
Delusional Idol Lovers

Stella, an 18 years old girl suffers from delusion for her idol. The question is, was her love story with the idol, was really just a delusion, or there is much more to the story? Music, idol, vampire how are all these interconnected to the famous guy Jake?

dazstar7 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Unusual connection

What??? Jake, the popular heartthrob is now on LIVE after so many days. Stella laughs and says, "mehhh probably a coencidence. Stella has an online friend who is her bestie. His name is Joan. She usually tells him almost everything. "Joann...you know something weird happened today." Joan, after hearing what happened also got quite surprised. That is really unusual he said. Stella wanted to try this again. "What if , I try it again?", she thought. So here goes her fantasy delusional mind. She again 'asked' him to come to LIVE telepathically. She wondered what will happen.

The same thing happened again. He came LIVE again, this time wearing the type of t-shirt she wanted to see to prove to herself that there is something going on. 

You might wonder, what is going on? Yeah, she wondered that too. Is she some kind of y/n written in a fanfic or something? She tried this LIVE thing a couple more times and the super famous boy never failed to come to LIVE. She wondered what is happening. She overthought about it, watched a bunch of tarot videos to see what is going on...and all of them just proved to her that these all are not mere coencidence. 

There was this one time Mr. Jake came to LIVE and there he was describing his life to his fans. Suddenly he started saying, "My tattoos have a special meaning..." Stella got curious and then when she saw the clock tattoo on his arm, she was shocked. The hour hand is at 3 and the minute hand somewhere between 23 and 25. March 23 is Stella's birthday. What is this? Another coencidence? There was another thing very unnatural about his tattoos . One of them had a set of numbers which was exactly Stella's jersey number when she had gone to play squid game in her local area. Yeah, that was like a real life game adopted from the Netflix series without all those killings. These aren't the only things that was weird between Stella and Jake. There was one time he came to LIVE and Stella touched a side of  her mobile screen , but surprisingly, a second later, Jake also did the same. If a third person will see this, it would seem like a couple is in the video call or something. His finger was aligning just perfectly with Stella. After all of these crazy things that kept happening, how can Stella not have delusions about him? Who doesn't know that candles are a sign of deep connections and spirituality? He has been coming LIVE with some candles and his eyes told his fans that something might be bothering him. His eyes looks like he is sad and longing for something. Fans started analyzing what is going on with him. But Stella thought something else...what if he is feeling everything? What if it's not just Stella who is feeling all these? Her feelings for him kept increasing each and everyday. After all these, how can she not get addicted to this beautiful, ethereal feeling?

There was another time that Stella's bully classmates made fun of her because of her hairstyle. Wolf cut jelly fish type hairstyle isn't that common in her country. Just after she went back home... guess what? Jake came LIVE showing everyone that he is cutting his hair and weirdly enough this style looks exactly like the boy version of Stella's cut. Stella is moved. Whether he did this intentionally or not, she felt good about it. To her it was like as if he is telling her, "I am proud of you and I like your hairstyle". There has been many times like this when Stella needed something he would do that. For example, if Stella wants a recipe of making a certain thing, he would come to LIVE without even Stella trying the telepathy thing, with him and he would make that recipe. Not only these, almost everything.When Stella needed to learn something, he would come LIVE and do that. These things made Stella kept falling in love. It was as if they were in a relationship but also not in a relationship. 

  Now ,there is probably two things and one of them is true. Either she does have something to do with Jake and he is probably her THE ONE, or... she has some special kind of powers that makes people do what she wants them to do.  So, in order to check this out, she did something. There is a youtuber named Tristan. She tried to send him telepathic message too. "You will eat ketchup today" This guy, never ate ketchup in his previous videos. But what now? That same day, he made a shorts where he played a game and the spin the wheel told him to eat ketchup and he did. What is this now? Is Stella God or something? Why this happened with Tristan now? This made her worried. She started thinking, what if she just has some sort of unique power and everything that happened with Jake was due to this unique power and not because there was some kind of unconditional love or something between them? But...then she realized something too. Maybe it's just her power, that she can do that. But the reason of her falling for Jake is not because of the LIVE thing anymore. Yes, maybe it started with that . Maybe, it started with wondering and everything, but those little things like, he changing his hairstyle like her when classmates laughed at her, he making recipes which Stella needed, even him... teaching embarrassing things on camera just because Stella needed it, no matter if all of it, he did intentionally or not...it just felt like it was so real. Stella convinced herself that maybe this started in the wrong foot, but she actually fall for this guy. 

Days went by like this. Whenever she wanted to see him , she would just do that telepathy thing and he would come LIVE. One day, something weird happens again. She comes across another future reading video. But this is not a normal one. This is titled as "Divine feminine!!Attention. Divine masculine is soon coming to you. " 

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What do you think of the connection between Stella and Jake? Do you think, Stella is delusional?

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