
Demon Slayer, Dancin Through the Blade

In the world where demons lurking in the shadow. A young man living a peaceful became a demon in an unexpected accident. ... ... **Reminder: I am not a native English with limited vocabulary I expect to make mistakes. **Disclaimer: The setting of the demon slayer are not mine and also the cover. ... ... Tags: Romance? Action, Adventure, Demon Mc, Harem? (Honestly, I can't decide so help me out.)

righteousOne · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


In the past seven years, not much has happened besides his family finally accepting him and his uncle Tanjuro Kamado passing away. 

When Tanjuro passed away, Chisuke endured it because he still had family left, but as the oldest, he became their father figure.

After that, he improves their lives, starts a business with their knowledge and, speaking of training, he finally masters his bloom so that surely he could cause lethal injuries if he fights them again.

During this year, he felt that he was losing motivation for revenge. 

Because of the family, in his past life, there was a situation that made him long for family, so he didn't plan to let it go, he wanted to hold it forever.

As the sky turned gray, the meaning of life lost its colors.


"What are you thinking, Chisuke?" 

A gentle and soft voice, like a warm embrace, rang in his ears, breaking him out of thought. Chisuke turned to the source of the voice.

A woman with her back hair tied into messy buns, a cloth wrapped around her head, and kind, dark purple eyes looked at him.

"I'm just thinking since our business has become successful, what should we do next?" Do you want to move, mother?"

His family lives in the mountains. He wants to move so he can get them a proper and safe home. It's also dangerous since they don't know when the demon will attack. 

"If you are asking me, we should not move, but if it's your decision, I'm okay with it since you are working hard for us and I know it's best for us. At least it's all I can do." Kie smiled gently.

"It's decided: we move! We find a warm and safe home for us so we can sleep peacefully and eat without carrying."

He stood up, raised his fist, and shouted firmly so his playing sibling could hear him.

"Wow! Onii-chan?! Really."

"Yay! I can't wait! Let's go now, onii-chan!"

"A warm house and a warm bed, so dreamy."

Chisuke smiled and Kie chuckled at the scene in front of them, both thinking at the same time.

'I want this to stay forever.'



Chisuke lowered his head; the soles of his feet were sticky, and blood-soaked his slippers.

He just came home from taking care of business and searching for a house. 

He expected to be greeted by his family warmly, but instead... a cold corpse greeted him.

His mother, Kie, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, Rokuta, and Nezuko are all lying in a pool of blood.

He couldn't believe it, seeing a horrible scene that he would never forget in his entire life.

However, what made Chisuke stop was a man standing between them with messy black hair, but his bloody eyes were full of violent emotions.

Chisuke's heart seemed to burst at this moment.

"Y-you! What did you do?! Why?"

The blood flow rushed instantly, and Chisuke's raging eyes were about to smoke.

Facing the demon who killed his grandfather and now his family, he didn't think about running away.

"Blooming: Hemoplague!"

A bloody aura erupted from Chisuke. His eyes had glowing cherry blossom shapes in the iris, and a pool of blood started to form under him.

Blood, drilling, rushed into the demon's body!

But, the demon didn't plan to avoid it, so instead, Muzan shook his head and said.

"It's too weak. Is this the outcome of the plan I have prepared? Is this the Yozakura strength when awakening? So demons are a better life form."

Chisuke slammed into the ground and cracked the wooden floor.

But he is not done yet.

"Death Sentence."

The blood in the pool begins to form a scythe with a chain attached to it, and then it binds Muzan and pulls him toward Chisuke.

"Furious Fist of Righteous and Vengeance!"

Chisuke's fist started glowing crimson and slammed it at Muzan with great force.

Boom! Booooooom!

The punches destroyed the surroundings and Muzan was sent flying away, destroying trees along the way.



Hemoplague is supposed to be anti-regeneration, but his enemy is Muzan.

Muzan is the progenitor of all demons and the strongest demon in existence. He possesses nigh-absolute regeneration, so it's impossible to harm him in many ways except for their weakness.

Chisuke's strength, however, is not in his blooming, but in the blood that begins to form when he uses bloom.

If this is a game, then his blood is an item and anti-regeneration is simply passive, but with the weapon, he can create techniques.

Like, "Death Sentence" and "Furious Fist of Righteous and Vengeance."

But too bad.

Muzan is the strongest demon in existence, living for a thousand years, with his nigh-absolute regeneration and strength of multi-city block level, without the power of friendship the chance of defeating him is 0% with merely 7 years.

The five fingers of the black-haired demon grabbed his cheeks with a slight force. The sharp nails penetrated the skin, directly scratching Chisuke's facial bones.

The shattered bones also hurt his brain. At this time, Chisuke lost all his strength, and his consciousness began to loosen...


Moving lightly, Muzan walked toward Nezuko.

But he felt his ankle tighten. Muzan stopped, looked down, and saw Chisuke holding his ankle with his blood-stained hands.

"Huh? Still conscious?"

Muzan was sure those fingers were like steel, shattering Chisuke's facial bones. If no one treats this injury, he was 100% sure Chisuke would die.

Chisuke hasn't lost consciousness yet, but his vision is blurry. He has lost consciousness, but there is an intermittent voice coming out of his mouth.

"Don't... hurt... my... family..."

"Hurt family..."

Muzan moved his leg, preparing to break free from Chisuke. As he kicked, Chisuke's body shook under the powerful force.

But Chisuke was still tight, clutching his ankle. Muzan tried it over, over again, but it was still the same.

Muzan shook his head, then knelt and said, "Even though I came from your blood and your sister, as you have no use for me anymore, but your persistence is greatly admired by me. I haven't seen it for thousands of years, it's impossible to ignore it."

"As a reward, I turn you and that girl into demons together and work together to achieve my dreams..."

Muzan slashed his wrist, and a line of blood floated from the wound, and then split into two in the air, floating into Chisuke and Nezoku's mouths, respectively.

"I look forward to seeing you again."

Muzan pressed down the top hat slightly, and then his figure flickered and disappeared into this dilapidated room.

Only a place of blood, a corpse, and a pair of brothers and sisters who were demonizing were left.



After a while, Chisuke opens his eyes, and he feels hungry. His consciousness is still blurred and the demon blood is dominating him.

"So hungry..."

He suddenly smelled something that made him hungry more. It was desirable. He followed the smell, and then he saw a red liquid, immediately licking it like a starving beast.

He is to focus on the fact that he didn't notice a corpse beside him.

Unwilling to be content with the blood in front of him, Chisuke followed the blood, and he found the source of the blood.

It was a face he would never forget; it was Kie Kamado.

"This... this..."

Chisuke suddenly came to his senses. He couldn't believe it; his family was lying in blood yet he was licking them like some crazy person.

But.. but

He couldn't stop himself, as he licked them with great joy and tears streaming from his eyes.

He licked his lips. The blood tasted sweet and the hunger in his body was still far from being full.

As he gazed at the bodies of his family, he slowly backed off because his mouth was crackling to the point that he couldn't wait to bite off.

As he left, he didn't notice his hair slowly turning to white, and his red eyes started to glow with tears streaming from them.

At least this is the only thing he could do for his family.



Chisuke sat on a stone as he gazed at the kids playing around him.

"What are you thinking, Chisuke?" 

He heard a warm voice, then turned his head and saw his mother.

"Did I deserve it? Do I deserve such a happy family? What if we are attacked by demons because of me?"

He asked with a sad voice and a face that said, "I don't deserve it," but his heart couldn't lie: he longed for such a happy family.

Kie only smiled gently and rubbed his head.

"Chisuke, your father tells me about what happened to you, and I feel the sadness in you. I can't imagine what it would be like if I were the one going through it."

"So Chisuke, please don't doubt yourself. If you are worried about demons, you need to simply get stronger to protect everyone, right?"

Chisuke nodded and said, "Um, thank you. I promise I will grow stronger so I can protect everyone."

Then Kie chuckled, "Then I will cheer for you."


Protect everyone...?