
Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimensionless library housing countless worlds. From futuristic galaxies to medieval realms, anime-inspired landscapes, and beyond, this library holds the keys to an infinite array of realities. His journey unfurls as he steps through the thresholds of these fictional worlds, each with its unique wonders and perils. With every tale he explores, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and he finds himself on a quest to uncover his own origins. Delving deeper into the library's boundless collections, the very fabric of the multiverse becomes his playground. But can he discover the secret that lies beyond the veil, or will he succumb to its boundlessness like his predecessors? ********* Patreon link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

NexusPrimodius · Anime et bandes dessinées
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84 Chs

Chapter 27: The Hashira Meeting

Nothing unusual….

"What?Did you think it would be instantaneous? Your body is already adapted to your style, so it will take some time before you can freely change the circulation of breath internally." Ace explained to Kanao's surprised expression.

Further explaining, Ace said "It's hard to create a new path for a new form or move, but it's even more difficult to change the already established path, especially when it's become almost instinctive for you."

His explanation was based on the knowledge in his martial manual, which recommended practising it before delving into other techniques to develop better paths.

"Try to practise it and adapt to the new circulating paths," Ace advised. "Also, work on suppressing the instinctive reactions of your body before your body develops new instincts."

Kanao contemplated while gazing at the writings on the ground. Despite her initial scepticism, after seeing Ace's progress in such a short time, which somewhat even surpassed Mist Hashira who became a Hashira after picking up a sword in only 2 months.

So it was worth the shot, to take some time to practise this technique.

So she nodded her head to him.

"Alright, I'm heading out. The meeting with the Hashiras should have started by now and don't be lazy," Ace said with a parting nod as he walked away. "Bye!"

- x - X - x -

Ace considered his next steps. "Hmm, I should let Kanao practise the improved technique first before introducing it to others," he mused.

He estimated Kanao's power level to be around that of Lower Moon 3, taking into account the fact that Tanjiro, when he began his training with Kanao, was able to go toe to toe with Lower Moon 5 Rui and Kanao had easily outclassed him during their training.

After her improvements, it will be easier to convince others to follow it.

After reaching the main courtyard Ubuyashiki State, He saw the gathering of the Hashiras and them discussing about something.

"Before we start the trial, let's go over the crime this boy have been accuse—" Shinobu said.

"There's no need for a trial" A loud voice suddenly interjected.

"Defending a demon is a clear violation of code, We should behead him alongside the demon" A man with a tall and imposing body, with fiery red hair and a flaming haori said.

"I will gladly decapitate him with grandeur" A white haired man with two swords in his back said.

"What a pitiful sight this boy is. The poor soul… I pity him for having been born at all. "The stone Hashira, Gyōmei Himejima said.

He looked tough, with his physique as solid and massive as a stone, giving him an imposing presence. However, the aura he emitted was one of gentleness ,contrasting to his appearance.

"Nezuko…, Where are you?" Tanjiro still searched for his sister.

'Hmm, I came right on time before the meeting,'Ace thought as reached them.

Hearing his footsteps ,all turned their gazes towards him, except Gyomei. It's likely that he had already sensed my presence earlier, with his transparent world.

"You are the one who killed the Lower Moon!" Rengoku exclaimed as he said.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the one who took down the Lower Moon after training in only a month!" Tengen said.

I looked towards both of them and said "Yes, that's right. It was a good fight"

'But Ace-kun, you defeated him in a single move' Mitsuri thought.

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro screamed suddenly.

"Forget him, What about Tomioka? He is just as guilty. How should we hold him accountable?"

"Don't you have anything to say, Tomioka?"

A creepy voice said.

Turning my attention toward the voice, I locked my eyes with a man who wore a distinctive white and black striped haori. Half of his face was wrapped in white cloth, and a white snake coiled around his neck, but the most striking feature was his mis- matched eyes: one green and one yellow.

'Hmm, That's the snake guy who had a crush on Mitsuri. Looking at him now, he looked a little creepy rather than his cool appearance in anime'

He also has some pity for this man , not only due to the unfortunate ending in the manga but also the realisation that even in this reality, he would likely remain single.

"What are you looking at?" Iguro said seeing my pitying look.

I only shook my head and said "I was just admiring the snake" The snake gave a hiss at my statement.

"Let's come up with punishment later. I am more interested in his story. Why does he act as a Demon Slayer?and with a Demon, at that." Shinobu said.

"My Sister…. She is my sister, she hasn't harmed anyone. Please…" Tanjiro said pleadingly.

"I see, some fun is going on here,and that a moron slayer had a demon?" A guy with scars all over his body said while carrying a wooden box.

'Those are some cool looking scars he got' Ace thought as those scars gave him quite a cool look.

"Shinazugawa-san, Please don't act out of line" Shinobu said with a serious face.

But of course he would not listen and directly took out his sword and stabbed it right through the box containing Nezuko.

Making blood spill out of the box.

Tanjiro roared seeing his sister get hurt "You!! I won't let you get away with it".

And then came the iconic scene.

"Pfft" Ace wasn't able to control and let out a chuckle as the scene was funnier in real than the anime. You would know if you see a guy jumping into the air and headbutting someone.

Mitsuri also let out a small laugh while hearing my chuckle.

"Pardon me" She quickly said in embarrassment while covering her face.

"Damn you" The Wind Hashira cursed.

"If you can't even differentiate between good and bad demons, you should quit being a Hashira," Tanjiro said.

"You little… I will kill you." But before he could do anything..

"The Master has arrived." A little girl said.

Ubuyashiki walked to the courtyard with the support of two small girls.

Btw, these girls looked hella creepy, like straight out of horror movies.

"So good of you to come, my beloved children.

Good Morning everyone."

"It pleases me that we've made it to our biannual Hashira Meeting with no personnel changes."

Everyone had also kneeled in their position. While he didn't have to do it since his relationship is more translational ,so as not to make a bad impression in front of these zealous members, he still kneeled. So why make a mountain out of molehill .It's not like he is a xianxia protagonist.

As they did their formal greetings, Ubuyashiki said "Regarding the Tanjiro and Nezuko case, I have sanctioned their activities, and I'd also like you all to accept it."

Gyomei, Iguro, Tengen, Rengoku, and Shinazugawa quickly had a different expression after hearing that.

"I simply cannot agree to it," Gyomei declared firmly.

"I won't trust them, no way. I despise them," Iguro chimed in.

"I'm grandiosely opposed, as well. It's unacceptable," Tengen declared.

"I oppose it with everything I've got!" Rengoku added.

Shinazugawa concluded with a request, "I request you to punish them both," expressing his stance on the matter.

While Shinobu and Giyu stayed silent.

Mitsuri and Muichiro decided to accept it.

Then Ubuyashiki suddenly looked at him, likely looking for his opinion.

"Hmm, I think he should get one chance" I said since he is asking for my opinion.

In his opinion, demons weren't all inherently bad, except for a few ones. On the other hand Humans had committed far more acts of cruelty and unspeakable deeds throughout history than any demon ever had.

He found it quite ironic that by just living in Japan for some long period, you would see it directly in World War II firsthand.

"Why are you even speaking? You are not a Hashira," Shinazugawa said.

"Well someone asked me, so you should ask him directly instead of me" Ace said the obvious.

He shut up since he had seen Ubuyashiki asking me.

"Bring out the Letter," Ubuyashiki said.

"It is from former Water Hashira Urokodaki Sakonji" one of the girls that came with Ubuyashiki said.

She then read out the letters which basically said, let Tanjiro unite with his sister and that she had never eaten any demon during the 2 years she had lived there and if she ever killed a human, him, Tanjiro and Giyu will commit ritual suicide by disembowelment.

Soon tears of gratitude started flowing from Tanjiro's eyes after hearing that.

"So, what if they commit suicide?, if they have death wish, they can die for all I care"

"He is right! The dead won't come back even if they atone,"Rengoku says.

"But we also can't prove if she will attack someone. Besides, three people are willing to risk their lives for it," Ubuyashiki said.

"It's unacceptable, not after so many people have been killed by them," Wind Hashira said.

"Now, I will prove it to you, Master, their ugliness"

With that, he slashed his own hand, and dropped his blood into the box.

"Come out, It's time for breakfast. Sink your teeth and feast on it. No need to hold back."

"It won't come out in the sun , Shinazugawa" Obanai said.

Hearing it, he took the box inside the house and started stabbing continuously with his sword.

"Come out, come out and show your true face demon"

She did eventually come out and look at his Bloody hand for some time.

If she did go for attack, this would had literally fucked up the world, causing deaths of Giyu, Tanjiro, and Urokodaki. And without them, Muzan would not have lost.

Ultimately she didn't attack and turned her head away.

Following that the topic was quickly wrapped up.

Ubuyashiki then directed his attention towards me and offered his praise, saying, "Congratulations on killing a Lower Moon. You will now be capable of handling solo missions."

"Thanks."Ace nodded in acknowledgment.

Following the discussion with the Hashiras, they proceeded with their meeting inside the compound.

I chose to relax outside, passing the time while talking with those special talking crows.

Suddenly, the crow bit me. "Ouch..Fuck off"

Even a crow is acting out .

"You Fuck off caw "

"Heh, What does a crow even know about fuck,"I taunted

" Just ask your mother- caw"


I slashed at the crow , but that bitch was already flying away. "I will remember you crow, make sure to not come in front of me."

Sorry guys, something urgent came to me this week, thst caused the late release

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