

  Nine months later...

  Alessandro's POV


  I am driving like a madman through traffic, nearly missing vehicles as I fly down the interstate. I am on my way to the hospital.


  I should have arrived an hour ago. Zoe is going to murder me, and I would rather she do it after the birth of our twin sons. I would like to at least give them the opportunity to meet me, even if I am a walking corpse.

  Yes, that's right guys, I Alessandro Russo, knocked Zoe Henningson the fuck up..


  "Super sperm, I fucking swear to the Gods you have super sperm" She angrily came storming through the door of my office. 

  [My darling?] "Cara Mia?" I looked at her with confusion.

  I rose from my desk and walked over to the door, which I then closed. She swung around and hurled something at me; it landed on my chest and bounced away. With an arched brow, I gazed at her. She's lost her damn mind, surely. I contemplated.