
Demon king returns.

The Demon King comes back after being killed, now he’s the MCs great great grandson, will he kill his old enemies? Or will he kill their seeds.

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5 Chs


Azazel, now fully immersed in the life of Jay's great-great-grandson, found himself navigating the unfamiliar halls of an opulent mansion. His footsteps echoed through the polished corridors as he ventured outside his room, curiosity piqued. It wasn't long before he encountered Cate, the maid assigned to him.

" What do you think you're doing? " the maid asked suspicious of the prince.

With a charming smile that masked his true intentions, Azazel replied, "I just wanted to look around!" Cate blushed, charmed by his seemingly innocent demeanor, and gently patted his head. "First, you should go eat with your family," she suggested, guiding him to the dining room.

As he entered the dining room, Azazel took note of his new family. His mother, her fiery red hair cascading down her shoulders, and his father, whose white hair mirrored Azazel's own, sat at the head of the table. Two other children, an older sibling and a younger one, completed the family.

"Azazel," his mother called, concern etched in her features, "when will you start training your body? If you can't use magic, you should at least become proficient with a sword."

Azazel, still getting used to his new identity, delved into the memories once more. He discovered that the boy he now inhabited had struggled to unlock his magical abilities. A wicked smirk tugged at the corners of Azazel's lips as he decided to play along.

"I suppose it's time to reveal my abilities." he said, his voice taking on a confident tone. Focusing his newfound ice manipulation abilities, he conjured small icy crystals in the air, a display of magic that left his family astonished.

"Brother, since when?" his younger sister exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement.

His older brother chuckled, albeit in a teasing manner. "I guess you won't be useless anymore, huh?"

Their mother's stern expression softened with pride, though a hint of worry lingered in her eyes. "You should still train your body," she advised, her voice gentle but firm. "A mage's weak point will always be their vulnerable body."

Azazel nodded, feigning gratitude for their concern. Little did they know, he had no intention of following their advice. Instead, he saw this as an opportunity to further his own agenda. Under the guise of training, he could explore his newfound powers and prepare for the inevitable clash with the heroes of his past.

In the days that followed he caught news that the once great Hero Jay was coming by in a few weeks, Azazel engaged in a delicate balancing act. He continued his swordsman training under the watchful eyes of tutors, all the while honing his ice and blood magic in secret. His family, unaware of his true potential, believed him to be a promising young magic swordsman, blissfully ignorant of the darkness that lurked within him.

As he delved deeper into his magical abilities, Azazel's confidence grew. He practiced in the quiet hours of the night, his room illuminated by the eerie glow of his powers. Each flick of his fingers, each controlled burst of ice, brought him closer to mastering his newfound strength.

Yet, even as he trained, Azazel couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. The heroes, now aging but undoubtedly still formidable, haunted his thoughts. He knew that his time for vengeance was approaching, and he would need to be prepared.

With steely determination, Azazel vowed to surpass his limitations, to become a force to be reckoned with. The mansion, once a place of luxury and comfort, became his battleground, a testing ground for his growing powers.

As he continued his charade, Azazel plotted his next move. The heroes might have aged, but he knew better than to underestimate them. He would bide his time, growing stronger with each passing day, until the moment came when he could face them once more.

He's way weaker now so he can disguise a fight against Jay as sparring to know how much he'd need to train. And to know the full extent of their strength now that they are old.

The day Jay came to visit Azazel's family was a turning point, though not in the way Azazel had initially anticipated. Excitement bubbled within him as he hurried to meet Jay, eager for a chance to confront his old foe. Revenge was on his mind, his bloodthirsty anticipation palpable.

However, as Azazel laid eyes on the hero he once loathed, his excitement dissolved like smoke in the wind. Jay, once a formidable figure, was now a mere shadow of his former self. His skin clung tightly to his bones, his frame gaunt and fragile. The sight of the once-mighty hero reduced to such a state extinguished Azazel's bloodthirsty vibe, leaving him feeling strangely empty. I gues hundreds of years was too much for the Human Hero, the fact that he's alive is a shock in itself.

With a newfound sense of apathy, Azazel turned away, no longer driven by the desire for revenge. The hero he once wanted to defeat had become a pitiable figure, and the fire in Azazel's heart had waned.

Later, during dinner, Jay made an unexpected proposition. "Azazel," he called out, attempting to engage the young man's interest, "would you like to join the academy?"

Azazel, still lost in his thoughts, looked bored and indifferent. "What's the point of that?" he replied, his voice devoid of enthusiasm.

"The children of other famous heroes like me will be there, many talented children all in one place. " Jay said, his tone slightly arrogant. "Don't you want to prove our strength to them?"

Azazel's reaction surprised even himself. His spoon clattered onto his plate, the sound echoing in the tense atmosphere. Jay's words had unwittingly struck a nerve, but not for the reasons the hero had imagined.

Inside Azazel's mind, a sinister plan began to take shape. ' Why don't I break every single family member? Starting from the children? ' The thought slithered through his mind like a snake, a wicked smirk playing on his lips. Despite the darkness of his thoughts, he managed to keep his true intentions hidden, not wanting to reveal the depths of his malevolence.

"When do I start?" Azazel asked, his voice devoid of emotion, masking the dark thoughts that churned beneath the surface. Little did Jay know that he had unwittingly set Azazel on a path that would lead to unimaginable consequences.

And so, with a seemingly apathetic agreement, Azazel agreed to join the academy, his mind already plotting the destruction of those around him. The heroes, unaware of the darkness that lurked within their midst, continued their lives, blissfully ignorant of the storm that was about to descend upon them.

As Azazel's smirk grew, a chilling realization settled over him. The hero he once sought to defeat had unwittingly given him the means to fulfill his malevolent desires. The academy would serve as the perfect hunting ground, a place where he could prey on the families of the heroes, breaking them one by one, starting with their vulnerable children. Breaking the old heroes physically would be too easy, breaking them emotionally will be much more satisfying.

With his plan in motion, Azazel's transformation into the embodiment of darkness was all but complete. The heroes would soon realize that the true threat was not just the Demon King they once knew, but the twisted soul that now resided within Azazel—a soul consumed by hatred, revenge, and the thirst for destruction.