
Demon Slayer: Not Your Ordinary Demon

After his family is slaughtered by a demon and he soon turns into one himself, what will Kyoshi do after being visited by a certain demon king. No Harem LI is an OC This is a Tokyo Ghoul and Demon Slayer mixup, but only some concepts are coming from Tokyo Ghoul. I don’t own them, obviously and that’s about it. Author: The_Pumpkin_Man

GeekNovels · Anime et bandes dessinées
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61 Chs

Chapter 25

—Butterfly Mansion—

(Third POV)

Standing in the courtyard of the Butterfly Mansion was Seikichi. Currently, he was doing push ups with a huge 200 pound cinder block on his back.

He was supposed to be recovering, but after proving he was fine they let him off to train like he wanted. As he did those push ups he was using Sound Breathing as best he could.

Even as his arms started to burn and he was sweating like crazing he continued with the push ups. Memories of how that demon was able to do this much damage to him simply from two hit resurfaced in his head.

"Damn it, those monsters." He muttered through his teeth.

That type of strength was crazy. He wasn't even happy with the fact that he was able to get some hits in and do damage himself. That pitiful state he was in and his pride was shattered.

He could also, tell that demon wasn't being serious. It's like he got into the fight just to do it and for the experience. There was a number of times he could've been killed fighting that demon.

He also noticed that it was leaving spots open intentionally. He titled his body to the right and the cinder block rolled off his back and slammed into the ground.

He got up with heavy breathing before stabilizing himself. He breathed in again and started back using the breathing technique.

'Now that I think about it, during that whole fight my sword and breathing techniques were completely useless. They rely too much on bombs and strength to be effective. Should I learn a new style?' He thought to himself.

He balled his fist up and with his right hand he struck the cinder block with a straight punch. His fist left a print in it and slight cracks formed around it.

He punched the cinder block again getting the same result.

'Also, Kyoshi. The only way they'd know about me and him is from one of us and that was my first time seeing them, so what he said must be true. Although I don't want to accept it, that has to be the truth.' He thought.

His punches sped up as dust was nocked off the cinder block. His fist were drilling into it, constantly chipping away at it.

'But, they said he's a demon. That also has to be true as well considering that that demon knew him. If he's a demon, he must be really strong for even the lower rank 1 to know him?'

As he was about to go for another punch he suddenly stopped. He looked at the damaged rock and sighed.

"Fighting like this won't do. I'll only do damage on the surface if I keep fighting like this. I need a punch that can do damage to organs." He muttered.

The demons had tough skin and while he was able to punch the demon so hard he was destroying organs, that was while he was in a raged state and it was completely from blunt force.

For a better reference, his punches would be like a speeding car crashing into your stomach. Blunt damage, but that was it. He realized demons get really set back when they get fucked up internally.

As he was standing there thinking about a better way to combat demons, Kyoshi appeared in his head again.

'Someday we'll most likely meet as enemies. At that time, I wonder if I can get the job done and kill him…'


Hearing his name being said in such an alluring way, caused Seikichi to panic as he turned around and punched with all his force.

He heard a slight chuckle before feeling a hand on his shoulder as he turned his head. Seeing who it was, he sighed heavily and started thinking about when he should leave.

"Too slow, Sei-ki-chi." Shinobu said while poking his cheek.

"When'd you get back?" He asked while moving her finger from his face.

"Just now. I had a mission in the north and finally finished it." She answered.

"I see. Aren't you tired? Why bother me as soon as you get back?" He asked.

"I heard about your run-in with a lower moon. Apparently he was the rank 1 as well. Was it true?" She asked.

"Yeah…that guy completely pummeled me. The only reason I survived was simply from him running away from the sun. I landed a few blows, but that damned thing nearly killed me in two or three hits."

Shinobu watched his conflicting expressions as he balled up his fist.

"Then keep training. You'll be able to beat him some day. Goodbye." She said before vanishing.

"…First you interrupt my training then give me useless advice?!" Seikichi said as he looked at his fist in frustration.

'I'll get strong enough to give that demon a taste of his own medicine.' Seikichi thought.

He went over towards the main house and walked into the kitchen from the backyard as he grabbed a cup and got some water.

As he was drinking his water Kanao walked into the kitchen as well. She was in her usual uniform and seemed to be getting something to eat when an idea struck into his head.

"Kanao, let's have a sparring match." He casually asked.

She stopped in her tracks and looked towards him for a moment. She dug into her pockets and pulled out a the coin which she used to maker decisions.

"It's a simple yes or no. That coin is useless." Seikichi said with a heavy sigh.

She wordlessly put the coin in her thumb and as she went to flip it, Seikichi's body blurred before he put the coin on the counter.

"How long has it been? 1 year and a half? Yeah, I've known you for a while and I'm still perplexed that you need a coin to make decisions for you. Make your own choices. Spar with me. Accept or decline." He added.

Kanao simply looked at him with her usual expression, but her usual smile was gone and was replaced a stoic expression.

"Well? Yes or no?"

Seikichi was getting impatient. To get his mind off that battle and the possibility that Kyoshi's been turned into a demon, he wanted to spar with Kanao.

He thought it'd be simple. Ask her to spar and she'll accept like usual. Yet today she seemed bothered or more perturbed than he's ever seen her be.

"Screw it." Seikichi said as he stopped leaning on the counter, grabbed the coin and started walking towards her. He flipped the coin and walked past her, before hearing her speak.


Seikichi turned around and a fist was smashed into his jaw. He staggered to the right with a surprised look on his face.

Kanao looked at the flipped coin in her palm before opening her mouth.

"Don't take my property." She said in a voice so hushed it would be a whisper. She bowed her head slightly before walking out of the kitchen.

Seikichi stood up straight and rubbed his jaw. His face had a red mark left there and it stung once his fingers made contact.

"You should have just answered." He muttered to himself before walking out of the mansion and back into the front yard.

'Still though, I need to find a training partner. Can't ask the Hashira, seeing as they're probably busy. Should I just go fight the trainees?'

He stepped outside and leaned on the mansion walls while thinking about what to to.

"We've sparred before, so I don't see what the problem is right now." He muttered.

Soon after having that thought, he heard footsteps coming around the corner.

He saw Aio carrying a basket filled with clothes walking around the corner.

"Need help?" He asked, seeing as he had nothing to do.

"Hm? No, I got it. What're you loitering around for?" She asked as she kept walking. Seikichi followed along and answered her with a sigh.

"Just trying to clear my head. I WAS looking for a sparring partner, but I guess something's wrong with Kanao."

"What happened?" Aio asked as they walked towards the backyard which had a laundry line going across it.

"Well…after doing some training, I went in to get some water and Kanao walked in a few moments later. I tried to get her to spar with me, took her coin, and I guess she got mad. Although she already seemed annoyed from the get go."

Aio sighed. She dat the big, straw and bamboo laundry basket down as she started hanging stuff on clips.

"Well, that coin is special to her. Along with that, her birthday's in two weeks."

"….What? Why's she mad when her birthday's right around the corner? That goes against the entire point of the short days leading to it. She should be excited right?" He asked.

"It's a personal matter, but the coin was given to her by Kanae, her adoptive older sister. She uses it to make decisions when she doesn't know what to do."

"I see. Is that all you'll tell me?"

"Yup, if you're so curious go get to know her yourself." Aio said while hunching her shoulders.

Truth be told, she knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to spark his curiosity so he could try to pull Kanao out of the dark hole she'd dug herself into.

While she wasn't the matchmaking type, she decided to put in some effort to help out her older sister.

After hearing what Aio had told him, Seikichi made a decision. Currently, other than the Hashira, she was the only one that could push him without it only being him getting pummeled.

In other words. When they spar he'll at least have a chance to actually learn while fighting and not only dodge for dear life. With that being the conclusion, he chose her as his primary sparring partner.

While that was the case it seemed Kanao, however, didn't care that much about him as a sparring partner and in fact, he hadn't seen her train alone, like, ever.

Currently he was placed at the edge of the roof looking down at her while she sat in the garden. She had her regular quiet and serene demeanor as she held a butterfly on her index finger.

"I know you're up there, Seikichi-kun." Kanao said as she still looked at the flower.

On the other hand, Seikichi was sitting there, wondering how he should approach her. After being called out, he didn't seem shaken since he already knew of his presence.

It's not like he was hiding it.

"Alright. Can we talk…and for the love of Kami, could you not flip the coin?" Sekichi said, slightly apprehensive.

There was a moment of silence between them as the butterfly flew away. Most likely towards the garden for nectar.

She nodded her head while still looking forward. Seeing this, Seikichi jumped down from the room and landed softly next to her.

"What would you like to discuss?" She asked.

"Firstly, the thing about the coin. I didn't know and still don't know how much it means to you, so my bad for taking like that."

Seikichi didn't sound apologetic in the slightest, but that was mainly because he felt slightly embarrassed having to apologize about a coin.

Still though, he'd seem like a dick head if he just acted like it never happened after getting a little bit of information about it.

"…You're forgiven."

"I see. Well…hmm, how do I put this without sounding cheesy?" He muttered to himself.

While Seikichi had no skills in consoling someone he was open to the idea.

"Well screw it. If you need somebody to vent to or I don't know, just talk or something like that. I'm basically free whenever. For me, I just train my thoughts away, but who knows. You're most likely different." He said.

"I'll…consider it." She answered with her usual smile.

"Are we cool again or are you still mad?" He asked.

They weren't particularly friends, but there wasn't ever any bad blood between them. Seikichi was cool heading and down for anything while Kanao, was quiet and took everything she did seriously.

They weren't the "perfect match", but with a bit of effort, some could see that their personalities mesh well together.

Kanao nodded her head as she stood up.

"I can spar with you now." She said.

Seikichi nodded his head with a smile on the outside, but on the inside he was elated. He could finally get some real training in after a while.

He also wondered if he should tell her about the demon as he planned to tell the other hashira. Then again, the demon slayer corps did send him, so he could assume they already knew.

'Meh. I'll worry about it later.' He thought as he and Kanao walked over to an open area outside of the estate walls to train.


Hella late and kinda meh, chaptert tbh,and Idk what it is, but I've been a little moody about some stuff.

Meh, it doesn't rly matter. I should be producing chapter regularly since the pills numb some of my symptoms✌🏾