
Demon Island

Demon Island is a fantasy novel that tells the tale of an ordinary urban youth who, after inadvertently consuming a wish fruit from a strange realm, finds himself in the mysterious land of Demon Island. The story unfolds in a vividly fantastical world divided into four major regions: the Dragon Clan occupies the northern territory, the Demon Clan rules the west, the Ghost Clan governs the south, and the Human Clan resides in the Central Plains. In this realm, the forms of life are diverse and extraordinary, ranging from ethereal beings that transcend the cycles of life and death to demons that achieve immortality through various paths. The central plot of the novel revolves around the protagonist's adventures on Demon Island, brimming with elements of magic and exploration.

DaoistSmIuyR · Fantaisie
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154 Chs

Exchange of Intelligence

We entered the Wolf King's tent, and Jack was the first to break the silence with a smile. "As soon as I left my quarters during training, I encountered a peculiar green spider. After defeating it, I earned this card. Seems I'm luckier than the rest of you, getting back to sleep early." Between his fingers, he twirled a pale green card, and with a sharp eye, I quickly discerned its content.

Giant Spider Legion Form

Level: One-Star Legion Card 

Effect: Barracks / ??? 

Capacity: 999 Giant Spiders 

Current Legion Count: 84/999 

The Wolf King and Hachi Jinfu, having heard Jack's story before, directed their gaze at me, expectant. I activated a quick spell, and a small red rune stone appeared at my fingertips. With a casual flick, I retrieved it back into the Book of Demons.

"It functions similarly to Jack's card, though the form differs," I explained. The Wolf King appeared satisfied, addressing us, "As a team, let's set aside our differences, even if temporary. Over these past two days, I believe we've all come to recognize one another as worthy partners. Fortunately, we've no weak links among us."

Hachi Jinfu spoke up, "I propose we exchange intel. The more we understand about Demon Island, the better our chances for survival and attaining what we seek. My knowledge is limited to this: to return home, one must acquire another Wish Fruit." 

The Wolf King and Hachi Jinfu both looked surprised, while Jack, although expressionless, leaned in attentively.

I thought, "Why would the Miss Devil leave out such crucial details?"—and then it struck me. These three had already killed the Miss Devil assigned to guide them. The realization left me momentarily speechless.

With a slight grin, the Wolf King began, "I learned of Demon Island through an ancient journal left by a vampire, who wrote that this world connects not only to ours but to realms such as hell and paradise. This place brims with mystery and operates under unique laws, which, if mastered, grant unimaginable power. And I need that power to achieve certain goals..."

Hachi Jinfu continued, his voice grave, "Our family has a legacy tied to Demon Island; one of my ancestors learned secret arts here, founding the Hachi clan's enterprise. But over centuries, we've drawn powerful foes, and our inherited arts can no longer defend against looming threats. Hence, I entered the island with a Wish Fruit, hoping to acquire stronger arts. I know that slaying creatures here tallies battle scores, exchangeable for certain rewards."

Jack shrugged before sharing his revelation. "Before dying, someone told me that beyond Demon Island, there are other islands and lands, each with its own ruler. To gain favor from such a being brings endless benefits. I no longer wish to return; life here—where one can kill freely—has its...appeal."

"In that case, Demon Island's creator must be capricious, his world steeped in malicious whimsy," I mused silently.

After the exchange, a contemplative silence settled over us. Truthfully, I doubted the value of this exchange, as Julliel might possess even deeper insights. But this gesture forged a sense of camaraderie, with Hachi Jinfu suggesting, "As all power here stems from basic spiritual energy, I've been training in it since I was six. If you have trouble with your practice, feel free to ask. Let's meet again here after eight hours to discuss our progress."

While the Wolf King and Jack studied their Spiritual Training Cards, I couldn't help but ask Jinfu, "If you're proficient in spiritual power, why don't you use it more during combat?"

Jinfu gave a wry smile. "I'm always using it; did you not notice? Compared to average humans, I'm not far behind you, though perhaps slightly less powerful by your standard." 

"Ah! That explains it!" Realization dawned. With my strength-amplifying card, dynamic vision, berserker pills, and the ancient blade Goyue, my combined power put me leagues above ordinary humans. Jinfu's prowess in combat should have been apparent, yet I hadn't fully grasped its significance. The Wolf King and Jack must've noticed long ago, leaving him unchallenged.

Seeing my contemplative expression, Jinfu assumed I was struggling and offered an explanation. "There are numerous forms of spiritual power. How it develops—through training, innate attributes, or breakthroughs—alters its properties. Traditional Chinese Qi cultivation, when fused with mental discipline, is another unique form, sometimes called 'innate true Qi.'"