
The outside world

As I walked I wondered what happened to my subordinates after I died, After all we are demons we don't die of age. But they could die from something else.

What year was it though? How long ago did I die?

I looked at the card in my hand and it said "student ID Ren Sayakato" "is that my name?" I thought. Under my name it said "kiriyato academy" The name of my nemesis was kiriyato. They made an academy for him? It said the location of the academy on the back of the card.

I made my way to the academy, once I made it to a big town I found the academy it was easy to see the big academy from here. I walked in to the office and the lady at the desk said "get to class, you don't wanna be late for your first day! I ran to the first room I saw.

The teacher was introducing herself "I will be your magician history teacher mrs ikki. She continued speaking as I sat down in the first seat I saw. "Let's start by saying our names."

One girl stood up " I am Airi Skimato." More people started introducing themselves until it was my turn, I stood up and said "I'm Ren Sayakato." I was the last person to introduce themselves, and the teacher started teaching. She said a lot of things that weren't true about the war between demons and humans. Did they alter the info of the Great War? The class eventually ended and by the end I learned a lot, of course some of it not being true, but now I knew the year, 1294. My previous life was over 1,000 years ago.