
Demon slayer:Demons vs slayers

In this time all of Hashiras and Only upper moons are still alive and this is non canon universe where everything was quite in a peace. But everything will change when Kagaya make Hashiras meeting and When Muzan make upper moon meeting.How will this war start and how will it end.You will find out.

Burhan_Selimovic · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 4:Shinobu and Kanao vs Daki and Gyutaro

After Kanao and Shinobu teamwork Kanao behead Daki and they thought they won but Daki brother Gyutaro who is also upper six came out and now battle that was hard for Shinobu and Kanao gets even harder

This will a toughest battle of Kanao and Shinobu and we will see if they can win

Gyutaro strached himself while he said that He will kill her and devour them

Daki said that this time with brother on her side there is no way that they will lose

Kanao asked Shinobu what will they do now and Shinobu said that they need to do better and she know that they can kill them

Gyutaro said that two of them can't kill him but he said that Daki's much weaker

Kanao and Shinobu agreed that Daki is weak

Daki cried because Gyutaro told her that she's weak but Gyutaro said that he doesn't mean that

Then Gyutaro looked at them and got serious

He told them that they will battle now

Gyutaro yelled that he will kill both of them and threw his sickles at them and they dodged but they destroyed the house and they came back like bumerang

Kanao pushed Shinobu and sickles cut her head open and she pushed them away

Shinobu tried to help her but Daki attacked her with obi while Kanao battled Gyutaro

Daki said that she won't help her and she will face her

Daki attacks Shinobu but Shinobu dodges and jumps and uses the butterfly dance and injects poison into her body

Daki with her new power quickly stopped the poison but Shinobu still attacked her but Daki blocked everything

Shinobu tried one more time but she saw that that won't work so she backed off

Daki said that is wise move by her

Meanwhile battle between Kanao and Gyutaro was still on

Kanao attacked him few times but he overwhelmed her

Kanao said that how is he so fast and strong

Gyutaro said that it doesn't mean anymore because she will die here

Meanwhile Shinobu and Daki fights and both of them came through house and they were all together

Kanao asked what happened but Shinobu looked tired while Daki just smiled

Daki said that Shinobu is weak and she doesn't have much stamina left

Kanao head was cut open while Shinobu shoulder was cut open

Daki smiled and attacked Shinobu with obi but Shinobu still dodged while Kanao dodged gyutaro attacks

Kanao used flower breathing second form and she cuts Gyutaro arm but it quickly regenerate and Gyutaro tried to hit Kanao with sickles but Shinobu came and inject poison in her

Shinobu said that they need to hit him at the same time

Kanao tried to slash him and Shinobu tried to inject poison in him

They were close but Gyutaro smiled and he used blood demon art:flying blood sickle and cuts arm open to both of them and then they backed off

And at the same time Daki attacked them and they blocked but they got blown through five houses while they were bleeding

Both of them heal wound with total concetration but they didn't even hit them

Daki smirk while Gyutaro looked serious

Daki didn't waste time and she hits Shinobu but Shinobu somehow blocked but she still got blown away and Daki ran toward Shinobu while in that house was only Kanao and Gyutaro

Kanao yelled Shinobu name but Gyutaro told her that his sister will fight her

Kanao got angry and she dashed toward him and tried to slash him but Gyutaro blocked that with his sickle

Gyutaro yelled at her and he tried to hit her with sickle but Kanao blocked it with her sword

But then he smirk and he tried to kill her with other sickle but Kanao saw the opening

She uses flower breathing Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo and she cuts off his arm

Gyutaro looked in disbelief and he asked how did she did that and he said that he didn't fight user of flower breathing

Kanao tiredly said that it's a shame that he didn't face any of them but that he faced her now and that will be his last battle and that he will die like every other demon she killed

Gyutaro yelled that she shoudn't understimate him and he dashed toward her and he tried to hit her with sickles but Kanao gets away and she jumped on roof

Gyutaro did the same and she said that it was better fight on the roof because there is more space

Few meter away Shinobu battles with Daki and Daki and Shinobu were pretty equal but Shinobu is faster

Gyutaro smirked and he said that this is getting fun and it will be more fun to kill them

Kanao smiled and she dashed toward Gyutaro and she uses flower breathing Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility and she unleashes nine consecutive attacks but Gyutaro used blood demon art rampart arc rampage and he blows all of her attacks

Shinobu yelled to her that she need to fight few more minutes

Kanao asked why but Shinobu face got serious and she dashed toward Daki while Daki attackes her with obi's Shinobu stabbed them all and she jumped and uses Butterfly Dance: Caprice and inject lot of poison and Gyutaro got angry but Kanao dashed toward him and she uses Sixth Form: Whirling Peach and she was so close to the neck but then...

Daki got third eye from his brother and she neutralize her poison but Kanao was still near the neck

Daki strikes her with her obi and she blocked but she got blown away

Shinobu yelled her name but Daki hit her with obi and she blown Shinobu away

Shinobu looked where Kanao was flying and they tried to help each other but both of them got blown away

Daki said that she will kill her now and Gyutaro said that he will go over there because he thinks that she can still fight

They got seperated now and each of them will have to continue their fight with wounds but...

Can they still win?