
The demon hunter pt.1

In the land of dawn. There was a village filled with joy and love. A young boy was born, Granger is his name. He was once happy, joyful, and funny sometimes. His parents were proud of him, He knows how to cook, Laundry, and even farming. But one day, that joyness in their faces was swallowed with fear, demons was swarming in the village, killing people and children, one even commited suicide. Granger was scared. His parents keeps him safe inside the house, but, demons got inside, his father sacrificed himself to the demon to protect his wife and son. "R-run! G-go somewhere safe-" as he said that, the demon stabbed him. "NOOO!!!!!" said the wife. Granger was crying, he don't know what to do. Both of them ran out into the window, Demons was chasing them. While the monsters was chasing them, the mother ran as fast as she could to distract them, running and running. But, they met a dead end. The mother quickly hid Granger in the trash bin, finding ways to escape. "What about you mom? *sniff* a-aren't you gonna hide?" said worriedly. "Don't worry son..*sniff* w-were gonna be safe. Stay in there while mommy's gonna protect you okay?" said almost crying. But, that promise suddenly fades. The demons trapped them. "Hide NOW!" the mother quickly slammed the trash bin covering Granger for his safety. "GET AWAY FROM ME AND MY SON!!! YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND!! YOU DEMONS!!" she shouted crying. The monsters are getting closer and closer. Granger's mother is backing up, till she hit the wall. The demons grabbed her foot. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! A-AH-! AAAHHHHRRGG!!!!!!!!" Demons biting and killing Granger's mother, "YAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! ST-.. STTTOOOPP!!!!!" untill they dropped her. Granger covering his mouth and ears. Tears won't stop falling..... He saw it all. The monsters disappeared, Granger got out and straightly go towards her mother knelling. "MOOMMYYY!!!!!!!! WAAAHHH!!!!! NO!! NO!!! PLEASE WAKE U!!!. mommy wake up.... I can't live without you mommy..." he said crying.. "ngrrgh..." Granger's mother woke up. "G-granger....." She said weakly. "MOMMY!! You're alive!! mo-" his mother stopped him. "Hush now honey... M-mommy won't live too long.. im j-just... gonna say to you something important- ngrrgh! ah!" She screamed from the injury. "Mommy no! please dont leave me. please..." he said. His mother grabbed his hands, "I will not leave you, so do your dad." She pointed Grangers finger in his chest. "We'll always be in your heart. always... n-now, before my life-" "No!" granger shouted. "Bef-" "NO! MOMMY PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!-" he cried. "ENOUGH!! Mommy don't want to die too honey, BUT PLEASE! please remember this..... I always love you and your dad in my whole life... you guys are precious to me.. I want you to go in a journey... survive *grargh--* and live a happiest life than this suffering.. *cough cough*..... "I love you" .....son." as she said that, she slowly closes her eyes... "mother..... *sniff* may you rest in peace now..... * sniff * gr... gra- smmff.. WAHHHH!!!!! WAAAAAHAAAAHAAAA!!! MOM!!!! WHAAAAAHAAAAA!!" he hugs his mother crying... One last tear dropped in her mothers eyes. "goodbye, Granger....."

and that's the first episode. hope you enjoy (crying)..

I actually cried typing all this story. I now ship granger and lesley because gusion and guinevere are now in a relationship. Hope you enjoy! TT Don't flapping copy this story or i'll hunt you with grangers gun.

CateriaMeowcreators' thoughts