
Demon Lord Jaune Arc

"I am Jaune Arc, the Demon Lord of Remnant! Let all who are my enemies tremble in fear! Let those under me bask in my glorious presence and know peace! None shall stand in my way, neither devil nor God! Not even those beyond this limited universe shall pose a threat to my glorious kingdom! So come and face me if you dare!" Synopsis: Jaune wakes up one day with memories of a man from Earth. Unwilling to be a pawn in the immortal game, he decided to flip the board and become a leader that follows his own desires while becoming the Demon Lord Jaune Arc in the process.

Neo_Acer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye for Jaune since he took control of the Vale underworld.

While it took some time, Jaune eventually got the men of the Xiong Family, Now known as the Demon Lord's brotherhood, working, and now it runs like the yakuza back on earth. Money laundering and Asset misappropriation were the main focuses that Jaune had his men do to not fall behind the other gangs of various kingdoms.

Of course, he couldn't run the entire operation by himself, so he had lieutenants. It consisted of Hei Xiong Jr. or just Junior, Roman Torchwick, Trivia or how she went by now Neopolitan, Melanie Malachite, and finally, Miltia Malachite.

As his direct subordinates, Jaune told them precisely what they were getting into. He wouldn't be like Ozpin, who led his followers to their deaths simply because he always thought his actions were best. No, Jaune would tell those under him precisely what they were getting into and his plans to win.

It took them a while to accept that an immortal man and a woman were playing chess with Remnant, but once they did, they were rightfully angry since they could have been manipulated, and they wouldn't even know. With their trust secured, Jaune could trust them with even more power. With the help of [Great Sage], Jaune devised a ritual that would make them into Demonoids, a term for humans that have undergone the process of monsterization. Of course, Jaune tested the ritual on himself, first, giving him a boost in his magicule capacity and gaining a body reliant on magicules.

For the others, they gained the ability to actually use the magicules in their body, and due to the influx of energy, they all unlocked their auras. It took a couple of months, but they were able to learn how to hide the aura they were unconsciously releasing due to the sheer amount of magicules they had, which saved their asses since Ozpunk had Glynda snooping around to try and recruit the person with magic.

With the others extremely powerful compared to the rest of the world, bar Ozpunk, the underworld was firmly secured, giving Jaune the opportunity to leave and acquire some rather helpful abilities.

Donning the same outfit as when he raided Lady Browning's Preparatory Academy for Girls, Jaune used his connections to track down Marcus Black. From what Mercury said in RWBY, his father Marcus had a semblance that allowed him to steal other semblances, and from context clues, Jaune also hypothesized that it could give those semblances to others as well.

From what Jaune was able to gleam, Marcus was an extremely prideful assassin, but he wanted more power, and that hunger for power unlocked his semblance.

After having [Great Sage] do some calculations, [Great Sage] said that Marcus's semblance and how he unlocked it was extremely similar to the unique skill [Starved], Since skills are crystallized desires and how he thought in life it wouldn't be that far fetched to assume that he had the skill [Starved]. But instead of being hungry for food, he was hungry for power since he felt power was necessary in his life.

Jaune was now in the mountains of Vale, looking at the tiny home of Marcus and Mercury Black.

Marcus looked like an older version of the Mercury from RWBY, with the only difference being he had a full beard on his face.

In the front yard, Marcus was training Mercury, but it was more appropriate to say it was a beating with Marcus mercilessly attacking Mercury, who was prone on the ground.

'Alright, let's do this.' Jaune said while using [Illusion Creation] and making his way over to Marcus using a hard light barrier under his shoes so as to not step on the ground and alert the assassin.

Once he was close enough, Jaune used his shiny new [Gravity Manipulation], which he got from consuming some gravity dust, to increase the local gravity sending Marcus to the ground. Gravity dust wasn't commercially sold, much less to a civilian, so Jaune had to use Junior's connections to acquire gravity dust.

With Marcus on the ground, Jaune revealed himself to the duo. Both of them looked at him in shock and confusion, but contrary to his son Marcus's face shifted to one of rage.

"Who are you!" Marcus yelled while trying to get up, the muscles on his arms bulging from the strain.

"Well, not that it matters, but I'm Jaune Arc, and today is the day you die," Jaune said before consuming the man.

[Notice. Unique skill [Starved] acquired.]

[Notice. Using Unique Skill [Degenerate] to combine Unique skills [Starved] and [Predator].]

[Notice. Unique skill [Gluttony] acquired.]

'Nice.' Jaune thought with a grin before turning to the prone Mercury. "Now it's a pleasure to meet you, Mercury Black, and I would like you to work for me."

"Yeah, sure." He said without much thought while looking at where his father was. "What happened to the old man?"

"I killed him now; let's get you healed," Jaune said while putting his hand out and using [Gluttony] for the first time. Purple mist shot out of his hand and consumed Mercury, causing him to scream before he was consumed. Once he was fully absorbed, Jaune used one of the sub-skills of [Gluttony], [Provide]. The skill allowed him to grant his subordinate's skills by copying them and then granting them to the target. Using [Provide], Jaune granted Mercury the [Self-Regeneration] skill.

With the skill provided, Jaune took Mercury out of his stomach/inventory with him being fully healed.

"Well, come on, Mercury let me tell you what you're getting into," Jaune said, walking away from the wooden hut with Mercury walking beside him.

After getting into his personal bullhead with Mercury, Jaune had one of his men start flying as he talked to Mercury about his plans for the future.

To say Mercury wasn't stumped was to say the sky wasn't blue. Jaune, seeing that, decided to give him some space. In the meantime, he decided to call up the head of his assassin corps that consisted of the girls from Browning's Academy. After a couple of rings, the scroll on the other end was picked up.

"How can I be of service to you, my lord." The girl on the other side of the scroll said with a bow. She was Alice Verte, the top assassin to come out of the school, and she now worked for Jaune. She was seventeen years old with long black hair and green eyes.

"It's good to see you, Alice. How have you been?"

"I have been doing excellent, my lord. The mission you gave me has been progressing nicely." Alice said with another bow while her eyes held a certain excitement in them.

Jaune, seeing that excitement, decided to compliment her. "Good job Alice. I expect nothing less from my greatest assassin," Jaune said, causing Alice to preen under his praise. "Anyway, I was calling to inform you to make your way back to Vale and meet me in Junior's club along with any others that aren't out in the field."

"Understood, my lord. I will make haste to Vale at once," Alice said with another bow before ending the call.

'Alright, let's make my subordinates even more powerful.' Jaune thought while looking out the bullhead window and up at the broken moon in the night sky.