

On the holy demon continent, luo meng begins his journey to become the greatest demon in all 33 heavens.

Mister_santana · Livres et littérature
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29 Chs

Eternal Demon Abyss

Luo Meng opened his eyes when he felt the ground suddenly and violently shake.

The shaking continued and was becoming more and more violent.

"Did the Eternal Demon Abyss erupt?" thought Luo Meng.

Every several tens of years, the Eternal Demon Abyss would also erupt once like a volcano, spewing out a huge amount of hellish energy, as well as a few caches of Demon God Bones from within the Eternal Demon Abyss.

For the past tens of thousands of years, people have searched the extreme outer edges of the Eternal Demon Abyss for these scattered Demon God Bones, all of them coming from the eruption of the Eternal Demon Abyss.

After each of these special eruptions, the martial artists who entered the Eternal Demon Abyss would have much greater harvests. Of course, the risks would be higher as well.

Because after the Eternal Demon Abyss erupted, that restless, vibrating energy and some strange lifeforms would form various danger points, areas where one's bones would not be left.

And in these cases of eruptions, the map would undergo major changes. The old map would no longer be useful and only a new map could be formed. It also meant that it was easier for people to randomly stumble into these danger zones.

It could be said that in the last 1000 years, out of the 170+ Grand Lords who died, more than half of those deaths were because of the eruption of the Eternal Demon Abyss.

Luo Meng got up and headed towards the fifth floor of the tower where the entrance to the Eternal Demon Abyss was located.


[Days later]

10,000 miles around the edge of the Eternal Demon Abyss, the hellish energy was so thick that it almost concentrated into droplets. At this, Luo Meng could feel the energy within his body being pulled by this thick hellish energy, as if it was lightly gushing from him.

Luo Meng landed a blow, annihilating all the creatures formed by the hellish energy of the abyss.

There were a large amount of mysterious beings within the abyss that could scare even veteran martial artists. There were many ways to die here.

The scariest thing in this world was the unknown. Martial artists didn't fear ghosts or gods. The so-called ghosts were just those who practiced ghostly cultivation methods, and the so-called gods were nothing more than extremely powerful martial artists. But in this world, if someone faced an extremely bizarre situation, he would feel as if he had reverted to being a mortal, a mortal who wandered in the darkness, frightened by the supernatural creatures of the night.

Of course, these creatures were no threat to Luo Meng with his Cultivation at the peak of the Revolving core, he would only encounter difficulties in the deepest parts of the abyss.

Luo Meng headed towards the depths of the abyss in search of the demon god's bones.

The Eternal Demon Abyss is a graveyard for demonic spirits. There are many unknown existences residing within.

After a powerhouse dies, its energy is left behind, lasting for tens of thousands of years. When this is combined with the hellish energy of the Eternal Demon Abyss that is thick to the point of substantialization, after several tens of thousands of years have passed, this energy crystallizes into various types of divine relics. These crystallized relics are collectively called Demon God Bones.


While exploring near the 1000 mile forbidden zone, Luo Meng found a cave.

This cave wouldn't be a big deal if it weren't for the large amount of evil spirits surrounding it and that caught Luo Meng's attention.

Such a large concentration of evil spirits was unusual in the Eternal Demon Abyss, it meant that there was something special inside that cave.

It could be a special treasure or some Cultivation method, this was not uncommon, When the Eternal Demon Abyss erupted, a small amount of these treasures would be released by a tremendous black current. There were many judgment challengers and High Lords who would roam the Eternal Demon Abyss to search for these treasures.

A High Chaos Devil Arts, A demon path soul cultivation method that originated from the Eternal Demon Abyss, For the Imp race of the Holy Demon Continent, this was one of their greatest supernatural divine powers.

If there was something there that surpassed High Chaos Devil Arts Luo Meng wouldn't be surprised.

Luo Meng unleashed the Asura and Death God martial intents forming a force field suppressing most of the evil spirits.

Luo Meng raised his halberd and lassoed himself against the evil spirits.

Six black spheres appeared around Luo Meng, these spheres began to revolve around him annihilating everything they touched.

These spheres belong to Luo Meng's self-created technique after upgrading the sphere of annihilation and making it more stable, he was able to create and maintain six spheres without much trouble.

A tiger-like evil spirit appeared in front of Luo Meng but was quickly annihilated by the spheres.

With the Force Field and Spheres within minutes the evil spirits were annihilated by Luo Meng.

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