
Chapter 1

I lazily put on my navy blue Louis Vuitton coat as I mutter incoherent words into the phone.I am beyond pissed since Shelby tricked me into going to a blind date. Again.

To think that this wasn't the first or second time this has happened is what makes me livid.

"Just go for half an hour then you are free to do as you please...."Shelby continues her unending onslaught and torture.

"Shut the f- up Shelbyville before I get real mad," I shout into the mouthpiece. "How about you use that free time you've got and find the missing piece of your brain."

"Fiiiine Micheal.... Whatever you say boo-boo.Operation bag Micheal a man is a go....," she cooes into the phone in a cringe-worthy voice.


I flag down a taxi and give the driver the hotel's address. The only good point in these is that the hotel is in a secluded area which makes it easier should I want to murder my date. Just kidding, I would never do that, or would I?

I muster my signature smile as I exit the taxi while my eyes roam the place. The hotel is lavish and it's screams glam. For a minute I dwell on the magnificence of this five star hotel and I forget my anger....

"Are you Mr. Micheal Fernandez? " A man elegantly dressed in white and pink attire asks.

"Yeah...That's me, "I reply as politely as possible.

"Your table is ready, "he turns and heads towards a stylishly organized table and takes offers me a seat.

"Mr Noell will be with you shortly."he notifies me then bows deeply before leaving.

I nod towards his retreating figure because

1.I do not know the said Mr.Noell

2.I do not know what else to do

I let my eyes roam the scenery before me. The lights are dim, much to my liking. The floral arrangement is a definite eyecatcher . The wind blows through the trees outside and the breeze smells lovely.

After a while I get to looking at my fingernails since time seems to be elapsing.

"Sorry for the late appearance,"A baritone voice is heard Infront of me...I look at a pair of immaculately shining shoes to a sharply ironed blood red trouser.My eyes shift slightly upwards and I am met by toned abs and well defined pectorals that are clearly seen under the button up crisp white shirt.

The specimen under my scrutiny clears his throat nervously as I look up to see him scratch the back of his head.

"Wow... this is awkward ..."I mutter under my breath.

"Yeah...kindoff...."he replies.