
The Accident

In the morning Annabeth was woken up by a hustle. "Good morning sunflower, get ready we are going to a picnic to the meadows," her mother said. She got up and got ready. After breakfast, they were all excited to go. They got into the car. The car shot down the road. Everyone was very excited to go to the meadows. Suddenly Annabeth felt that piercing pain in her head. She shouted "Stop!! Stop!!" Her mother tried to make her feel better "Darling it's okay, you'll be all right". Her father was very scared and worried him, he drove faster. Annabeth then heard the deafening sound. Her father looked at her and saw her face it was full of agony. Suddenly the car crashed into a railing. All went black...She woke up in a hospital bed. She could not remember anything. But she was sure of one thing that she was all alone. She saw Mr. Cruise. He asked her to go and sit outside. Annabeth did not cry cause she knew crying won't bring her mother and father back. Mr. Cruise came in a wheelchair. Annabeth asked him calmly "They are dead aren't they?". Mr. Cruise told her "Look Anna you are special" Annabeth cut him off "Special is just a word for weird". Mr. Cruise sighed "Your father wrote a will saying that if he dies you should live with me". "Anna you know that you have powers but it is your wish what you want to do with them good or bad". "I can't control it!" Annabeth said. "That is why you should come and stay with me I have a school where special children like you live". "Do you want to live with me?" asked Mr. Cruise. "Yes, let's go" said Annabeth and sat inside the car ...