

Tatsuya in the bathroom tending to his hair

"Tsk, its almost at my waist, I guess I'll make it shoulder length

He picks up a scissors an begins to trim it until it reached shoulder length, he picks up a rubber band and pack up a few strand and ties it to make a pony tail allowing the remaining to fall by the side and back and two more infront

"Nice, I hope I don't stand out much"

He was so captivated by the beauty, he wanted to look good since this was his first arrival to school since he was enprisoned

"Idiot princess we are leaving!!"

Katsumichi shouts from the door

"Alright I'm coming".

In school at the last row originally assigned to Squad A, Tatsuya sat at the edge of the window, listening to all the saddend fangirls that flock around him asking for his welfare

"See him, getting popular"

Minagawa says while laughing


Katsumichi clicks his tongue in annoyance

"Are you jealous"

Minagawa says

"I guess it's not only him that's jealous"

Sakono says while pointing at Ineyo who was sitting beside Tatsuya as all the fangirls gathered around him, she was so enraged that she could bring down the roof of the class

"Heyy Tatsuya kun we heard what happened we are so sorry, hope you are getting better"

Some group of fangirls flock around him

"Sure I'm getting better, it's been months since I was released"

"Haaa, that's good to know"

The fangirls where excited and left to their sits as their teacher came in

"Hmmm I guess you are getting more popular with the girls Tatsuya kun"

Ineyo pouts as he faces the opposite side

"Don't be like that Ineyo chan"

Tatsuya says

"Huump, suit yourself"

Ineyo did not still look at him

"Say? Ineyo chan, did any of those girls visited during the two months, did any of them checked on me hourly or daily, did any of them held my hand praying for me? I'm not a fool you know?"

Tatuya says

Tatsuya's speech made Ineyo freeze for some minutes

"Alright, that's enough"

The teacher says

"So I don't have much to says or tell you today, all I want to say is that the first phase of your final exams is here, next months you will be having a Match with the Class 2, Squad 1A will take on Squad 2A, in that order, now I'm not meant to teach you any thing further, you will take it up from here on out, so all I can say is go and practise until your bones is done for, Alright I'm off"

The teacher leaves the class

"Hmmmm, this is gonna be tough"

Katsumichi comments

"Yeah, they might be in Class2 but some people there still out weighs ours"

"Hmmmm, I guess this means more training for us"

Tatsuya says and stands up to head to the training ground

And the squad follows suit

In the Class1 Training ground, the Squad A are all gathered

"Alright, I'll take on Minagawa, Sakono will go with Katsumichi, Inyo you will be the referee"

Tatsuya says. And with that Katsumichi and Ineyo takes the stage

"Ready, go!!!"

Ineyo commands

"I'll take it easy on you, because you are a girl"

Katusmichi says

"Ohhh?? Then I'll advise you to refrain from that"

Sakono says and disappears from his sight

'What the...'

Before Katsumichi could even think his side eyes notice the Sakono coming from the side, and he was fast enough to react, he blocked the strike but didn't go free, the impact push him back, making him disoriented and his wooden katana flings up in the air

Sakono didn't stop at that she dash towards him again, and Katsumichi was prepared to face her bare handed

"Remeber once the knife touches you, the match is over!!!"

Tatsuya reminds the Katsumichi who was careless


Katsumichi clicks his tongue

"I guessthere is no other option"

Ineyo swings her katana precisely, while dodges all of them and jumps to where is Katana wad laying and picks it up

"Oh that's quite nice of you"

Sakono remarks

"But I'm not over yet"

She dashes towards him swing her katana again, Katsumichi counters everything that was thrown at him

"That awesome!!!"

Minagawa says

"Katsumichi might not look it, but he is quite strong, his greatest feat, is his techniqueto observe"

Tatsuya remarks

Sakono made a downward slash, but Katsumichi bounces back and takes note of when her down slash will lose velocity completely, immediately Sakono katana reach the floor, Katsumichi musters all the strength to his leg and kicks forward stopping the katana directly at her neck

"Enough!!! We have a winner!! Katsumichi the cheater"

Ineyo says

"Ehhhh??? I won fair and square"

"According to what sensei said the moment you've dropped your weapon in the battle field, you are dead"

Ineyo says

"Ehhh, but..."

"This ain't the battle field"

Tatsuya completes the statement as he and Minagawa steps on the ring and take their stance

"Alright the next match Ready.... fight"

Ineyo commands

But both Minagawa and Tatsuya didn't move from their position as they stare at each other

"Hmmm, oh I see, who ever takes the first step loses"

Sakono says

"Huh, what do you mean??"

Ineyo asks

"Tatsuya is very strong in terms of strength and beats Minagawa in it by a huge margin, but that can't be said with speed, as untrue as it might seem, Minagawa is far more faster than Tatsuya, and Tatuya knows is, so too much running and swing won't do, he plans on ending the match with one hit"

"Ohhh, so that's why"

Minagawa began walking toward Tatsuya as though he wasn't afraid or anything. When both of them came close like a foot apart

Tatsuya went with a strike to his abdomen, unsurprisingly to him, Minagawa side steps, dodging it and went for his neck, Tatsuya bend backwards dodging it, at this point Minagawa hands were still in full motion, it won't stop anytime soon, it was a clear opportunity for Tatsutlya to win,

"But my, if I go the hit my spinal cord will snap, shit'

Tatsuya uses is left and as support as goes for a down round spin kick making Minagawa fall and immediately Tatsuya katana was on his neck

"Haa, I guess I lost"

Minagawa sighs

"And with that we have a winner, Tatsuya kun!!!!, but wait a minute who am I fighting with"

Ineyo says

"The losers I guess"

Tatsuya says as he laughs

And with that the group continued to train and train until... the day finally came the first stage of their final exams

Next up: [Minagawa's will]

A/N: I know I flopped in the description of Tatsuya's hair so I'll post it in the Chapter comment section and I'd like you to give your thoughts