
Demon King's Slave

My name is Reed, an orphan turned soldier forcibly, facing several horrible laboratory tests. Facing imminent death, I stroke a desperate deal with the devil. Saved from the brink, I awaken to find Earth transformed—gone is the world of democracy and technology, replaced by one teeming with magical creatures and powers, where strength reigns supreme. Driven by a desire to survive the cataclysm and discover my enigmatic savior, I embark on a quest for strength. But I soon learn my body is far from ordinary, and the path to power is shrouded in mystery. With no other option but to unravel these secrets, I set forth on a journey filled with both triumphs and trials.

salads4breakfast · Fantaisie
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A Desperate Leap

As I stirred from my daze, the world seemed to spin around me. "Where… where am I?" My voice echoed in my own ears, muddled and uncertain.

My head throbbed, aching as though it might burst. Everything was hazy, making it impossible to think straight. In front of me sat a stranger, his eyes fixed on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. I tried to speak, but my words evaporated into thin air.

With great effort, I focused on his face. He appeared distressed; his breathing ragged. A purple tuxedo adorned his frame, a stark contrast to the chaos reigning around us.

But there was no time to dwell on appearances. Survival was paramount. I scanned my surroundings, finding myself in what resembled a plush chair, akin to those found in private jets. To my right, a surreal scene unfolded—a man of importance flanked by two naked women, lost in a haze of intoxication.

My gaze shifted to my left, landing on a small circular window. Beyond it, clouds danced in the sky, a surreal sight that confirmed we were airborne.

"We're off the GROUND!" I realized, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

An alarm blared, its shrill cry piercing through the chaos. Red lights flashed and an urgent message blared from the speakers, but the words were lost amidst the chaos.

Panic threatened to consume me as I searched for answers. A maid, her uniform pristine amidst the chaos, approached me with a calm demeanor that belied the chaos surrounding us.

"Where are we?" I managed to choke out, desperation seeping into my voice.

"Somewhere in the sky," she replied sarcastically, her words offering little solace.

Before I could press for more information, my attention returned to the man in front of me. Perhaps he knew what was going on. Gathering my resolve, I attempted to talk to him, but something was off. His lips moved, mimicking my own words, a surreal mirror image that left me unnerved.

As I grappled with the strangeness of it all, reality shattered before my eyes. The man I thought was sitting in front of me was but a mere reflection. A glance at the reflection revealed a man, decades younger, a stark contrast to the person I knew myself to be.

"This can't be real," I muttered, struggling to make sense of the situation.

With newfound determination fueling my resolve, I stood from my seat brushing aside the chaos unfolding around me. The control room beckoned like a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil.

As I made my way to the control room, my path was blocked by a formidable-looking muscular woman, her grip like a vice around my shoulder.

"You can't go in there," she warned, her voice laced with authority.

In a moment of desperation, I lashed out, my actions fueled by instinct rather than reason. I pushed her away, she stumbled on her own feet as she fell backward.

As I opened the control room, a grim reality greeted me as the pilots who were supposed to control the plane lay lifeless, their blood scattered everywhere. The gravity of the situation started sinking in as I started to panic.

This couldn't be a simple assassination. They were trying to kill everyone present on this plane. I thought for a moment before realizing, 'Unless, somebody killed the pilots after the plane took off,' the pieces of the puzzle slowly fell into place.

With the plane hurtling towards disaster, I didn't have the time to ponder about the situation. I had to make a choice, accept my fate and wait on the plane and see whatever happens, or take a leap of faith and jump off the plane. I looked around for a jumpsuit but to no avail. In a moment of madness, I chose to jump and hurl myself into the unknown abyss below.

As I made my way to the exit of the plane, I saw a man in a jet-black suit with a mask concealing the lower half of his face, he had a jumpsuit on his back. He turned to me and gave me the finger as an insult.

"Mother f***er!" I shouted as I tried to catch him, but he was already gone. I looked outside of the plane and there was only a horizon full of sea visible.

I hesitated for a moment before finally closing my eyes and jumping out of the plane. As the wind hurled on my face, all I could think of was how stupid I had lived my life.

'I should have enjoyed my life a little more.' I thought closing my eyes and surrendering to my fate. 'In my next life, I will enjoy my life to the fullest, I will buy a house, and a car, and sleep with how many women I want.' I declared.

Just as I was to hit the water's surface, the world around me turned dark. This darkness was different from the darkness of the moonless nights. Nothing was present here, no light, no shadow, not even a minute vibration could be heard.

Suddenly, a voice pierced the darkness, a voice that offered salvation amidst the chaos.

"I offer you salvation, if you accept, your path will be a guaranteed success, but if you don't, you will die in 0.8 seconds as you touch the water surface," it whispered, igniting a spark of hope within me. Confusion mingled with disbelief as I grappled with the implications of my survival.

"I will ask you one last time, DO YOU ACCEPT TO BE MY SLAVE?", the voice said, with a deeper frequency this time.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I accepted, giving the promise of redemption a chance to guide me into the unknown.

Hello guys! I just got out of jail and I am editing the chapters. Read and tell me what you think. Your feedbacks are greately appreciated! :)

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