
Demon Lord Reincarnated to The Future

In the perilous realm of Murim, the Demon Lord Ji-Hoon stood at the pinnacle of power, his name evoking fear among orthodox factions seeking his demise. Pursued relentlessly, he faced insurmountable odds, battling thousands of martial arts masters and witnessing the tragic fall of his comrades. In a final desperate stand, Ji-Hoon confronts the Blade Master, drained of strength and outnumbered. With no path to victory, he makes the ultimate sacrifice, unleashing a forbidden technique that engulfs him in a cataclysmic explosion, obliterating everything in its wake. But instead of meeting his fate in the afterlife, Ji-Hoon awakens in a future Earth, the year 2023. A world teeming with hunters, individuals who combat interdimensional monsters emerging from portals known as gates. Guilds and powerful factions dominate this new era, with ten guilds reigning as pillars of strength. Remarkably, Ji-Hoon is reborn in South Korea, his once formidable presence reduced to that of a child. In a world where power reigns supreme, the pursuit of becoming a hunter becomes an obsession for all. Little do they know of the impending cataclysm that awaits humanity. Nightmares from other dimensions threaten to consume Earth, and it is Ji-Hoon, the reincarnated Demon Lord, who holds the key to their salvation. As he embarks on a journey to reclaim his memories and unlock his newfound potential, he becomes humanity's last hope. With each battle, he grows stronger, not only facing the nightmares but also the demons from his past. The fate of the world rests on his shoulders as he fights to protect the fragile existence of mankind.

Bijuudark · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Embracing the Light Within

As consciousness returned to Yeon Ji-Hoon, he found himself standing in a vast expanse of darkness.

The ethereal void enveloped him, stirring a sense of intrigue and trepidation within his heart.

Shadows danced around him, whispering secrets of his past life as the Demon Lord. This was no ordinary dream; it was a gateway to his true power.

The darkness beckoned him forward, its mysterious allure captivating his senses. With each step, the veil of confusion lifted, revealing glimpses of the path he must tread to reclaim his former strength.

The shadows swirled and coalesced, forming a treacherous maze of challenges that lay ahead.

Ji-Hoon's footsteps echoed through the enigmatic realm, punctuated by the occasional flicker of eerie light.

As he ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the air grew heavy with anticipation. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of determination and anxiety coursing through his veins.

He knew that to unleash his true power, he must overcome the trials that awaited him.

Suddenly, a mischievous imp materialized before him, its sly grin betraying its intentions.

"Welcome, young Demon Lord," it taunted, its voice dripping with amusement.

"Do you dare navigate the mysteries of your own soul?"

Ji-Hoon narrowed his eyes, his resolve unyielding.

"Lead the way," he declared, his voice laced with determination.

He was ready to confront the depths of his own darkness.

The imp cackled and darted through the labyrinth, its every movement a challenge to Ji-Hoon. He followed closely, his senses honed to every twist and turn.

Along the way, illusions and riddles tested his wit, while phantoms of his past threatened to distract him from his path.

The darkness seemed to take on a life of its own, whispering ancient secrets and prophecies.

Ji-Hoon felt the slumbering power within him stir, like a tempest waiting to be unleashed. It resonated with the darkness, pulsating with raw potential.

Amidst the trials and tribulations, Ji-Hoon glimpsed moments of his true potential. He witnessed visions of his past battles, his awe-inspiring might as the Demon Lord.

Yet, as quickly as these memories surfaced, they dissipated into the darkness, reminding him that he was not yet ready to wield such power.

His journey through the labyrinth continued, each step bringing him closer to the heart of his own darkness.

The shadows grew denser, the air heavy with anticipation. Ji-Hoon's determination never wavered, though doubt occasionally crept into his thoughts.

He knew that unlocking his true power would come at a cost, a sacrifice that he must be willing to make.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ji-Hoon emerged from the labyrinth, a newfound sense of purpose burning within him.

The darkness receded, giving way to the familiar surroundings of the hospital room. His dream had served as a reminder of the path he must traverse to regain his full strength.

To his surprise, Han Min-Jae was seated beside his hospital bed, a look of relief washing over his face. "You're finally awake!" Han Min-Jae exclaimed, his voice tinged with genuine concern.

Yeon Ji-Hoon's surroundings shifted abruptly from the depths of the mysterious void to the sterile hospital room, leaving him bewildered by the sudden transition.

Han Min-Jae proceeded to recount the events that had unfolded after Yeon Ji-Hoon had lost consciousness.

He had remained in a comatose state for a full day, and during that time, the reinforcements from the Azure Fangs Guild had arrived. Guildmaster Ryu Seong-Ho himself had joined the battle, and together, they had waged a grueling struggle to seal the menacing portal gate within a mere 30 minutes.

The students and citizens had been safely evacuated, and medical assistance had been provided to those in need.

Upon seeing Yeon Ji-Hoon collapse, Han Min-Jae had rushed to his side, consumed by concern for his well-being.

Vice Guildmaster Park Ji-Yoon had made the critical decision to send Yeon Ji-Hoon and Park Sun-Woo to the hospital for immediate treatment. The other students had also received the necessary medical attention.

The scheduled test had been postponed, and the focus now shifted to investigating the origins of the portal gate and rebuilding the damaged sections of the academy.

In the middle of their conversation, Yeon Ji-Hoon's parents entered the hospital room, their eyes brimming with tears of relief and worry.

They rushed to his side, enveloping him in a tight embrace, their love and concern palpable.

Han Min-Jae, witnessing the heartwarming reunion, offered a warm smile before quietly excusing himself from the room, allowing the family their cherished moments together.

Yeon Ji-Hoon basked in the warmth of his family's love, feeling a sense of comfort and belonging that transcended the turmoil of recent events. However, deep within his heart, a flicker of fear remained

He knew the truth, that he harbored a dormant power within him, the power of a demon lord. In his dream, the darkness had beckoned him, promising untold strength and dominion.

But he was aware of the consequences that accompanied such power—a potential loss of the warmth, love, and compassion he cherished.

He yearned to hold onto these feelings, to retain his humanity, even as he ventured into the depths of his true capabilities.

As he closed his eyes, still nestled in the embrace of his parents, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over Yeon Ji-Hoon.

A profound sense of gratitude for his family's unwavering support mingled with an underlying trepidation of what the future might hold.

He vowed to rise stronger from this ordeal, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The journey was far from over, and with newfound determination, he was prepared to confront the next chapter of his extraordinary life—a chapter that would test not only his physical strength but also his resolve to hold onto his humanity in the face of darkness.

Yeon Ji-Hoon's voice trembled as he weakly spoke, his body still reeling from the brutal attack he had endured.

"Mom, Dad… I'm sorry for causing you so much worry," he managed to say, his words laced with regret and pain.

His mother, struggling to hold back tears, reached out to him, her voice filled with relief. "Oh, Ji-Hoon, please don't apologize. We were terrified when we heard what happened. We're just grateful that you're safe now."

His father, his touch gentle yet firm, placed a hand on Yeon Ji-Hoon's, silently conveying his concern. "Son, you gave us quite a scare. Can you tell us how you're feeling now?"

Summoning all his strength, Yeon Ji-Hoon took a deep breath before responding. "Physically, I'm feeling slightly better, although still shaken. The medical staff here has taken good care of me."

His mother's voice quivered with relief as she spoke. "That's a relief, Ji-Hoon. We were so worried about you. Is there anything you need? Anything we can do for you?"

Yeon Ji-Hoon gazed at his parents, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Right now, all I need is your presence and unwavering support. Having both of you here means the world to me."

His father spoke with reassurance, his voice filled with love.

"We'll be by your side, son, every step of the way. We're immensely proud of your strength during this difficult time."

Yeon Ji-Hoon's voice trembled with sincerity as he spoke from the depths of his heart.

"Thank you, Dad. I couldn't have made it through without your help and the unwavering encouragement from all of you."

His mother, tears welling up in her eyes, expressed her love with heartfelt words. "We love you, Ji-Hoon. Remember that no matter what happens, we'll always be here for you."

Emotion choked Yeon Ji-Hoon's voice as he responded, his gratitude overflowing. "I love both of you too, Mom and Dad. Your love and unwavering support are everything to me."

They continued to talk, their words brimming with affection and tenderness.

In that hospital room, an atmosphere of love and comfort embraced them, providing solace to Yeon Ji-Hoon as he embarked on his journey of recovery.

Deep within, he yearned to hold onto this warmth and happiness, to savor the present and defy the shadows that threatened to consume him.

With newfound determination, he vowed to face the challenges ahead, striving to retain his humanity while unlocking the depths of his true power.