

"Eternity has never been more dangerous". Mia's high school life was ruined by Leah, the leader of a mean group who relentlessly bullied and targeted her. Despite her quiet and chatty exterior, Mia was a powerful and mysterious vampire who had to constantly stay on guard against Leah's attacks. The tension between these two students only continued to grow, making school life a difficult and unpleasant experience for Mia. (A/N: People at the age of 10 and above can read this book) *I don't create the novel but I put details. *Some of the pictures are on Google. *App/Website(That create a novel/book cover with designs): Paint 3D * The MC(Main Character) is named by the author. *Everyone is allowed to read this (especially kids 'cause it's not romance).

rainfall_rascal · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

The Death of Mia's Parents

After that, the next day. Mia wake up and groans. Her mom and dad come to her room. They said they will go on a date. Mia replied that it was too early, her parents said to her daughter that they will go home tomorrow. Mia stunned and asked that where are they gonna date. They replied they will go to Restaurant Le Zephyr and after that they will go to the hotel for some chill moments. Mia will be feel concerned, wondering that what if they're dead. Her parents said that it's not true. Mia shaking her head. Her parents leave and left a blowing kiss on their daughter. After her parents leave, Mia is still concerned but forgot that she had school today. She needs to be ready for school. She quickly takes a shower, brushes her hair, packing her things and left. Mia answered "Fine." Her father smiled and told his wife that he'll bring her something back later. Then he walks away with Mia following him. When they reach in front of the counter, Mia ordered a glass of orange juice and an apple pie. She then sat down beside her mother. After eating, both of them decided to watch TV while waiting for her father to return. "I know right?!" Her mom exclaimed.

A few minutes later, Mia heard the doorbell rang. She walked over to see who it was. It was her dad returning with two plates full of food. He gave one plate to her mom and another plate to Mia. The moment Mia took the plate, she realized there were no forks or spoons. Then Mia turned around to eat her meal. Her dad looked at her and sighed in relief. He knew she didn't noticed anything because she always do this kind of stuff. As soon as they finished eating dinner, Mia went straight to sleep.

That night, Mia dreamt that her parents died. She woke up screaming. When she opened her eyes, she felt dizzy. Mia wakes up the next morning feeling refreshed. She looks out her window and saw the sun shining bright. It was a beautiful day outside. Then Mia remembered her previous nightmare. Her mind became sluggish and dull. She tried to focus on her lessons but failed miserably. She kept thinking about her parents' death. Is it really true? Or just a bad dream? n class, Mia sits near her friend. Suddenly, she fell asleep. The teacher asks everyone to take their seats. Mia woke up and continued to listen to what the teacher said.

Later in the afternoon, Mia was sitting alone in the library. She was reading a book. Suddenly, a girl comes to her and ask if she wants to have lunch? "Nah, I'm fine thanks." But suddenly she realizes that it was Reese, her best friend, Hailey's elementary BFF. "Actually, sure" Mia answered. Reese said "You look sweating, but anyways that isn't important. Yeah, but nevermind of my question, ehehe. Any-way, may I join you reading that book called T-the V-vampire History?" "Sure! You may join me." Mia replied. After that they went to lunch.

When they're done eating, Reese asked "So, tell me how your parents are doing?" "Well, um... it's like this..." Mia said nervously.

"Okay, okay. Do you want to go home now?"

"No, I don't wanna go home."

"Oh, well then let's talk about something else."

"Is there something wrong with you, Mia?"

"What?! No! Why would you say that?!"

"Your face is so red!"

"It's not my fault, it's from when I ate too much cheese fries. And also, why are you staring at me all the time?"

"Are you being serious right now? You're acting like a little kiddo."

"Stop saying that to me"

"But, I am a little kid! You know that, right? And besides, we both can't be a little kid forever, right? We need to grow up someday. Right?"

"Yeah, maybe, but still, what do you mean by 'grow up'? Is it like becoming an adult or something?"

"Yes! Exactly! That's exactly what I meant."

"Lol, you're funny." "You too"

"Hey, Reese, do you think adults are more mature than kids?"

"Hmm... I dunno. I guess some of them aren't. Some adults act immature sometimes."

"Anyways, you're Hailey's elementary bestfriend?" "Yep, she told me that she will be my forever friend" "Remember that someone kidnapped you?" "Yeah, I still remember that. Anyways, forget about those kidnapping moments."

"You want to be friends with me?"

"Uh huh!"


"Of course! We're gonna be the bestest of friends ever! Yayyyy!"

"Great! Now let's play a game together"

"Okay! Let's play a game!"

"Okay! What are we gonna play?"

"Tic Tac Toe."

"Tic Tac Toe? That's such a childish game." After playing, "Okay, okay. You win." - Mia said.

She cried in tears as she remembered the good times she had with her parents. She thought of how they were always fighting, but that wasn't really the case. They loved each other very much.

A few hours later, Mia arrived at Hailey's house. Her mom opened the door and welcomed her inside.

"Hello, sweetheart! How was school today?"

Oh, honey... I'm so sorry. I can't believe this is happening to you. Are you okay? What happened?"

"My parents died."

"I see. Well, we'll get through this together, right?"


The next day, it was a gloomy day. Everyone at school seemed depressed because Mia's parents died because of suicide.

At class, Mrs. Green, who taught math class, began teaching the lesson.

"Today I want you guys to learn about division. In order to divide anything, first you have to know the answer. So, let's start with our homework assignment."

"Homework assignment?"

"Yes. In your notebooks, there are two numbers written down.

Mia didn't follow The Math teacher because she still thinking about her parents. Mrs. Green felt worried about her and asked "Is everything okay Ms. Smith?". "Mia smiled at the teacher and replied "I'm fine, teacher, it's just that my parents died about the suicide."

"Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry, Mia. I wish I could help you in any way. What should I do to make you feel better? "

"Nothing, thank you!"

"Well, if you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask me. And now, let's go back to work." Mia forget about the news and continuing the work. After school, Mia went home to rest before going to her friend's house.

"Hey Reese! How was your day today?"

"It was great! You?"

"Same old stuff. I hope tomorrow will be better."

"Me too!"

As Mia was talking to her bestfriend, she saw Hailey's face on the TV.

"Hailey's face is on the TV, you must watch it."

"Really? Okay, lemme watch it."

"Thank you." The call ended

Mia turned off the TV and sat down on her bed.

"What should I do?"

"I dunno, maybe play a game or something. Or just stay here and relax."

"Hmm... what should I play? I have no games. "

"Why don't you play one of those math games?"

"Math games? "Girl, why you're calling me again also, I don't like math. I hate math as always." said Mia.

"Well, what else would you rather do?"

"Play a game? Okay!"

Mia played a math game.

"No way! You suck at math."

"Ha ha, yah, but I'm learning something new every time. So, I guess that's good enough for me. By the way, is Hailey gonna come over tonight?"

"No, sorry. But I think she might be coming by sometime soon."


"Yeah, it's cool! We can talk about my parents' death and how we're feeling."

"Oh, yeah. That sounds fun."

Mia finished the game then she went to sleep.

That night, Mia dreamed about her parents. They were arguing and fighting with each other.

"Mom, dad why you guys are fighting? Please don't fight each other."

"I don't want to hear your whining anymore, young lady. Go back into your room and shut up."

"Dad, mom I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Please forgive me! Please!"

"Shut up, child. You're not forgiven."


Then the scene changed to a dark place where Mia was looking for her parents. Mia shouted mom and dad and woke up in fears. Suddenly, the door bell ring. Mia is walking towards to the door and open. It was Carla and Leah. Mia welcomed them. But Carla and Leah asked her "I heard someone screamed mom and dad. Mia replied smiling, no need to mention that, that must be their neighbor. Carla and Leah come to their room. "Why it's so messy?" Carla asked. "Well I was talking to Reese, Hailey's elementary best friend.