
Demon Slayer: Rivers of Blood

A boy born from humble origins, Agares. A different name than others but still goes down a different path. No one knows if that path is either a good one or something entirely different. Using a sword that is lethal to all, no matter their race. Be it demon, human, or something else entirely. He will cut them down with Rivers of Blood.

AirHeadMan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Eccentric Guy

Shortly after Agares left, the villagers went on to pack their belongings and have a proper funeral without fire and just gather the belongings of their loved ones to pay tribute.

The eight villagers were filled with immense sadness and trauma. They have experienced something that they would never wish on someone else.

"What are we going to do now? I know you told Agares that we would go to another village, but the nearest village is kilometers away! We won't survive the journey without hunters!"

"She's right! We used to be a very self-sufficient village but we lost all of our hunters, doctors... everyone."

"Maybe we should have asked Agares to escort us to the next village." Someone quietly.

"I agree..." Another muttered.

"What did you guys just say?!" The old villager couldn't believe his ears! To dare ask more of their savior when he risked their lives for them. Not even counting that he is a child! No child should bear this fate!

As they were all arguing, someone noticed a person approaching.

"Hey! Guys! Someone is walking toward us." The woman said.

"What?" They all turned their head and the appearance of the person was shown.

He had long bright yellow hair with red streaks akin to flames along with two shoulder-length bangs and two chin-length bangs on the side of his head, black forked eyebrows, and golden eyes that fade to red with white pupils.

(Sorry if I can't get the personality of Rengoku :C. I'll try my best.)

"Hey there guys!" The man said with a bright smile.

The villagers squinted their eyes and thought to themselves, 'Is he the sun itself? Why the hell is he so bright?'

The man looked around and saw the still burning pile of corpses and the blood around the whole village.

"It seems I came too late. I'm sorry." He gave off an apologetic smile since he felt guilty that he came too late to save the poor villagers.

He blamed himself that since he didn't come in time, the villagers had to watch the demons kill everyone while they hide and wait for the demon to leave.

He walked up to them and gave a big smile, "There is no shame in running and hiding! You did a great job!" He gave a thumbs up.

"???" Question marks popped around the villager's heads.

"I kill demons, so you don't have to worry. Can you point me in the direction the demon went so I can prevent it from killing more people?"

The old villager stepped up, "Sorry sir but the demon already died. If the demon were to be alive, we wouldn't be standing here talking to you."

"Oh really? Did another demon slayer kill it?"

"U-um, no. It was..." The old villager didn't know if he should give Agares' name up but the kind smile this man was showing made him feel as if he was trustworthy.

"It was a boy." A young villager said. "He came here and eliminated that demon and saved us."

"??" Now it was the man's turn to be confused.

"Can you clarify it for me please?"

Everyone looked toward the old villager who had seniority. He saw everyone's gaze and sighed, "His name is Agares."


'He is not one of the Hashira. Maybe he is a demon slayer under the rank of Hashira?'

"He is 14 years old I believe."

"14?! Such a young age." His eyes widened, "Maybe he is one of those young talented slayers." He muttered.

"He has one arm and one eye. Unfortunately, he was born with a disability that has haunted him since he was born and prevented him from doing even more things. I can assure you that if he wasn't disabled, he would make this world a better place for sure."


"Excuse me, did you just say one arm and one eye?" He didn't understand, unless you are very experienced and powerful, you can't find a demon with only one arm and one eye. No matter how weak a demon may be, that is too much at a disadvantage.

"So, the demon is dead, am I correct?" The man asked.

"Yes." All of the villagers nodded their heads.

"And it was a 14 years old boy who has one eye and one arm that killed it. Is that correct?"

"...Yes." The villagers are just now understanding how amazing Agares is and wondered how he could kill a demon.

"My name is Kyojuro Rengoku. Nice to meet you. I will help you guys clean up and I assume you guys will be moving to another village and looking at you all, it doesn't seem like you have the protections to make the journey."

He smiled so big that all of his teeth were shown and the light he gave off was enough to give anyone comfort.

The villagers got ready to leave and collected their belongings.

"By the way, do you know where Agares could have possibly gone?"

The old villager thought before giving an answer, "I'm afraid not. However, the direction he walked seemed to be the same as the city. We would also go there but we can't afford to stay there and most of us are used to this life, so we won't be suitable for city life."

"I see, thanks for the information." Kyojuro gave a thumbs up.

The journey to the next village took almost a day and Kyojuro didn't complain. He still kept that big smile he had and started conversations with each of the eight villagers.

After they finally arrived, Kyojuro sent them off to the village and made sure they got in safely. Afterward, he turned toward the direction of the city Agares walked toward and continued his journey there.

He was very curious to meet the boy who killed a demon with such severe disabilities.

The specific boy that Kyojuro was curious to meet was not having a good time making his way toward the city.

"Oh my gosh! These damn thorn bushes! These damn boars and these damn birds!"

Agares had tears in his eyes after getting hurt by the thorn bushes he passed through, either killing or running from charging boars and finally, suffering from an excess of bird poop dropping from the sky.

"I'm going to kill all of you damn birds!" he screamed with deep hate.

The katana vibrated roughly as if it was saying, 'I will kill you all as my master said. How dare you poop on him! I will kill you! Master, fly up to the sky, I will kill these damn birds for you!'

Thankfully Agares couldn't hear the thoughts of his katana.