[20/20 Pushups]
[20/20 Sits ups]
[20/20 Pull ups]
[2/2Km run]
[Daily quest has been completed.]
[+10 EXP]
[10/1000 EXP]
'That's the quest out of the way at least. Thankfully this thing will manage my training routine for me. Still what will I get when I reach 1000 exp?' Ren questions seeing the same familiar text ping in front of his vision upon completion of his training regiment.
"It's finally the day! Lydia, Lydia I haven't forgotten it's been two days!" Ren roars out as he runs back to the inn catching Lydia more then off guard.
"Here I thought you would forget you have an unusually sharp memory at your age." Lydia remarks, groaning a little seeing Ren is dead set on coming along.
"Like I'm going to let you ghost me from going to archery." Ren scoffs glaring daggers into Lydia.
"Alright i'll go tell mom you're dead set on coming with me. I still have a couple things to prepare. We're going through a bit of a difficult one today. It shouldn't be too hard though we have 3 people coming with us for this. I think it's a red bear today." Lydia says putting on a bright smile hiding an unusual unease.
'Red bears are these guys crazy!? I've known Lydia for 6 years and I haven't seen her act this foolish once. They must be paying a hefty price for a red bear, this isn't just a chance to use a bow, I need to watch her carefully. Those beasts aren't to be trifled with. Father made that incredibly clear the first time. They usually take 4 Warbow archers minimum for how thick their hide tends to be.'
"Something on your mind Ren?" Lydia says seeing the worry pour over Ren's face as his eyes stare off into space thinking of the possible outcomes of the hunt.
"Just the hunt you're taking me on." Ren replies cockily, keeping vague as to not raise any alert.
"So insistent I swear." Lydia groans as she ties her laces up on her boots.
"Have you managed to locate the bear's den at least?" Ren asks, hoping for at least the bare minimum knowledge for this hunt.
"What? Why would we need to do that?" Lydia says, confused over the question and why a six year old would ask such a specific one at that.
"You know in case it retreats to try and lick its wounds, usually you want to strike at the root of it." Ren asks, growing more and more concerned over this supposed hunt.
"That makes sense, how did you manage to figure this out Ren." Lydia asks puzzled over how a six year old pieced this together before her.
"You know me, I tend to read as much as I can." Ren says blurting out an easy excuse.
"We need to get a library set up in your room, I swear." Lydia remarks seeing how much of a bookworm Ren has become.
"You know I wouldn't mind collecting every book available." Ren says, craning his neck glaring his red eyes into Lydias.
"Even ones on collecting toad mucus?" Lydia giggles trying to throw a curveball at Ren.
"Knowledge is knowledge you never know when it's going to be useful and if you have more knowledge then your enemy you have the advantage. That's why I suggested finding the bear's den." Ren says seriously as he hammers his point home.
"You're not wrong, just an odd thing to hear from a kid your age." Lydia says becoming more and more perplexed by Ren.
"Age isn't indicative of knowledge." Ren remarks chuckling a little in the process.
"Proving that point a bit too well aren't you." Lydia scoffs.
"What can I say a girl needs to find a way to get what she wants." Ren chides back, becoming more dry with his wit.
"Uh huh sure, hurry up and get ready I'm going to tell mom we're leaving for the hunt." Lydia rolls her eyes trying to ignore Ren's attempts to annoy her.
"Okay i'll be outside." Ren says, waving a hand up behind him as he walks into the main backyard of the inn.
"Mom, me and Ren are heading off for a hunt with some of the other archers in the village." Lydia calls out, sticking her head in through the door frame.
"Alright me and Reiner will be holding down the fort then, make sure to get back at a reasonable hour. I want you home by sundown. We have to prepare for your 19th birthday tomorrow." Misty says with an endearing smile on her face as she ruffles up Lydia's dirty blonde hair.
"We shouldn't be out for too long. It's morning now so I doubt that we will be later than sundown." Lydia says making sure to inform Misty on everything.
"And you promise to look after Ren and not let her fall into harm's way." Misty says sending a serious glare at Lydia.
"Of course mom and just to give you an incentive I'm getting the paycheck for the last couple hunts. It should be a big one." Lydia says quickly trying to change the subject to avoid her mother harping on about Ren being her responsibility.
"Okay just don't get too lost in the allure of money." Misty says seeing the eagerness in Lydia's eyes along with naivety.
"I promise I'll keep my head on swivel mom." Lydia says with an awkward sigh as she rubs her neck.
"Good, I want you to be safe and have a good time." Misty says, satisfied seeing her point getting across. She sends her daughter off after a warm embrace. After gathering the rest of her gear Lydia meets Ren back outside ready to go off on the hunt.
"Finally I get to stretch my legs out, don't have to be so close to the inn and can see some new areas at last." Ren says stretching out his triceps while taking in the new scenery of the forest alleviates his boredom of the same place over and over again.
"What are you bored of the inn already?" Lydia questions as the two of them traverse the growing rugged terrain as more stones and roots jut out.
"No, I just needed a change of scenery." Ren says taking a deep breath in smelling the dew of the forest and the natural scents around him.
"This is nice though I haven't had a calm stroll like this in a while, the wind is so nice today." Ren comments remembering just how hard he had to work himself to be prepared for the clan leader position. This is the first moment he's had in a while to just enjoy the calm around him.
"What do you mean you haven't really strolled like this before we hardly ever stroll out past the inn." Lydia questions not understanding what Ren is getting at.
"You're right. Still, it is nice, isn't it sis?" Ren says with a smile and an endearing glance.
"Awww yeah you're right Ren it is nice." Lydia says charmed by Ren's endearment, hardly ever hearing her call her sis.
"Hey is that you Lydia we've been waiting a decent bit for you we've already managed to find the red bear tracks." A tall lanky man with a short buzz cut sides and flowing waves of silver on top.
"Who's the runt with you girl?" The man calls out rubbing his thumb and index on his silve stubbled chin in intrigue.
"This runt is my sister Ren. She'll be spectating for this hunt. Please treat her nicely." Lydia says, staring daggers into him.
"I didn't know it was bringing your kid to work day. Well whatever, welcome aboard squirt. The name is Lanos." The silve haired man salutes Ren as he remains low to the ground observing the tracks intently.
"We Shouldn't take too long, sir , otherwise it will lose its trail." A jett black haired girl says in a cold tone.
"Alright Ella will start making a move now then." Lanos says already seen the signature piercing side eye that Ella gives when she's getting pissed.
"You better keep up kid, we won't have any slackers, I don't care how young you are." Ella says flicking back a wave of her jett back hair in a slight irritation having to have the responsibility of a day care not the hunt she came for.
"I hope you can keep up with us Ren, this is usually a gruelling trek. These forests are rough terrain." Lanos chuckles as his thin smile spreads across his face, already maintaining a decent pace through the stones and debris of the forest floor.
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Ren scoffs not wanting to interact too much with the less than humble hunters.
"Okay if you say so just call out to me when you need a break i don't mind stopping." Lydia remarks making sure to keep a close eye on Ren.
"Looks like the grass has already been stamped down through here. We should still be on its trail. We can't be slowing down now so pick up your pace you two." Lanos calls out seeing more and more tracks as they sprint through the woods.
"I'm starting to see more and more claw marks on the trees, we are entering its territory ." Ella calmly says as she continues to follow closely behind Lanos.
"Lydia, are you still with us? The kid aint holding you back at all?" Lanos says as the adrenaline starts to bubble up in his veins in preparation.
"Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired, Ren shouldn't be far behind me now. Right Ren?" Lydia calls out swivelling her head behind her trying not to break her pace only to be horrified.
"Ren?" Lydia calls out once more in cold shock as shivers crawl up her spine.
"Don't tell me she ended up getting lost back there, the last thing we need is to go looking for a child in this dense forest." Ella growls out infuriated by having to look after an idiotic child.
"What are you doing you slackers, aren't we hunting a bear, why have we stopped, are you guys catching your breaths or something?" Ren calls out far ahead of the group having stopped on a large boulder. Grinning at them from the top of it.
"How old is this kid, she's keeping up with Lanos if not near outpacing him?" Ella says in utter surprise seeing how badly she underestimated this kid.
"Shes…6" Lydia says, slightly stunned as her legs come to a halt seeing how far of a lead Ren has on them.
"This kid deserves more credit than I was giving her." Lanos says a little bewildered seeing a child with such stamina.