

He smirked when he saw her expression change as if she's fantasizing him. But he groans when Monroe kicks his balls that he didn't anticipate. "Uuurghh!"

"You're right. I really do know how to hurt a guy." She said to him lying on the floor because in pain. She then turned to Jade's direction who's also laying on the floor struggled by the Vampires and called him."Jade!"

"Monroe, look out!" He managed to say.

"Aaaahhhhhhhh!!" She screamed.

The guy she kicked off from a while ago grabbed her neck choking her and slammed her on the wall with full force.

"Bitch, you're finished!" He said furiously.

"The blade!" Jade shouted at her. She then took the seraph blade from her back but the guy snatched it from her hand that made him grunts. The blade burned his palm since it is meant to kill demons. He releases it. "Damn it!" He grunts and throws Monroe miles away. He glared at her growling."rooaawr!" He took her again from the floor and ready to bite her when suddenly, he noticed that Alex and Izzy appeared pointing his arrow into him. He made Monroe as his cover. "Rooaaawr!"

"Okay." Alex smirked as he understands what the Vampire is trying to do. While pointing out the arrow directly into him, he shooted the wall behind him instead, causing it to create a hole. The sunlight was hit directly into him and he released Monroe as he's slowly burned from the sunrays.

Monroe quickly took the seraph blade in the floor and went towards Jade's direction. One vampire ran after her so she wielded the seraph blade and slashed it into the guy causing him to evaporate. Jade also did the same as her. His hair was ruined. She stared into the blade still couldn't get over to what she did again. Jade stared at her smiling proudly at her.

"I killed him." She said and turned her gazed into Jade.

"He's already dead." He replied.

"Plus, he wanted to kill you. Remember that." Izzy added while walking towards their direction. " She did great, right?" She said proudly at Jade.

"Yeah, you did. You should be proud." He said trying to comfort her. She smiled hesitantly at both of them.

"Thanks, but… it's not about me. Let's go find Simon." She said and walked ahead of them.

Barbara couldn't stay in one place knowing that the Demonhunters are coming and had past through her men. On the other hand, Simon had completely no idea of what is going on. He's just smiling and stared into Barbara's fuming face.

"Why is it so loud out there? What is that?" Simon asked glancing to Barbara as he's wiping the blood in his mouth.

"It's nothing, dearest. A party. You know the neighbors in these places. Short term rentals." She replied.

"I know. Bloody mary's for everyone." He replied and stood up. She look at him annoyed at him. She then went to the telephone and said "Where. is. everyone?"  Furiously phrased.

Simon slowly walk backwards and shouted "Monroe! I'm heeeere!" And he ran as fast as he could. Barbara got more angry.

As he managed to get out of the room, to his surprise Refael was there and pushed him back inside the room."I told you you're a hostage! Accept it!" He said furiously.

Simon fought back and punched Refael into the face but he managed to avoid it. He then grabbed Simon and struggled him from the back as he placed his sword into Simon's neck. "HA HA HA" he gave him a devilish laugh as Simon is breathing heavily. Barbara just glared at them without doing anything.

"Don't move. I know you wanna find out how this story ends." He said and smirked. Simon was holding Refael's arm trying to get away with him. Refael stared at Barbara fangs out as if asking for permission of what he's going to do next.

"Thank you, Refael. I'll take care of this from here." She said while walking slowly towards their direction.

"You don't have to bother." He said eager to kill Simon by his own hands.

"No, honestly. I've had it with this thing." She said furiously and her fangs are out. "Give it to me. I'll finish it off." She added.

"Barbara,we have a bigger problem. They're almost here and you can't be caught." He said as he glanced at his back."You're too valuable. Don't worry, I'll kill it." He added and smirked at Simon. While Barbara are slowly walking backwards.

"That's a little excessive,yeah?" Simon interrupted despite of being choked.

"Shut up!" He said to Simon." Take the back passage out through the tunnels. Go!" He commanded. She then ran quickly and disappeared.

"Now listen and do exactly as I say… nothing more." He said as they walked slowly to the edge of the room away from the door. "They're coming." He said nervously as he felt their presence and smell.

Alex, Izzy, Jade and Monroe  are walking towards them holding each their swords.And Monroe ran the moment she saw Simon taken by Refael."Simon!" But Jade quickly grabbed her wrist and stopped her from attacking."That's not gonna do any good." He reprimanded.

"Listen to him, Monroe." Refael said to her."Put it away!" He ordered referring to the seraph blade she's holding."I've had more than enough of your friend for one day. I'd like to cut of his throat. Don't give me a reason" He added. Jade gritted his teeth glaring at Refael. "Put it away!" He again but this time, to everyone.

They listened to him and put their blades back to their packets. "Simon. Simon, are you all right?" Monroe asked worriedly.

"I wouldn't say all right--" he was not able to finish his sentence when Refael cut him off.

"Stop talking!" He said annoyed." Now… If you would all just follow me. Let's go!" He added and started walking backwards pulling out Simon from his neck.

They all followed him with a worried eyes. "Come on! Let's go! Up here now!" He said furiously as they climbed up the stairs. He stopped and let the four walked first before them."That's right walked down there now! Or I'll kill him right now!" He ordered. He ordered them to walked down the alley where the exit is located.

"Look, we're not gonna hurt you. We just want Simon." Monroe said as Jade is trying to keep her away from Refael.

"I'm glad you do. We don't! We wanted you!" He said angrily.

"Well, I'm here." She said and about to run to present herself but Jade stopped her." Stop!" Jade shouted.

"I said 'wanted'. Not my idea.Now, get out! Go!" He ordered as they reached the door.

"Not without Simon." She replied.

"Shut up! Open that damn door now or I'll kill him here!" He shouted.

"Listen to him!" Jade shouted to Alex and Izzy who's near the door.

"But Simon will die if---" she didn't finish her sentence when Alex opened the door and Refael whimpered the moment he saw the Sunlight and hid himself at the back of Simon.

"Monroe,go!" Simon shouted.

"Go!Go!Go!" Jade commanded Monroe when she didn't move.

"Go! Take him!Go!" Refael said in fear as he keeps whimpering. He releases Simon and hid himself into the big pipes.

"I don't know how to thank you." Simon came back saying it as Jade pulled him out of the room.

"Don't thank me. You mean nothing. This is about Marcus and the chaos he can bring." He replied.

"Come on!" Jade said.

"Jade Wayland!" He called Jade panting and he stopped." Remember who your friends are." He said Jade stopped for a minute and continued running and slammed the door it went dark again inside.

Everyone was in shocked and couldn't even moved because of what happened. Monroe was leaning into the wall as her support because her knees are trembling. Simon was breathing heavily and trembling.

"Shouldn't we get the hell out of here?" He said to everyone trembling. They all looked into Simon.

"Why, Simon?" Jade asked.

"They're right downstairs." He replied.

"Let them come after us. They'll just turn into a bunch of fried chickens out here." He said and smirked."I thought you said you've watched movies?" He added and they started walking Izzy,Alex and Jade. Simon couldn't reply because of what he said.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God! It's over." Monroe gazed into Simon and ran into him and caressed his face."I was afraid that I would lose you. But it's true you are actually here."

"You know I'd do anything for you." He said as he looked at her in the eyes.

"You don't have to die." She sighed.

"I'd rather not do that." He replied and smiled shyly. She then hugged him tightly. Jade crossed his arms and Alex did the same and turned their gazed to them and frowned, Izzy glanced into Monroe and Simon hugging and the looked to her brothers and smirked.

" I couldn't leave without you." Monroe said while hugging him tightly.

Simon was surprised hearing her say that so he released her from hugging and said " Say that again."