
changes 2

when agrim opened his eyes he was in a luxurious room decorated with ornate lamps and beautiful furniture the room was a mix of blue and green and brown with a significant amount of wooden furniture and many decorative items, at first he was flummoxed about where he was and how he came here but soon it hit him that this is the room he was taken to by lucifer for rest after the dungeon mission. he was refreshed now and felt very good, he wondered how long he was sleeping for "I see you have awoken master" said a voice from the across the room, hearing the voice agrim searched for its owner and found lucifer standing near the doors "ahh lucifer, yes I am awake tell me how long was I sleeping for" 3 days master lucifer answered 3 DAYS agrim yelled in his mind before sleeping he said to make preparation to everyone and now he was here sleeping for 3 days what will everyone thinking about him. "why didn't you wake me up: he asked lucifer "master gazeff said against it he said that your body went through too big a change as such you must rest" Lucifer answered. well, now that made sense to agrim indeed he does feel refreshed and filled with energy after sleeping.

agrim asked lucifer to tell him about any big changes that have happened while he was asleep, but lucifer assured him that nothing too big to mention happened everyone just trained and made preparations to leave for the expedition, seeing nothing of importance happened agrim relaxed and with this relaxation came a new problem hunger, realizing that he is hungry agrim ordered lucifer to bring him something to eat and much in quantity, lucifer at once left the room to prepare breakfast for his master.

seeing that situation was okay for now agrim decided to learn a bit about his new home and asked the system about details, listening to agrims orders the system presented a large window with detailed information

The floating islands/ the neutral region of the demonic lands

these islands were made by the first demon lord as his capital who lived for 10000 years after his death his 700 children fought over who will become the one true demon lord, this civil war was called the great demonic war, after fighting for a thousand years only 12 remained and that is how the 12 demon lords came into existence, after such long infighting among them they came to a decision and divided the demonic empire into 12 districts leaving this islands as a neutral zone it also became a prison for wrongdoers and a dungeon for treasures and a resting place for the demon lords. after the great war against armageddon 3 thousand years ago, this place has become desolate and the demonic races which were 1/3rd of the human population back then are now a 1/3rd of what it was 3 thousand years ago because of infighting

structure: the flying islands hover over the howling valleys between the 3 continent and is the center of the demonic lands, the howling valley is a large mountainous region which is west of the dead sea, the islands are comprised of 5 islands which are the in the formation of steps and are connected by giant stairs, the total area of these islands is equal to that of the nation of turkey the structure of the islands is artificial and is maintained by the core in between the palace he was sitting in, if the core broke the entire complex will crumble

defense: each island have a large pole in the center of them which is connected by mana to many individual flying poles around the islands which construct a barrier the islands are also surrounded by a large ring that has magic cannons on it though they require people to operate them as of now they will be operated by the system in times danger but it recommended by the hosts to find people to operate them

geography: as earlier mentioned the islands are over the howling valley which was the home for medicinal plants and demonic animals it was a forest of a kind many demonic races like wyverns and harpies which have the ability to fly called it home, now it a nest for undead monsters

the west of it the dead sea where the islands nation of Orville is situated there people are known for being expert in water magic and commanding the seas, they also act as mercenaries and bodyguards for international trade between different countries they also have a large dungeon in their lands and are close allies with black summit sect due to marriage between the sect masters daughter and the king of Orville, south of the howling valley resides the borders of the kingdom of Masha, while Masha is a kingdom it ahs no king it is commanded the nobles and the military heads who govern it following an ancient doctrine. Masha shares a border with the vermillion empire which is an absolute monarchy and staunch allies of the church, through the kingdoms have a bitter rivalry between them the king's authority is less this far to the countryside which has brought temporary peace between the two places between the two kingdoms lie the highland mountains over which is the black summit academy where children of nobles and high ranking adventurers with noble Patreon go for education the east of this place lie the alliance they are made the countries which follow a different religion than the church of revoli, they banded together to oppose invasion they are also one of the countries that are related with the nations made up secondary races which cover the entire north. leaving this there are neutral zones between where the free cities live which follow democracy or are under the control of ancient families that have ruled them since ancient times but never called themselves kings or emperors, for now, this is all the host needs to be worried about.

seeing so much information gave agrim a headache. but he needed to move forward he planned to go to the free cities first and then any other place, but before h could make any more plans lucifer returned with his breakfast which was pancakes a favorite of agrim, he didn't know how lucifer got the ingredients or the recipe but he didn't ask, for he wanted to eat it. after finishing his food agrim took a bath and wore the new clothes the system prepared for him, his clothes were of black color and looked like a mafia boss's outfit with a fantasy touch which was given by adding the furs and a few more details. after he was prepared he left the room with lucifer after going outside he found gaziff standing guard outside, who after noticing the presence of agrim bowed respectfully to him. agrim without thinking much told gaziff to go to the throne room with him and told lucifer to find everyone else and meet them there, Lucifer at his orders left at once.

after climbing a great many stairs agrim and gaziff finally reached the throne room the place was huge and decorated with many items like chandeliers and statues, and at the end of it was the throne large matt black throne with a red silk cloth over it adorning the seat of the ruler, agrim straight away went towards to throne and sat on it while gaziff stood beside him like the loyal knight he was. soon everyone entered the room as well and noticed agrim sitting on the throne in a majestic fashion everyone knelt in front of him as well when everyone was settled lacer asked " my mater why have you gathered us here " agrim just looked at him gestured him to be silent he knew that lancer was rouge servant thus he needs to be shown that agrim is better and above him. then agrim stood and loudly said the now he will summon his special knights through the help of vivian.