
Sensing His Spiritual Pressure

After finishing his lunch Ichigo went back to the room and pondered over the instructions that Yoruichi had given him relating to practising the spirit ribbons. As told by her he sat in a meditative state and folded his legs to concentrate. His first task before feeling the spirit ribbons was to feel his own spiritual pressure.

Ichigo while in the meditative position tried to sense what Yoruichi explained to him to be some kind of thick fluid which would be slightly denser than air. While sitting in the meditative position Ichigo moved his hand from time to time to make feeling his spiritual pressure easier as he differentiates it from the air.

Slowly and steadily Ichigo finally sensed the difference between the air and his spiritual pressure and was finally able to sense it. If it was the previous Ichigo it won't have been as easy as it was for the current one. The reason being the present one had the experience of living in a normal body from his earlier life, hence he could more easily feel the discrepancies that were in Ichigo's body as he practised sensing the spiritual pressure.

After a while, Ichigo stopped moving his arms and focused solely on sensing the spiritual pressure emitting from his body as he stayed still. Gradually his ability to sense the spiritual pressure increased and kept on increasing making Ichigo realize the amount of spiritual pressure he was emitting out of his body was so humongous. He tried to suppress it because he felt that letting it all run out like this was a waste but despite trying to suppress it he wasn't able to. More like he didn't know the appropriate way to suppress it.

Ichigo decided to ask Yoruichi about this when he meets her again and for now, decided to end his meditative session. Checking up on the time Ichigo realised that it was already six in the evening. He had been sitting like this for more than three hours. Standing up Ichigo stretched his body and cracked his bones till he could feel comfortable and decided to go downstairs.

Karin and Yuzu were watching a show on the television and asked Ichigo to join them when they saw him. "How's school going for you two?" Ichigo asked wanting to know more about them.

"School?..Eh it's boring as usual." Karin said

"It's fun as always." Yuzu replied.

Hearing the different replies from his sisters Ichigo couldn't help but make a weird face at them and ask "Doesn't seem like you both are in the same classroom from your replies."

"We are but this dumb Yuzu finds all the boring stuff interesting. Sigh." Karin said.

Yuzu puffed her cheeks and replied, "They are not boring, they are important for us to get good grades."

"See? Being able to make such dumb logic makes it possible for her to enjoy the boring things." Karin said as she stretched Yuzu's puffed-up cheeks with her hands.

Being made fun of by her sister like this Yuzu started tearing up and crying. Just as the sound of her crying escaped from her mouth the door to their father's medical room opened up with a swing and Isshin came out shouting "Who dared to make my little girl cry?!"

After looking around at what was happening Isshin's face moved towards Ichigo as he shouted while pointing at him, "So it was you? Let me discipline you, you inconsiderate child."

Before Ichigo could reply back to Isshin he saw him coming at him with a flying kick. Ichigo hurriedly dodged the kick which he was not at all expecting and yelled out "It was not me you dork! Are you out of your mind?"

"I didn't raise you to be so rude in front of elders, Here! Face my wrath!" Isshin said and without stopping continued with his next attack which was a punch to Ichigo's face.

Ichigo realized that there was no stopping him and dodged the punch and moved towards Isshin's back swiftly grabbing his waist with his arms he gave him a german suplex. The suplex was effective as Isshin lost consciousness for a while after that.

"Big brother you didn't need to be so heavy-handed." Yuzu couldn't help but say. Her crying had long stopped.

"He wouldn't have stopped if I wasn't heavy-handed," Ichigo said with annoyance.

"Yes, he deserved it." Karin added.

"How could you say that about our father." Yuzu said to Karin and soon an argument ensued between the two.

Ichigo just looked at them not knowing what to do. The two soon stopped arguing after a while when something interesting happened in the show they were watching. After a while, Isshin regained consciousness and was taken care of by Yuzu.

A few hours later after eating dinner Ichigo went back to his room and before going to sleep he wanted to again try concentrating on his spiritual pressure so that he could go one step further and start sensing the spirit ribbons but a couple of minutes into that he realized that hew as mentally exhausted and couldn't go further.

Realizing that his efforts would be futile if he kept on pushing himself at this point, Ichigo went to the bed to rest for the day. The next day Ichigo woke up fresh and all ready to face the day. After finishing up the usual morning routine and eating breakfast Ichigo got ready for school.

When he exited his house Ichigo saw a shadow of the person waiting for him on the other side of the wall. He walked past his gate and turned around only to be met with surprise. He was expecting the person waiting for him to be Tatsuki but instead of Tatsuki, the person who was waiting for him was Orihime.

"Uhm...Good morning Kurosaki Kun." Inou said with a smile that had a bit of awkwardness.

"Ah..Good morning Inou." Ichigo replied and continued "I wasn't expecting you to wait for me..."

"W-Well..It's just that I wanted to discuss some things with you." Orihime said making Ichigo a bit curious as from the looks of it didn't seem to be something romantic.


For Supporting me/Advance Chapters


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