
Deadly News

The air in the room is stiff. I can tell Naberius is worried about what father wanted to speak with him about. I sit down right next to Naberius. "What did you need to speak to Naberius about father?" I ask him. "I would rather tell your brother in private, but I already know you would not comply with that." He responds. "You are correct father, even if you asked me to, I would stay right here with him. Now if you could, please get on with what you have to say. I would prefer to still be able to help Naberius train tonight." "I'm afraid that will not be possible Rhea. Your mother and I came to an agreement, and we believe that Naberius should start his special training." "Now? Is he ready for that yet?" "We believe it would be best for him to start now, and it's not our normal training this time. We are sending him to the human realm."

I dwell on his words for a split moment then immediately get out of my seat, and start yelling, "Are you crazy?! He'll die! Do you remember what happened to Lily?! She was killed by the angel there!" Lily was my younger sister. Lily and I were really close, and would spend a lot of time together. She was only a year younger than me, and was the best sister you could ever have. Lily would take care of Naberius when he was younger, and help him with his training. The bond between Lily and I might've been closer than it is with Naberius and I. Lily was also gifted, and was really close to me in power. Instead of me being the protective one, Lily was protective of me. When she died, I was devastated, and swore to protect Naberius. When I just mentioned Lily, father had this angry expression on his face. "Don't you dare bring up Lily! She wasn't strong enough! She let our family down when she died! I have faith Naberius will do fine!" He yells back at me. "You're making a mistake! He isn't anywhere near ready!" After I say that, Naberius interrupts, "Sister it's fine really! Father I won't let you down." He could probably sense all the rage coming from me, and doesn't want this to end badly. "No! I will not allow this! You will not be going Naberius!" I argue back. "You have no say in the matter Rhea! He will be going to the human realm to train, and that's final!" Father yells back at me. Father opens a portal to the human realm, and gestures to Naberius to go through it. "You will be allowed back after ten years of being there, I wish you the best of luck son." He says. "As I said before, I won't let you down." Naberius responds. After he whispers goodbye to me, he enters through the portal. As father is about to close the portal, I run to join him. Before being consumed by this bright white light, I could hear my father yelling my name. I know following Naberius to the human realm is a big risk for me to take, but I can't just let my younger brother fend for himself in the human realm. I won't allow the only sibling I have left, to die at the hands of an angel. If I die, hell's heir to the throne is dead, so they'd have no choice to make Naberius the heir. I wouldn't let the angel kill Naberius, I would use the last of my power to make a portal to the demon realm, and he'd be safe. To be honest, I would rather not be the heir. Being a normal really strong demon sounds a lot more fun. This also gets me out of studying hell's history for ten years, so that's a plus. Being strong comes with a lot of perks, chaos being one of them. I love, and crave chaos, and I absolutely love taking risks. Without a bit of chaos everything would be boring. There is a lot of chaos to come, once father starts sending out my guards to the human realm to bring me back. Of course they won't be able to. I'm strong enough to deal with them, and there is always the possibility of the angel finding them first. I'm sure the angel will spot me at some point while I'm there. I can probably guess there will be about 7 angels in the human realm. They won't all be in the same area, but they are all probably high ranking angels. I will protect my brother at all costs from them. The angels would kill him instantly the moment they spot him. I know I should probably have some faith in him, and trust that he can fend for himself, but how can I when my sister died when she was sent there. Naberius is weaker than Lily, which gives him less of a chance against an angel. I'm just really worried for him.

As the bright light soon fades, I'm in front of a very large tree. The tree is very beautiful, and covered in vines. I put my hand on the tree to admire its beauty, and to feel it's energy. I suddenly feel this overwhelming burst of light magic coming from the tree, and I immediately back away as I remember what type of tree it is. It's an angelic tree, which must've been planted by one of the angels who are watching over this area. I would plant a demonic tree right next to it, but I'm a bit too tired to use my magic to make one. I also come to realization that Naberius isn't with me. I start to panic, because it seems like we were separated when we went through the portal. I start to think of the places he could've been brought to. There are three places in the United States that he could've ended up, one of them being here, the second place is cave located in Long Island, New York, the last place is a forest in Fincastle Virginia. I'm personally hoping he ended up in the Long Island location, because it's the safest. Only demons know of that cave, and it would be the best place for him to stay until I get there.

As I was about use my wings to fly up, and head over to that location, I hear footsteps nearby. I immediately grab one of my special daggers from my pocket, and throw it in the direction of the footsteps. Probably one of the most beautiful angels I've ever seen jumped out from the bushes, and points her polearm at me. "Evil demon you shouldn't be here!" She yells at me.