
Delusional Idol Lovers

Stella, an 18 years old girl suffers from delusion for her idol. The question is, was her love story with the idol, was really just a delusion, or there is much more to the story? Music, idol, vampire how are all these interconnected to the famous guy Jake?

dazstar7 · Fantaisie
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Butterfly girl and the idol

Who doesn't like to achieve her dreams and who doesn't like to have the ultimate y/n life? Although 18 years old Stella recently has become very dreamy, she wasn't like this before. She was not dreamy before, nor did she have this mysterious love story with an idol.

The dreamer girl Stella changed so much throughout her life. The biggest change happened to her life was when she was 16 years old , and the biggest surprise and also, probably the most significant thing in her life happened to her, was when she becomes 18. That's when her story starts with a boy, not just a normal boy, but a superstar, an idol. But throughout her 18 years of life, she was always this little butterfly who was in its cocoon and ready to just fly. Deep down, exploring the world was always hidden in her. She always wanted to be free, craving for affection and wholesomeness. 

When Stella was a kid she was a big crybaby. She used to cry for the first bench and always wanted to be friends with the cool kids. Nobody wanted to befriend her. Then came middle school where she studied hard to become a top student just so everyone would admire her. Though it more or less worked,  most of them came to her for homeworks or other stuffs. During high school though, she went to a different school and this time from being the teacher's favourite she became the one who jokes and break rules and just have fun in her life. She did get some friends , but , many people hated her because she was too open about life. Well, Stella was actually very conservative before. Slowly, she realized that she had to be more fun in life and before  she could even realize she became the ultimate opposite character of a crybaby. Taking everything less seriously.

Jake on the other hand is an idol. He is really famous . Everyone knows him and he is admired by billions of girls. When he was 15, he debuted and became a part of a famous boy band named 'Blooms'. He started becoming so famous that his name was shown everywhere. The group 'Blooms' became so famous that even the girls of Stella's country started fangirling about them. Stella couldn't care less. There was one time a classmate of her told her about Blooms. "You are kidding me. You don't know Blooms?????" Stella just smiled a little and said, " You can show me." After seeing them dance and sing, she wasn't really particularly overly mesmerized by them or anything, but she did think that they are kinda cute. Especially Jake and Tom from their group. For some reason, Stella felt really familiar with them. She never had seen them, yet she was feeling as though she had seen them before.

When she first came to this new school , she was 15, she made friends with a few people like Siri and KJ. Their conversation started like this, " Heyyy, do you know Blooms??" , asked Siri ." Yes of course. I am their fan!" , replied Stella. It's not that she was their fan at that time. She just used to listen to their songs sometimes. But she wanted to vibe with them, so she said that she had been a big fan of them. That friendship with Siri still is there , now that she is 18 years old.

Then comes when Stella turned 16. She had this huge breakup drama with a boy. That breakup changed her whole life. She changed so much. Firstly she became crazy, then some spiritual videos namely tarot card readings, gave her brand new hope. Doesn't really matter it's true or not, at that time she used to firmly believe in it. But the thing isn't about she believing it or not. One thing is true, the breakup which made her whole world crumbling down was actually a blessing in disguise. The butterfly started to bloom for real this time. No more faking, she started to actually grow into a dream hearted person who is focused on her dreams. The tarot cards that claimed to know her future always gave her brand new hopes. She started getting thirstier and thirstier each and every day for becoming a very famous singer.She wanted to be the conquerer of the whole world.This dreamless girl started becoming a daydreamer. She never really realized that, deep down what she wanted for real was just unconditional love. By those times, Siri was that one friend who knew ins and outs about her. Siri and a guy( according to Stella's future tarot readings, her future husband , who was floating around in her imagination) was there for her (I mean her imaginary future husband who she believed is somewhere out there in the universe. 

Days went by . Stella is 18 now. The past year she has grown a lot. Before she was the kind of dreamer , who , by the influence of tarots , became so much of a  self lover  that she couldn't genuinely care for anybody. Self love is good but she was way too much that she didn't even realize that she became a narcissist. But when she was within the 17-18 stage of her life, she slowly started  becoming kind hearted. Before, she used to cut people off if they didn't agree with her.Why? Because when she started dreaming about her life, she thought that she just need to have friends who actually support her and has similar thoughts about life like her, and if anyone went slightly outside this boundary she used to cut them off. She didn't have the knowledge that people are different and that's what makes the world so beautiful. But lately, she has started to be there for people. This time genuinely, not because she wanted to be admired or anything. It's true that due to her stupid rule breaking actions at school before, she was quite famous at the school (not in a good way),  but even those people that hated her started to see the change in her.  People who kinda knew her started noticing and realizing that this girl went from the crybaby to the nerd to the joker to the rule breaker to the confident rude girl that cuts people off...to the ultimate wise owl. Some people still hates her thinking she is pretending, but those who know, they know.

Throughout her teenage life, she heard a lot about Blooms, especially Jake. Even her parents started talking about them recently. It was as if, he was expectedly or  unexpectedly mentioned by people around her all the time, though she never noticed it. Despite being spiritual, she never asked God if this has some significance. Why would she? The things that can happen at most between her and them is , them inspiring her. Afterall, both are singers anyways.  Jake, the youngest member of this group is the heartthrob. So many girls fall for him, not only because of his rabbit face but also because he is such a cheerful persona. But lately, it's been quite a different scene for the fans to see. This idol is in his 20 s now. Instead of that cute childlike idol of theirs , fans noticed that his personality started becoming not so childlike anymore. People admired the previous Jake, but some girls started becoming crazy for him as his personality started becoming hotter and hotter. He gives the bad tease boy vibes now and people are in love with that. Stella was not the type to have celebrity crushes . She just used to listen to their songs.

Just when she was living her life quite peacefully, making a wishlist,working hard to become that superstar, being the wise advising friend to her friends,  a new thing started happening to her life. With whom? None other than the famous idol Jake. 


This story is something, that is....well you can guess. Anyways, ask me if you have any questions, if you like it then please support me.

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