
Chapter 1

"Hey wakey wakey Mr.Sleepyhead. You're gonna miss breakfast." A faint soft male voice called out to a young man sleeping soundly in bed.

"There's no point Aki, you're gonna have to do the thing." Another male voice called out. This one lower and smoother than the other having a sort of southern with a blend of wisdom in it as well.

"Well I don't want to miss breakfast because of the new kid so I guess I'll have to do it. Just look away. You know I can't work with you staring at me while I do this." The first voice said now embarrassed for what's about to happen to the still sleeping newbie.

With a sigh the second Male turned around and just kept a lookout in the doorway while the other began to speak Japanese while performing a dance. Slowly as he performed each step in the dance his body began to change. A small hole began to grow at the top of his head with water filling it in, skin began turning to a smooth green texture while his back began to broaden and caused him to slouch as his mouth began to extend and change into a beck like shape. After he finished the last step in his dance he stood at the end of the bed looking down at the still sleeping boy.

"Why do we always get the heavy sleepers?" Aki asked himself ensuring the other male wasn't looking at him as he took a deep breath and began to squirt out water from his mouth onto the sleeping boy. It took a few seconds but after the blanket began to absorb all the water the sleeping boy sat up still getting water shot in his face. Until he held his hands up blocking the near endless stress.

"Okay okay! I'm awake! Stop with the water already!"

"Look at that, he's not dead. I was wondering if you were in a coma but it's good to know that you're not because I would hate having to take care of your motionless body." The second voice chimed in coming up along side Aki not even phased at the others strange transformation. He moved along around the side of the bed to a small dresser opening it and pulling out a black uniform. A black button up suit jacket with red highlights at the hem with red buttons, a polyester sweater vest with accents of red, black and grey and to top it all off a pair of black slacks to put it all together.

The second kid tossed them at the foot of the bed patting Aki on the back signaling them to get out so the new kid could change. With in seconds Aki went back to his original human form rolling his shoulders back and stretching his back making a very audible popping noise. The two soon leaving the room giving the now wet new kid a chance to change.

It took a few minutes but the kid manage to come out of the room fully dressed as he pulled on his shoes walking out. Aki and the second kid were at the end of the corridor waving their hands from him to follow. Hesitant at first the new kid followed looking at each door he passed by. Each one having at most four name plates on them with a few having one. Each door also had some sort of decoration to them giving him an idea of what sort of person or persons sleep in that room. One thing he notice was that most of the names were of Japanese origin with a small few having English first names. One door that stuck out the most was one that appeared to have claw marks at the bottom of the door. They were far to large to be a cat's but to wide to be dogs either. The new kid was gonna take a closer look until the door opened and out came a very large and intimidating young man. The new kid had to strain his next a bit to look up at him and took a step back out of fear and curiosity as to how tall this kid even was. If you can even call him a kid.

Before he could sleep Aki came up beside him and just pulled the new kid away with a nervous laugh. The look in his eyes saying more than enough when it comes to interacting with this giant.

"Sorry about that Hachi, you know how the new kids are. Always curious and nosy not minding their own business. We'll be on our way to breakfast. See you there, have a nice day and please don't hurt us." The nervous laugh still continuing until they turned the corner of the corridor and walked down the stairs. Aki letting out a sigh as they seemed to be a good enough distance from Hachi. "Okay new kid, rule number one: Don't mess with Hachi. He's the toughest guy in this dorm and he's pretty much a monster when he's in a bad mood. So your best choice is to walk the opposite direction he's going in."

The new kid just nod following the two boys as they lead him to the dining room of the dorm. It was nothing fancy as you would expect. They're were bench tables lines up in rows of five with other boys taking up several of them. The lunch line was more of a buffet set up with the kids taking their trays and getting whatever it was they felt like having. There was also two vending machines with one being for soda and the other candy. It really wasn't all that interesting.

The three boys went in the line with the second one going over the rules of breakfast, lunch and dinner. "Alright new kid, breakfast starts from six to seven thirty, lunch takes places after third period so it goes from ten thirty to twelve and dinner starts at seven and ends around nine. Breakfast and dinner are in the dorm and lunch is in the cafeteria in the main building by gym. We'll show you it on our way to class."

"That's nice and all but not to be rude or blunt but who are you two and where exactly am I?" The new kid finally asked having this question pop up in his head the second he woke up and realized he wasn't in his bedroom anymore.

"Oh yeah introductions, I always forget about those. Been forever since I last introduced myself to a new kid. I'm Inari and this Aki, we're both sophomoresand this is Eternal Boarding School. A place for the gifted and troubled kids who have so much talent that they end up using it for the wrong reasons. Think of it as a sort of celebrity rehab but with talented and gifted kids from the ages of fourteen to eighteen. So instead of drama relating to drugs or addictions the drama comes from hormonal teens trying to find a meaning in their lives. It's like a drama show but you're in it and instead of their being a happy ending or a season finale that concludes everything you're forever boned." Aki balancing his tray one one hand while extending his other for a proper handshake. "Alright new kid what's you're name?"

Slowly the new kid extended his hand up and shook Inari's and then Aki's still a little hesitant at trusting them completely. Then again they haven't done anything that didn't come off as untrustworthy. "I'm... I'm, I don't remember my name."

The two sophomores looked at waxy other than at the new kid just as confused as him. They walked towards an empty table signaling the new kid to follow them and take a seat beside them. Aki was more logical than Inari so of course he just stood up and looked at the vest tag to see if it had a name printed on it like everyone else's. Instead be gave Inari a look saying they he got nothing and couldn't think of anything else that could help them figure out the new kids name.

"Alright new kid, do you recall anything that happened yesterday? For example how you got here or even why you were sent here in the first place?" Inari taking a bite out of his eggs as Aki went to the vending machine and got each them a bottle of apple juice.

The new kid sat there and thought about what happen the day before. Closing his eyes straining them a bit as he thought over what had to have happen to him to get hom here. the more he focused the more blank thoughts kept appearing in his head. The only thing he could recall is the color white but then it instantly vanished to a blank memory as well. Before he could focus anymore on the thought Aki shook him to get him to snap out of it. Quickly handing him a napkin and pointing at his nose as it began to bleed a little.

"I don't remember anything. It's all blank and the only this I recall is the color white. It hurts a bit trying to focus on that color and what I means." Wiping his nose clean as he bundled up the napkin and set it aside as Aki tried to focus on anything but the napkin.

Inari gave Aki a look and let out a sigh as if this was the biggest lost to them. "Well we're shit out of luck and ideas then. They didn't tell is we were getting a new roommate and they didn't put a name tag up on the door to give us an idea of what your name is. I didn't want to say this but I snooped around your dresser before we woke you up and the only thing I found was a note saying the dean will want to see you after breakfast. If anyone has any ideas as to who you are it will most likely be him. As a heads up he's pretty much an asshole all around so be ready to sit in a chair while he lectures your very soul away." Aki giving a look that pretty much agreed with every word Inari said.

The three boys ate and talked a bit with Aki and Inari explaing the basics of the school. The new kid asked if what had happen this morning with Aki turning into a weird turtle was normal or at the very least he was seeing things. Inari just laughed as Aki rest his head against the table disappointed that the new kid remembered what had happen.

"Okay since it's stupid to keep things simple here and try to follow the first rule we were told to follow I'm gonna take a note from Inari book and break it. Look when Inari mentioned special talented kids he didn't mean like young professional violin players or artist he meant demigods. As in the love child between some ancient god and a mortal and we're all sent here to serve a prison sentence for however long the gods see fit. What you saw is my special demigod power. I can turn into a kappa and I hate it because it's the worst gift anyone could possibly have." Aki looking up at the new kid who didn't seem to believe him for asecond. "Dont believe fine. Watch this." Aki getting up and taking a fork as he stabbed it right through Inari cheek all the way through before stabbing it in his throat.

Everyone wasn't phased at all and only the new kid jumped in fair as Aki sat down and cleaned his blood stained hand with napkins. Inari fell forward motionless and lifeless as he bleed out. The new kid was about to leave to get help but Aki grabbed his wrist and pulled him down to watch what happened next. It was as if time itself rewound in on itself as the blood that was dripping on the floor started to float up and back into Inari open wound. Even Aki hands became clean as the blood came off him and back into Inari body as the wound slowly closed in on itself. Soon Inari breathing came back as he slowly sat up with the fork slowly pushing out of his throat and onto the table. He lightly rubbed his throat and twisted his neck until he let out a sigh flipping Aki off.

"Yeah, everyone in this dorm is immortal meaning we're all here because we abused our powers." Inari said as he just stood up and stretched his back before grabbing his tray heading towards the trashcan to dump out his food. Aki followed behind him until the overhead speaker went off signaling for all tenants in room 2-E to report straight to the Dean's office. The two boys looked at each other than to the new kid who sat at the table in shock. Inari went up to him and just pat him on the back snapping him out of his fear induced state.

"Come on new kid. They're calling for us. You'll get filled in at the Dean's office." The three boys leaving as everyone else went on with their usual day to day business as if nothing out the usual happened. However the new kid kept his head down and just tried to process everything that just happened. Not even listening to Aki and Inari explain the layout of the school to him.

Just what sort of hell did this new kid wake up to?