

A/N: Here's an extra chapter as an apology for the delay in the release of the previous chapter.

The three of them now were standing in the underground training field. The vastness of the area surprised Orihime as she had never expected such a vast space to exist just below the old shop that they were in. The sunlight and the blue sky in the region also filled her with questions but thankfully for her, before her mind could overload with her questions Yoruichi explained to her everything about the place she needed to know.

"Now, let's get to work. Orihime, your spiritual power is currently on the lower spectrum so you won't be doing what I'll be teaching Ichigo, for now, you should focus on increasing your spiritual powers by …" Yoruichi explains to her how she should meditate and try to sense her own spiritual powers the way she had told to Ichigo.

Orihime took note of everything Yoruichi was telling her with utmost seriousness making sure not to forget a single word. Seeing her attentive gaze Yoruichi was impressed and her affinity towards her increased slightly.

"Alright, now give it a try." Yoruichi said to Orihime.

Hearing this Orihime soon sat down in the meditative position and started following Yoruichi's instructions.

During all this time Ichigo wasn't wasting his time by observing the two of them but instead, he went a suitable distance away from the two and started working on the first Kido spell he was taught, 'Shakkaho'.

He was already quite familiar with it and was only a little rough around the edges. He was currently sharpening those edges till the time Yoruichi was guiding Orihime with her training. Thirty minutes later Yoruichi came over towards him with an exhausted Orihime in tow.

"Her mind is pretty exhausted right now from all the meditation I made her do," Yoruichi said to explain Orihime's state to Ichigo.

Hearing this Ichigo nodded before asking her "So what would I be learning next?"

Indicating Orihime to sit on a stone nearby Yoruichi said "Well, let me ask you this. Is it easier to hit a moving target or a stationary target with a Shakkaho?"

"Of course, it would be easier to hit a stationary target with Shakkaho," Ichigo said as a matter of fact.

"Correct, therefore I'll be teaching you a simple restraining spell so that you would be able to restrain your target before attacking launching them with a Shakkaho to ensure that they won't be able to dodge," Yoruichi explained.

"That makes sense. Let's do it." Ichigo said impressed by her words. If he would be able to fire a Shakkaho on someone who is restrained then that would really be a sure kill method.

"Watch Carefully then," Yoruichi said

"Ye lord! Possessor of power to bind and destroy us with a snap of thy fingers, stop this mortal body's movements and enlighten them with thy powers! Bakudo #1 Sai!" Yoruichi finished as she made her index and middle finger point towards Ichigo.

Ichigo who was observing Yoruichi's words and movements carefully until now, soon realized what was going to happen to him and just as he had thought, both his hands forcefully moved towards his back without his control creating a cross as he fell down on his knees.

The feeling was similar to how one would feel if they were stuck in a well-positioned body lock while fighting. Ichigo tried resisting with all his might but there was no use as the binding was still as strong as before.

The only reason the earlier Ichigo was able to break It was because of the sudden burst of emotions that he experienced when he saw his sister being strangled by that hollow. Seeing Ichigo struggle like that on the ground Yoruichi couldn't help but develop a small smirk on her cat face while Orihime looked over with concern.

"You got it?" Yoruichi asked.

"Y-yes I did, Now can you please release me," Ichigo said.

With a snap of her fingers, the spell was dispelled and Ichigo was released. Ichigo slowly got off the ground as he dusted off his clothes with his hands.

"Before you test it out let me ask you first. Who are you planning to test this on? I'm just warning you that it better not be me…which leaves" Yoruichi stopped with a smirk as the corner of her eyes were pointing towards Orihime.

Ichigo too realized this problem just now, he needed someone to test this spell cause he couldn't practice it with an inanimate thing as how he did with Shakkaho. Seeing the gaze and the smirk that was on Yoruichi's face Ichigo clearly understood her intentions and with a sigh walked towards Orihime.

"Kurosaki Kun, is there a matter?" Orihime asked as she saw Ichigo approaching her in between his practice with Yoruichi.

"W-well…the thing is I'll be needing a training partner to help me with this technique Yoruichi just taught me so would you like to help me with that Inoue?" Ichigo asked her as he scratched the side of his head with his index finger.

"If there's something I can help you with then I would love to!" Orihime said as she slowly got up. Her mental fatigue had mostly recovered by now and would be recovered after a good night's rest so she wasn't overly concerned about it.

Ichigo was delighted with her response and explained to her about the spell he would be practising on her. He told her that she should sit down on the ground while he performed it as he didn't want her to fall down on her knees like how he did when he was earlier restrained by Yoruichi.

Yoruichi was watching the interactions between the two with an amused gaze and didn't interrupt them. A few minutes later Ichigo was standing in front of Orihime who was sitting on the ground.

"I'll be starting now." Ichigo said as the following incantations came out of his mouth."Ye lord! Possessor of power to bind and destroy us with a snap of thy fingers, stop this mortal body's movements and enlighten them with thy powers! Bakudo #1 Sai!"


For Supporting me/Advance Chapters


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