
Deja vu

Time cannot die Time cannot be stopped Time continued to flows Forward Forward Yet it can turn its direction Return Return Till your life has gone Till the moment of your existence began Till your soul has been created And in that Time You can meet the end of the beginning And you will Realize Death only awaits you. Whether you move forward or go backwards Death is the Ending of Time -Destiny

lYuren · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 18: Acceptance

 There will be a time to move again

 There will be a time where the clock starts

 Even how many time it stops

 It will continue to move forward






 As soon as I heard the alarm I slowly open my eyes, adapting to the soon world filled with light. No one is calling my name, by this time mother will be calling my name and shout for breakfast.


 In the corner of my room a saw a sparkling golden color like wings then a little fairy is having a nice nap.


 "Good morning Dyne"


 I give my greeting in a small voice then she slowly get up and yawn cutely while her little arms are stretch.


 "Morning Kiro…"


 She sounds so sleepy as she returns back the greeting to me. I slowly get up and make my bed and head downstairs there I saw my sister who is preparing my lunch for school.


 "Oh! looks who's early."


 "I already bake some lunch for you, though it's not good like moms"


 She apologize beforehand and hand me my breakfast.


 "It's fine, sis"


 I accept the almost burnt hot dog and egg and sprinkle it with salt and put some mayo then begin to eat.

 I felt that even the burnt side is quite good, as I enjoy the meal, my sister look at me with a surprise face.


 I too was surprise how calm I was, but it cant be helped that's how life is.


 "Uhmm… Sorry about before-"


 I have the sudden urge to apologize because of how I act but before I complete my sentence, she hugged me and put me in her bosom. 


 "No… you don't need to apologize. I understand Kiro…"


 She uttered as her embrace got tighter, my sister whom I know the strongest of us, is shaking while my sandwich with ketchup on it are getting squished together and it suddenly spilled on her apron.


 "SHHIS I … ca…nt… breth"


 Yet my struggle are in vain she did not let go and I stop struggling and let the sandwich fall to the table once again.


 Putting my hand on her shoulder I tried to calm her down, its not just me who has it hard. Its us both. Mother and Hirai they are both precious to us. 


 That's why I decided to move forward


 "Alright, Kiro let's stop the drama and you still have school"


 "Alright, but I want to finish this sandwich you burnt first."




 We have such banter before I prepared myself to return to school.


 [Time check: 8:00 am]


 "Ready Kiro"


 Whispered by a small being behind me, slowly munching some sandwich made by my sister, her golden wings are folded but still gives a radiant feeling. 




 With a new resolve let's try again but fear struck with me before I step my feet in the street. The sound of siren, the sound of people panicking.


 "Haha, look at me saying all those stuffs and then became scared again to step my feet back to the school."

 "Kiro, you're scared?"


 She asked with a worried look on her face, yet before I give her a no, she suddenly hold my hands and run outside pulling me out.


 My feet get dragged to her pace, and I found myself stepping outside. 


 "Let's go Dyne"


 I hold her hands and we walk through the streets towards the school.


 [Time arrive: 8:30 am]


 Arriving before the bell comes without anything happening is very weird. When I first restarted my life, all of the accidents happen and as if the world is trying to kill me and get rid of the error which is me, is it because I am with Dyne that such things not happened.


 'I wonder who is Dyne'


 I look at her, emerald eyes, golden wings.


 She came from a fairy tale whom Hirai adore. 


 A fairy.


 I sense something staring at me and see Dyne look at me with her emerald eyes.




 She called my name and I just smiled at her back while I walk towards my classroom and as normal it is very noisy and I can hear the noise from the corridor but when I open the door it suddenly turned quiet. They all look at me with curious and empathy. 


 The boys and girls look at me as if I am the unlucky guy in the world and it does not bother me. Not anymore, I walk towards my seat as if it's the natural thing to do and wait for the class to start.


 If its before, should I make some noise and greet them naturally or should I wait for them to approach me.


 I calmed myself and take some books to read to pass time.


 "YO kiro, you've been away for a long time"

 "Shhhhss… Kiro, you have my condolence"


 "Don't bother him for awhile, I know its hard to take"


 Words of concern and sympathy went behind my ears, some tried to console me, some tried to act normally, while some tried to give sympathy. 


 I just smiled at them and continue to read. 


 I am done mourning

 I am done crying

 I am done regretting

 I am done blaming


 I have enough time to mourn, to cry, to regret and to blame.


 I don't want to say im fine or not.


 I just want to have this time move forward


 I just want this time, to face the present


 Accepting Death, accepting their absence, this time we will move forward, right Dyne?


 As if calling her name in my mind a saw a golden dazzling light near the window and beyond that light gives off a very beautiful smile of a fairy with emerald eyes and golden wings.


lYuren Here~

sorry for the long time to update, i felt so lost this past few years or months but here it is. Enjoy~

lYurencreators' thoughts