

"Eternity has never been more dangerous". Mia's high school life was ruined by Leah, the leader of a mean group who relentlessly bullied and targeted her. Despite her quiet and chatty exterior, Mia was a powerful and mysterious vampire who had to constantly stay on guard against Leah's attacks. The tension between these two students only continued to grow, making school life a difficult and unpleasant experience for Mia. (A/N: People at the age of 10 and above can read this book) *I don't create the novel but I put details. *Some of the pictures are on Google. *App/Website(That create a novel/book cover with designs): Paint 3D * The MC(Main Character) is named by the author. *Everyone is allowed to read this (especially kids 'cause it's not romance).

rainfall_rascal · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Is There Something Wrong?

Mia went to the classroom. She realized that she had gone to the vacant room. She picked up her bag and went to the classroom.

"Phew, the class didn't start yet."

Mia sat down.

"Okay, class. Now let's get started. Our lesson is about..." The teacher forgot and looked at her lesson plan book. Everyone got bored and yawned.

"Ma'am, may I use the restroom?" the student asked.

"Sure, you may."

The student became ill. She's hiding the blood. The student came quickly to the room and shouted. Miss Pearl started to hear a noise, and the student said to the teacher.

"Ma'am, may I run and go to my mother? I have to tell her." the student felt sad and cried.

"I'm confused, but sure, you may go."

"Thank you, teacher."

But she lied to her teacher. She went home, and she went packing her things. She went to other places so they won't see her. She wore her mask. She ate her lunchbox. She saw that her skin went pale and looked pale. She looked at her neck with blood. She has to hide it with her hoodie. She went to the cheapest convenience store to buy cooked food.

Miss Pearl continued teaching about magic. They practiced it, and it went great. After class and it was cafeteria time, Mia started to write her diary. Someone touched her shoulder; it was Mark, her cousin. Mark waved to her. Mia waved too but felt concerned about the girl before.

"You look weird. What is going on?"

Mark asked Mia. Mia told him that she was concerned about the girl earlier. Mark asked her what's her name. She answered that she was Lilia Rose. Mark said it was a beautiful name it's like a flower. Mia agreed with him. It was bizarre.

"By the way, Robert is calling me right now. See ya'."

Mark said. Mia waved to him and said, "Bye-bye". She continued to write her diary. But something is on her mind, she still thinking of that girl.

After the cafeteria, people in the school are now going home. While Mia is walking home, she noticed that Lilia is there beside the convenience store. She walked toward her. Lilia refused to talk to Mia. Mia tried to speak to her. So she decided to sit beside her. Lilia still refused to talk with her. Mia was worried so she had planned to hug her. But Lilia blocked her.

"Stay away from me, I feel ill to see you,"

Lilia said snobbishly. Mia asked why she was being so mean to her. Lilia got annoyed with her.

"Fine, as you said so."

Mia left but Lilia immediately called her name. Mia went back to Lilia. Lilia sighed and said

"Mia, don't tell this to anyone. I left because there was blood on my neck and my skin is pale. Please help me."

Mia can't help her because it's getting dark. She told Lilia that she needs to leave right now. Lilia kept begging her. Mia said sorry to her and left. Lilia became a...