
Delusional Idol Lovers

Stella, an 18 years old girl suffers from delusion for her idol. The question is, was her love story with the idol, was really just a delusion, or there is much more to the story? Music, idol, vampire how are all these interconnected to the famous guy Jake?

dazstar7 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


It's the start of the year. Stella's birthday is approaching. It's the day of her 18th birthday. How cool is it! She is finally going to become an adult.  "Yayyyyyyy, I am finally gonna become an adult, means I no longer need to ask my parents for every single thing " , saying this Stella blows the candles taking an oath to herself for her 18th birthday. Butterfly wants to fly so high. She also will.

One thing that she really misses in her life is romance and love. These days she has been craving love like crazy. It's weird . Before she would get happy if handsome boys gave her some attention . She liked to watch those anime that had reverse harem in it. But she wonders why does she crave love from just one particular person these days. She realizes that maybe this just means God and her guardian angels are raising her vibration and helping her to grow and making her understand what real love is. After the first breakup that changed her life, more breakups happened. None of them was as transformative as the first one. It's been a while that she hasn't fallen for anybody since her last breakup. Not because, she loved the previous guy a lot or something , but rather ,because she just, for some reason doesn't really fall for someone these days. She doesn't even know why. She has a wolf cut hair unlike her previous long curly hair. Her hair now, is dark brown and shoulder length, just like a tomboy. But from her current personality, you can't say if she is a tomboy or a girly girl. Why? Because she has both in them. She looks like a girl who has been growing so fast to the outside world. That energetic rule breaker is very mysterious these days.

On her 18th birthday, she was wishing to meet her future husband soon. Husband....because she realized that what's really wholesome is when a boyfriend becomes a husband...and that's what we call true love or unconditional love. She kind of has an idea of who her future husband probably would be. Why? Because she already seen tons of future tarot readings on youtube that describes her future husband. "Usually colours their hair" , "very handsome" , "tall" "cheerful but flirty", "probably has light brown hair", "foreigner". These are the things that are enough for Stella to draw a picture of her future husband in her mind and love him. Stella really wants to fall in love. But she cannot find any matching characters like that whom she knows about. When she was like 17, she had a hypnosis session claiming to show her future husband to her in her hypnosis sleep session. 

"Imagine yourself going down a beautiful garden.", said the hypnosis doctor. Stella imagined herself. Did everything she asked to. What is going on? Stella slowly imagined herself walking down the alley. "Hey...", said someone touching her shoulders from the back. Stella looked behind. A white long sleeve shirt, wavy deep brown hair and thin lips that had a surreal smile...someone that you will instantly fall for. That's what she saw in the hypnosis session. When she looked at the eyes...What??? It looks like the idol Jake's. Stella quickly shifts her attention and thinking that she is probably delusioning she imagines the face a bit differently than what she imagined before because the face she imagined before...Jake..can never be . "Guhh, what am I thinking? ", said Stella . "What...?", said the guy in her imagination. "I just saw some idol at your place lol. Anyways...what's your name?" , asked Stella. It was a beautiful garden although it's just a hypnosis situation and probably these are not going to happen for real but still she believed in this kind of spiritual stuffs a lot before. ".....I am..I am Cand...I am Randy ", said the pretty guy. "Lol , I thought your name is Candy or something .", said Stella. After the hypnosis session was done, she was feeling like she is already wants to meet this guy. Does he really exist? She thinks. She overthinks. But from then onwards,  she kinda always kept that faith that she will meet that guy in the physical or real world or the 3rd dimension.

Past Lives. This is also something Stella is very thrilled about. She once had a past life regression . In that she also saw a lot of things. She was wearing a purple and a golden ancient chinese gown type. It looked like she was a chinese princess in her past life or something (In her imagination, but she believes in this things so). There was a guy wearing red japanese battle dress. He was probably a warrior. Within some minutes that past life regression was quite painful for her. Why? Because, within minutes she saw something really painful. The princess that looked like Stella, died saving  the warrior. There was a white dressed knight guy who was also crying at the sight. But whatever it was...when she woke up from the past life regression she started crying. She don't even know why, she just cried her heart out. It felt familiar. Again she asked herself, was this really her imagination. Before starting the session she never thought she would cry. 

The reason why I am mentioning all of these is because...it has a significant part in the  story. Anyways, let's go back to her 18th birthday. 

It's April. Story of a few days before after her 18th birthday.  What's going on? The moon has been quite bright these days. She is feeling something but she doesn't know what it is. Maybe it's the wish to go to some fantasy love escaping this world, or maybe the dreamer part of her is urging her to not procrastinate and really start achieving her wishes and dreams. Suddenly a tarot reading pops up in her youtube recommendation. No surprise! These are the kind of videos she had been relying  on anyways. But this one is quite different . It's not a prediction about the viewer, it's not a random pick a card video, rather it's about the prediction of an idol ."Who is future Mrs. Jake ?" Stella laughs at the thumbnail. "Bwahahah, seriously? Fans these days are more interested about their idol's future than their owns. " Eating her bowl of ramen noodles at night , she clicked the video, merely out of curiosity. To her surprise it's quite fun to watch people predicting his future wife. It's kinda entertaining to watch, that's what Stella thought. Some of the descriptions of Mrs.Jake even matched with her. She watched a couple of videos like that and soon it became a part of her entertainment . It was like netflix to her. Sometimes she used to even compare herself with that and used to laugh about it. Her friend Siri is a big fan of Jake. STella usually told everything to Siri, but these days she has become more secretive.Siri could feel it.

Just like this another day came , where Stella came across to something surprising. "The past life of Jake and Mrs. Jake" , reads the title. "What kinda video is this haha let me watch this. Unlike other videos... this particular video, precisely described what she saw in her own past life regression. "Mrs.Jake was a chinese princess" "Jake was a warrior" "Mrs.Jake died for them, she loved Jake. " "Timothy Tom(another member of Blooms) was her friend." "..." "Areh...why am I crying?", Stella noticed herself tearing up for no reasons. This happened before too. She cried during the past life regression too. Am I forgetting something important..? Are these all coincidences..thought Stella .

Wait...now that I think about it, I had a future husband hypnosis too...there too ..wait..., suddenly something strikes her . She quickly goes to Google and searches all the nicknames, fans had given to Jake. Among all the sweet nicknames she found 'Candy' in it. She didn't know before that he is also called that.  Understanding what is going on, she started thinking and actually overthinking everything. What if Jake is the one? What if Jake is the one she was searching for . It's ridiculous to even believe that an idol would be her future....but she couldn't help but think that there must be some bigger picture in this. Soon her entertainment became her addiction. She started to find something more from those videos and from the news related to him.

A few days passes. Soon she realizes that she is becoming way too serious about this. She judges herself for feeling this way. She cries for this. She wonders herself if she is really crazy. Suddenly a thought strikes her. As he is famous, she can at least check if there is really some sort of divine connection or spiritual connection between her and Jake. They should at least have some telepathy if there is really something, her intuitive brain told her.

"Today, at night...you will come LIVE on weverse, if you really can hear me or something, or... aware of me or something . " It's been months, this guy hadn't come LIVE. So Stella, though said this aloud to the empty walls of her room, she didn't really expect anything to happen.  She goes to sleep. But something unexpected happens after she woke up the next day. 

Fans on instagram:-Guys did you see!!! Jake has come LIVE after months! 



What do you think is happening with Stella. Is she suffering from delusion, or this coincidence is just too big to be false?

Anyways, hope you all will support me and my book.

dazstar7creators' thoughts