
Demon King In Naruto

A Demon King is Born in the Naruto World, He just wants peace but it doesn't seem to be so easy after all. He who controls the seven deadly sin shall change the Naruto World, or maybe not?

MarSus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

The New World

Kai glanced around, taking in the lush surroundings. Trees swayed gently in the breeze, leaves rustling in a symphony of life. Birds chirped in a chorus that seemed almost cheerful, a stark contrast to the agonized cries that usually filled his ears.

As he surveyed his surroundings, he realized he had materialized just a stone's throw away from a village—one he recognized from the tales he'd been told about this world. Konoha.

Kai's eyes twinkled with amusement as he observed the guards stationed at the village entrance, diligently checking for permits. It seemed even the ninja world had its bureaucratic intricacies. He leaned against a nearby tree, taking in the scene with an amused grin. The guards, clad in their distinctive ninja attire, were inspecting every passerby, apparently determined to uphold the regulations of their village.

"Well, well," Kai murmured to himself, his lips curling into a wry smile. "Looks like I can't go in easily."

As he watched the guards inspect travelers and ninja alike, an idea formed in Kai's mind—a notion so audacious and amusing that he couldn't resist. After all, what was the point of having demon powers and a penchant for mischief if he couldn't have a little fun in this new world?

With a theatrical flourish, Kai stepped forward, his presence exuding an air of confidence that seemed almost out of place among the villagers. The guards' gazes turned to him, and he met their curious stares with an innocent smile that belied his true nature.

"Good day, gentlemen!" he called out cheerfully, his voice carrying a light-hearted tone. "I must say, this village of yours seems like a delightful place. I trust you're having a splendid day?"

The guards exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by his unexpected arrival and his unusually polite demeanor. One of them, a shinobi with an eye-catching mop of hair, cleared his throat before responding. "Uh, yes, sir. It's... it's a fine day. Do you have a permit to enter the village?"

Kai chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Ah, you see, that's the thing. It appears I might have misplaced my permit during my... journey here. Quite the predicament, I must admit."

The guards exchanged baffled looks, clearly uncertain how to handle this stranger who seemed to possess a confusing air towards him. Kai continued to play the part, his tone exuding exaggerated sincerity.

"But fear not, my good sirs!" he declared, raising a reassuring hand. "I have every intention of acquiring the necessary documentation."

Kai's eyes twinkled mischievously as he summoned the power of Lust, one of the seven deadly sin,— with the enticing ability known as "Temptation's Touch." It was a barely perceptible shift in his aura, yet it allowed the irresistible allure to emanate from his very being, a magnetic force that tugged at the guards' thoughts and desires.

The guards blinked, their expressions softening as the enchantment took hold. A warm, almost dreamy sensation enveloped them, and their minds began to synchronize with Kai's rhythm. They exchanged a look, their once-assertive demeanor dissolving in the face of his enchanting presence.

"Of course," they murmured in unison, their words almost synchronized. "Please, allow us to extend an invitation for you to enter."

A satisfied smile curved Kai's lips as he continued to exude his hypnotic charm. The guards' resistance crumbled beneath the weight of his allure, leaving them pliant and eager to comply with his every wish.

"Thank you, kind sirs," Kai replied graciously, his voice an echo of satisfaction. "Your generosity is truly appreciated."

With a graceful nod, he walked through the village gates, the guards' entranced gazes following him until he was out of sight.




As Kai leisurely wandered through the vibrant streets of Konoha, his aura of allure and the effects of his "Temptation's Touch" began to wane. Kai's crimson eyes sparkled with amusement as he observed the brightness of the village's aura.

He was fully engrossed in the spectacle of Konoha when a sudden sight pulled him from his revelry. In a dimly lit back alley, a young woman was being cornered by a group of men. Their voices carried a note of aggression that was hard to ignore.

"Hey, your dad owes me. When will we get our money back?"

Kai's eyebrows lifted in mild surprise. Without missing a beat, he made his way toward the alley, his stance relaxed yet ready for action.

As he stepped into the alley, the group of men shifted their attention to him, their expressions a mix of wariness and curiosity. "Hello there, gentlemen," Kai greeted with a casual nod, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "I couldn't help but notice the engaging conversation you're having."

The men exchanged uncertain glances, seemingly taken aback by the sudden appearance of this newcomer. The young woman, who had been the focus of their confrontation, regarded Kai with a mixture of surprise and relief.

Kai turned his attention to her, his gaze warm and inviting. "And you, my dear, do you care to explain this intriguing scenario? It's not every day that one witnesses such... lively discourse."

With a nod, the girl found her voice. "These men are claiming that my father owes them money. They're demanding repayment."

Kai's lips curled into a sympathetic smile. "Ah, debts. What a typical story. Don't you know the punishment for extorting someone in this village?" Kai said, glancing over at the grunts.

The men shifted uncomfortably, their bluster somewhat deflated by Kai's calm demeanor. One of them cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact.

"We were just discussing, that's all," he mumbled.

Kai chuckled softly. "Ah, of course. A spirited discussion, I'm sure. Might I propose a solution to this situation?"

With a flourish, Kai produced a small pouch filled with gold and offered it to the men with a grin. "Consider this a gesture of goodwill—Scram off now."

The men exchanged a perplexed glance, their expressions shifting from hostility to bewilderment. One of them hesitantly accepted the pouch.

"Um, thanks," the man said, still somewhat taken aback. "This is unexpected."

Kai chuckled, his laughter echoing through the alley. "The unexpected often adds a dash of excitement, wouldn't you agree? Now, let us bid farewell to this dimly lit setting and rejoin the liveliness of the village."

However, just as he wanted to head back, a light poke could be felt by Kai. He found himself face to face with the young woman he had just rescued from the clutches of those rather insistent gentlemen. She looked at him with a mix of gratitude and curiosity, her gaze steady.

Before he could anticipate her question, she spoke, her voice carrying a hint of wonder. "Why did you save me?"

Kai's charismatic facade faltered ever so slightly, and he cleared his throat, his tone taking on an unintentionally exaggerated chivalrous quality. "Well, you see, it's only right for a man of, um, distinction to come to the aid of a young and lovely woman such as yourself."

He inwardly winced at his own response, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at the overly dramatic manner in which he had answered. But the young lady's reaction was not what he had anticipated.

A delicate flush colored her cheeks as she lowered her gaze, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Oh, you're quite the charmer, aren't you?"

Kai's cheeks warmed ever so slightly, his mask of confidence momentarily slipping. "Well, I suppose one could say that," he replied with a self-deprecating chuckle.

Her smile remained, and she seemed genuinely appreciative. "In that case, please allow me to express my gratitude. Can I treat you to a meal?"

Kai considered the offer, his intrigue piqued. While he was more accustomed to exerting his own influence, he found himself amused by this turn of events. After a moment's thought, he nodded with a gracious smile.

"Very well, dear lady," he replied in a more relaxed tone, allowing his charisma to blend with a genuine sense of camaraderie. "I graciously accept your kind offer."

And so, with an unspoken agreement, the young lady led him through the bustling streets of Konoha, weaving through the crowded village smoothly. Kai found himself both amused and intrigued by her presence—she was not simply a damsel in distress, but a spirited individual with a charm of her own.

As they walked, conversation flowed easily between them, transitioning from tales of Kai's life, filtered of course down to the young woman's own experiences in this world of shinobi. Kai found himself captivated by her animated anecdotes and spirited demeanor,

Soon enough, their journey led them to a familiar sight—the Ichiraku Ramen Store. The enticing aroma of freshly cooked ramen wafted through the air, attracting them to enter the ramen store. With a theatrical flourish, he held out a hand to the young lady. "Allow me to extend the courtesy, my dear, and treat you to a delightful meal. After all, it's only fair that I return the favor of your gracious invitation."

She giggled, her smile infectious. "You're quite the character, aren't you? Very well, let's enjoy a meal together."