This is the story of Aether being stuck in a modern Teyvat while looking for his sister. Note: The Aether here and some characters will have a lot of changes. A fanfic for Genshin Impact
While we were walking to school, the girls were talking to Ganyu. I guess they noticed just how close we've become. This time, we didn't run into Albedo and Sucrose. Although, I already knew the reason.
[I'm drained. I think I'll be going to school late. Sucrose as well.]
I couldn't help but chuckle at Albedo's message. Do your best, Albedo. We got to school and, of course, were greeted by the usual group of girls. Keqing noticed just how happy Ganyu was, so she decided to ask her. Although, it ended up with another meeting. Noelle didn't come with them this time though, so we walked together side by side.
"Good morning, Noelle."
"Good morning, Aether."
We smiled at each other as we continued walking towards our classroom. When we got into the classroom, Noelle took a seat next to me while the other girls were at the back talking with Ganyu. Ganyu was with us since our teacher was still absent. Keqing was here as well. Doesn't she have things she needs to do as the Student Council President? Well, not that I mind having her here.
"Aren't you going to join them?"
"I would love to, but Mona told me yesterday to hang out with you if I get the chance."
"Is that so… Well, please take care of me today then!" I said with a smile.
"I-I'll do my best!" she said with a blush and a bright smile.
I feel like I've been incredibly lucky. Meeting such great girls and also getting to witness such beautiful smiles almost everyday. I sighed and just rested my head on the table. We didn't need to do anything today because the school was preparing for the trip tomorrow. Noelle looked at me curiously and asked if something was wrong.
"It's nothing, I just don't have anything to do."
"Oh… I'm in the same situation as well…"
"Let's just sleep then."
"There is still my study though…"
"We can do that during the trip, okay?"
"If you say so…"
She laid her head on the table and faced me. She just started to giggle all of a sudden, and to be honest, that startled me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's just that whenever I'm with you, I feel so comfortable and my chest feels warm."
"Well, I feel the same way."
She was a bit shocked at first, but she quickly accepted it. As expected of a maid. We talked for a while until Noelle gradually fell asleep. Just like with Ganyu, Noelle is a little hard working. Whenever someone asks for her help, she helps them without second thought. She tries her best even in her studies. I even notice her buying a bottle of coffee from the canteen sometimes. I moved her bangs to the side so that I could see her face more clearly. My embarrassment just from doing that was on par with my embarrassment whenever I'm with Ganyu. These two girls make me feel way different than the others do. Not that I really mind that.
Due to my multiplied attributes, it takes a lot to make me tired. It's also pretty early as well. I just stared at the sleeping beauty beside me. After a few minutes, I felt someone play with my hair. I looked behind me and my cheek was immediately poked. Ganyu was smiling at me with her finger poking my cheek.
"Mind me sitting next to you?" she said.
"Not at all."
She sat next to me and immediately started chatting. She was seated on my right side while Noelle was on my left. We chatted for quite a while. It was honestly fun. She said that Mona and Amy agreed that we should interact more during the trip. They also said that we should also let Noelle tag along. I looked behind me and saw them giving me bright smiles and a nod. I smiled and nodded back. Seriously, I'm lucky to have those girls as my girlfriends.
I talked a bit more with Ganyu until I heard Noelle groan. I guess we were being a bit too loud. I gave her a pat until she fell back to sleep again. I know that this might seem that I'm treating Noelle like a child, but she's just so cute that I can't help myself. After she fell asleep again, I just left my hand on top of her head, slightly moving it from time to time. I continued on talking with Ganyu until she suddenly yawned.
"Oh, I'm sorry…"
"You still didn't get enough sleep huh?"
"Well, come here then." I said as I patted my lap. I'm gonna give her a lap pillow. It was seriously embarrassing, but due to my multiplied attributes, I'm able to keep my cool.
"Can I really??" she asked with an excited expression. Was it that exciting?
She quickly, but gently, plopped her head on my lap as soon as she heard my answer. It's that exciting for her. While my left hand was patting Noelle, my right was also patting Ganyu. Luckily, her horns weren't hitting me. I could feel gazes of jealousy being directed at me by the male students who passed by our classroom. Like I care about them being jealous. We stayed like this until the bell rang signalling break time.
We were now eating at the canteen. The girls were eating with us. Even Amber and Lisa were here.
"So, are you ready for the trip tomorrow?" asked Amber. I nodded.
They then talked about the trip to Liyue. Ganyu and Keqing were from Liyue, so they had the most information about that place. This was when I learned that Ganyu was actually over thousands of years old. She had a contract with Rex Lapis, the Geo Archon, as well. Well, not that knowing that will change anything.
When we finished eating, we went back to the classroom. Ganyu and Noelle sat next to me again. The day went by and, to my surprise, Noelle and Ganyu will stay over. I guess the three of us will sleep at the top bunk while Mona, Amy, and Paimon will sleep at the lower bunk.
Author here. I think it's about time we get a rating. If you like this fanfic of mine, leave a review and also vote. Time for more Ganyu and Noelle as well. Thanks for reading!