
Demon King's Good Karma System

The strongest being in the world, even gods were vary of, the demon lord had killed all his opponents. He was the supreme with unparalleled strength and supreme powers, he could not be defeated. Looking down even at gods, he was not afraid of anyone. But who would have thought that he would be backstabbed by his own family. Killed by his own brother, he decided to take revenge if he would get an extra chance. But when he opened his eyes again, he was on earth not in his world of demons and that also with a shitty “GOOD KARMA SYSTEM” that could only let him live if he would collect sufficient points by the end of the day. To earn the points, he had to do good deeds, and so his struggle to gain the points began. The man who had only cared about himself and only killed people like they were insects had to struggle and beg to help others so that he could get his long awaited revenge. But after doing so much goodness, would his system let him kill his killer for which he had come back to life and struggled so much?

MelonSmasher · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

[Bonus chapter]

No matter what the assistant said, Tang Min's eyes were set on the face of the man who was standing in front of her. How could she forget him!

All this was happening because of him only or her foolishness! How had she known that the mocktail she would drink in the office party was drugged and then in the name of escorting her home, they would leave her in a cheap bar from where any man could take her!

And he was the one who won the trophy!

"You can sit!" Hao nodded and then with a cool smile he shifted his butt around and leaned on the seat with his legs crossed one over the other as if he was meeting an acquaintance.

"I have never thought that I would meet you again in an interview. But I apologise, I did not want to take you as a participant. So, you can leave, we will pay for the expenses you have done for coming here!" without even giving him a chance to speak, she closed the file in front of him and returned it back to the man sitting there leisurely.

Though the assistant was surprised that her boss knew the man, she looked at the man again from top to bottom and frowned. There was no way that she would have met a man like him. But Hao was not at all surprised with her words.

Though she had acted strong that morning, he had heard her tears while leaving and he knew she had suffered a lot due to it.

For the first time he felt that the way of earning good points from the karma system was skewed, and he felt a strong urge to correct it.

He could see the frost on her face and compared it with the night they had spent together, how passionate she was at that time and shook his head.

As if reading his thoughts, the girl fumed and her grip on the file tightened.

"I said, leave! We did not want to hire you." This time her voice was sharp and commanding and everyone around felt the pressure behind her words.

His presence reminds her that she had lost her innocence with a ruuifan who sleep often with prostitutes.

"I can leave right now as I have no interest in the meagre sum you are offering or following you all day like your personal dog! But I do not like to owe anyone.

I was here to inform you what happened with you and what is going to happen with you! And then you would understand that none of these feeble and decrepit would be able to save you. What has happened is nothing in front of that!" his tone suddenly changed cold and his eyes blank as if the pleasant smile on his face was just an illusion.

The cold aura he was depicting was much stronger than their boss.

Tang Min raised her head and looked at the other interviewee. They all were normal men with nothing extraordinary about them. He was right, if needed, they would not be able to save her. But would he?

All the men felt embarrassed the way she scanned their bodies but not even a single expression changed on her face as if she was checking the ingredients of the snacks she was going to buy.

"Come with me!" She stood up and walked out of the room without even once turning back to ensure that he followed.

"But madam.." the assistant panicked with the sudden turn of events and glared at the man who created this chaos.

But Hao did not even look at her as he followed the silent lady with a smirk on his face. She walked to a private room on the other corner of the floor that had dim lighting and a secluded look.

"Would you like to order anything, madam?" asked the waiter politely, bowing his head but she shook her head and waved her hand.

The man bowed and left silently, closing the door behind him.

Without even wasting a second or waiting for him to sit down, she shot a glance at him as if waiting for him to speak!

"Your sister ordered someone to mix the drug in your drink and deliver you to a gang. When I reached there a dozen men were hovering over you and would have shot you while taking you one by one or together.

If you do not believe me, you could go and ask in the bar. I fought with them all, not for saving you but they threatened me. I hate threats.

But you! You are still not safe, I heard from the goons that they were going to attack you today. That is why I am here.

If you want, I can save you as I did not like to owe someone. But if you still did not trust me then i do not care anymore too!" he shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave when she stood up abruptly.

The sunglasses in her hands had already been crumpled in her hands.

"Wait!" he halted and turned with a blank face as if he had nothing to say anymore and waited for her to make a decision.

"I have already gone and checked the details of the bar. Though you saved me from them, you.. So we are equal, you do not owe me anything." he was surprised with the words she said.

Since the time he was spending with humans, he had always seen that they only remembered what they had done for others and not the other way around.

They were a bunch of greedy, selfish and lazy people who never accepted that they were wrong. Yet the lady did not accuse him for the night.

His eyes flickered as he looked at her cold and serene face that was devoid of any emotions. Just like this room, she had Secluded expressions.