once breakfast was had the Jarl got to work on Rias' house. The redhead smiled as he wheeled the crane over.

"I can do THAT much, Tyler."

"Alright. All about momentum."

The athletic redhead climbed into the hamster wheel to start walking as the Jarl and Kirito set her own roof to her 20 foot walls. Rias' manor wasn't as tall as Tyler's and the wings had two towers with plenty of sightseeing angles as the V was established. Once the lead log was positioned, Rias climbed out of the hamsterwheel with sore buns and legs.

"I kinda like that thing, Tyler."

He chuckled and she noted a large section of log jutting from the roof.

"What's that for, Tyler?"

"When we got the means we'll hand a banner on it."

"Oh cool."

Tyler chuckled and moved to Belfast's manor. Her manor was more modet then either his or Rias' but with a higher roof and a full balcony overlooking her own courtyard which Tyler found kinda cool. He used the crane with Kirito and Bell to get her roof situated. Belfast's manor was 30 feet tall with no wings or towers but Tyler felt that was temporay. The trio moved down the horseshoe shaped town loading rooves onto walls and reinforcing the overall structure with clay and logs. Once the last roof was in place the town had a very rustic and rough feel from the log cabin style manors. TYler chuckled as he set the crane in the shadow of his house with a lock.

"Now the walls."

Kirito chuckled at that.

"We'll need a LOT of stone....and clay....and a map."

Tyler nodded as he opened his panel...

"Got a map."

Kirito looked and they saw the oval clearing was highlighted as Haven. Tyler pressed the map on his panel and a beam of light appeared on teh ground over them.

"Waypoints. Whether only we can see them or not is the question. I'll mark the border with them and we'll line it with walls."

"How tall?"

"I'll say a full 30 feet."


"And 10 thick."

"We're only 40 people dude."

Tyler smiled.

"And remember what these 40 people can do, Kirito."

"HA. Appreciate the faith."

They fistbumped and the Jarl went to where Asuna was making a deposit to the stone bank. She emptied her pack and smiled as Tyler came over.

"we've got a solid quarry. Annnd now we need wagons."

"Simple enough. we'll be adding walls now."

"Good. How big?"

"30 feet tall and 10 thick."

"YEESH. Start with the houses themselves and we'll make sectors."

"And THAT'S why you're on the council Asuna. You're smart."

She smiled and Tyler went to the log bank where Belfast was using a bit of canvas to keep track of material moving in and out. She smiled as Tyler walked up.

"The project?"

"A few wagons for the quarry. And I can make winches to ease the hauling."

"Very well. I am curious HOW though."

"You'll see."

Tyler took the logs from the bank before he lashed them into a 40 footer bed. Next he used some more wood to craft wagon wheels 3 inches thick along with axels for heavy loads. The drawbars he made into eyelits for ropes and the resourceful Jarl crafted an intricate pully system that would allow the wagon to move with realitive ease even with a full bed. Asuna looked at the contraption as Tyler attached the ropes to guide logs he buried in the dirt....and sighed.

"That guy is a genius....and who thinks like that?"

The redhead sighed and got to work loading the wagon as Tyler went to his next task of the second wagon for clay. Once the wagons were situated and regular loads were flowing, he took a wagon for himself and headed to a point outside the town where he began digging the trench for the wall bedding. The wall was going to be 30 feet tall...and stick ten feet underground. The town threshold would also be solid stone to create a solid defense. Tyler had a halfsmile on his face as he tore open the ground with a shovel while behind him the remainder of the Haveners worked on collecting resources. within an hour Tyler had a hole 5 feet wide and about 10 feet deep while extending 5 feet long. The Jarl looked at the town as Kirito and Bell came over with their own shovels to help and the trio had a trench ten feet deep, teen feet wide and about 30 feet wide. Tyler smirked.

"Alright. Now we'll get started on the gate."

They nodded with smiled as the warrior used 60 foot tall logs as posts to be removed. The holes would be filled in with molten metal. The slabs of stone were laid with molten metal the mortar and for the next two hours the frame of the first section of wall was constructed under Tyler's careful watch.

"We build our defenses right, NOTHING can get in."

The motto of the Jarl made them smile as the first section of granite wall was raised. The gate itself was 20 feet tall and about 30 wide. it would be sealed by two portculises of steel dropped from above. Tyler smiled as the rest of the town got in on the digging and the progress on the wall exploded from their concerted efforts. Within 3 hours a solid wall 30 feet tall, ten feet thick and ten feet underground extended well over 200 yards across the clearing and into the forest. The trees were felled in the path and their stumps removed using more ingenius mechinisms from the Jarl. Tyler smiled as they broke for lunch atop their new fortifications and he lifted a cup of river water.

"We'll get this done the right way!"

They cheered at that and threw their drinks back as they fed on more deer meat. Tyler looked out over the land outside the wall and smiled.

"And this time we'll make sure it STAYS our home."

That one made them smile. Once the meal was finished it was back to the walls. The joints between the slabs of stone were filled with lead. The metal giving the mostly white wall a rather eyecatching shimmer. Tyler smiled as three hours passed and they were literally halfway aroudn the entire town.

"See, Kirito? Want something done, this crew is one you need to know."

Kirito chuckled as they worked the latest section.

"Okay, We're awesome."

The sun went down and the friends regrouped in Tyler's Longhall for dinner. The Jarl smiled as he lifted his cup of river water high.

"Nice work today everyone. Tomorrow we'll get the walls in place and then it's quality of life."

They smiled at this and Belfast smiled as they ate together around the firepit.

"what is our goal once the town is established, Tyler?"

He shrugged.

"we'll make this a haven for others too. Say a place where the oppressed can live freely."

Mina smiled.

"A noble idea. And one I wholeheartedly support."

Tyler smiled.

"Alright. Tomorrow we'll finish up the perimeter and focus on the interior."

They nodded and turned to their meal. Tyler returned to his tent afterwards and chuckeld inwardly as he saw Belfast had not altered the flap of her tent and was laying on her belly facing his. He laid in his own and the silver haired beauty smiled knowingly from under her blanket. He licked his lips at her and she smiled invitingly. He tapped a spot by him and she smiled knowingly....and placed a hand beside her. he shrugged and walked over. Not a soul noticed he did too and Belfast smiled as he climbed in beside the busty beauty.

"Never. A. WORD."

He smiled at her sweetly voiced warning.

"Nothing happened."


She kissed him.

"It did not"

Tyler smiled as he kissed her and dropped the flap of her tent down and the silver haird layd groaned as he slid into her.

"Oh yes."

"damn, Belfast."

She smiled as the ride began.

"I take quite good care."

"I can feel that."

The pair played for a few hours and Belfast proved to be a more adoring lover and amazing in bed as they dropped. Him face down in her massive rack and her gripping him like a clam. He smiled as he recovered and kissed her.

"You're amazing."

She smiled as he laid beside her.

"I enjoyed that. Perhaps infrequently,"

"Oh we're best fuckbuddies."

She snuggled into his arms and he held her tightly.

"I am merely looking for play."

"I'm always happy to play with you. Good night, Belfast."

"Good night, Tyler.":