
Deeper: Far from surface

"She was like a perfect paradise, tearing at its seam." To everyone, Chimdi Gentry lived the perfect life with her Celebrity mom, godmother and her modeling career. When behind the fame, glitz and glamour was a girl actually between the devil and the deep blue sea. Coming to Nigeria, TJ Kodiri anticipated nothing but an uncivilized country and trouble. What he didn't anticipate was, finding himself beguiled by the one girl, whose lifeless eyes served as a placebo to hide the real sad truth inside her. One boy One girl Scars... Secrets...and the quest for salvation. They can only sink deeper into the bitter brunts of reality.

Rayne_black_110229 · Urbain
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15 Chs


Try instead of being honest,

They pretend


For their own sake.


Like a home Video is put to pause and played back, the students took their three seconds silence as Chimdi walked into the dining hall, before resuming their previous business.

No doubt, the news of what happened during Swim class had spread like wildfire on a harmattan noontide.

Obvious glances were directed her way, followed by not-so-low obvious whispers filling the air.

But Chimdi's mind was elsewhere. She felt the urge to cry, rebel, throw a fit, but couldn't attempt any.

"Now listen Dee." Her Mother had cut her short with a stern voice. She could feel her mother trying to act calm.

"You will go to Fiku and apologise. Tell her you were having a stressful school day understood?" she nodded, realizing Ginika wasn't present, she whispered a tired.

"Yes ma."

Ginika proceeded, "Good girl. Now listen, the ANTM shoot is in three weeks and Antni wants you to be as fit as a fiddle that day. No disappointment Dee." Her voice was drenched in sweet venom.

"That stomach of yours from abyss must flatten. Are we clear?"

"Yes ma."

"Now be a good girl and pick dear Antni's calls. She misses her baby girl. You know I love you and doing the best for you." A morsel sized lump was stuck in Chimdi's throat. She was at the verge of breaking down.

She swallowed it.

"Yes ma."

"That's good. Be a good girl and do as I say. I'm sending a few to the school bank. Have fun."

The line went dead.

"Babes!" Lara shouted, snapping her out of her reverie.

"Um... Yeah?" She figured she was already seated.

"Should I add more stew?" Lara asked her, her face held genuine pity while her hands held a dishing spoon hovering over a mini cooler.

"Not really, any how." She replied weakly, giving her a smile. Her appetite was missing anyway.

She turned to see eyes aimed her way. Jiki was the only one who knew how controlling her mother was. Which wasn't even half the story. If only she could share more.

He gave her a reassuring smile before squeezing her hand.

"Did Miss Fiku threaten you?" Nene asked, passing her plate to her.

"Nope, I went to apologise. She said no qualms." She gave them a weak smile.

"She deserves it though. The woman no get chills." Elo added, passing her two slices of his dodo (fried plantain). He never shared his dodo.

"I'll let you have these. I'm so Prada you." He tried lightening the mood, which half worked because they all laughed.

"That's right babes. You got fifty thousand likes in our legs and height IG posssssst!" Lara half squealed, before passing Chimdi her phone.

She gave a smile and a squeal herself which earned an eye roll from TJ who had been silent the whole while.

"It's fifty thousand, two likes babes." She corrected, making them check it out together.

Squealing the more.

The guys just groaned.

"But guy, you guys fucked up big time." Jiki shook his head, while slowly chewing on the cooked grain inside his mouth. "On top bridge like this!"

He was at the receiving end of the girls' glare.

"Jeez." He grinned, raising his hands in mock surrender. "No murder me jhare. I'm just saying."

"Better." Lara warned, taking her eyes back to the picture.

"Nens your idea shaa. I didn't know we'd pull it off." Lara continued chattering animatedly as she scrolled through the cellphone.

The darker girl flipped an imaginary hair aside. "You guys kept doubting me. You don't know a smartass when you see one."

Elo snorted. "More like a psycho."

"Asshole!" She glared at him. "The hashtag is already a major trend on IG loser."

"Trend fire." Jiki whispered dryly but they heard him nonetheless. "TalkNaija that reported that some teenagers almost fell off the same bridge all for the bloody gram."

Nene rolled her eyes, before setting a glare on the fair boy. "Whose fault is it? We were just trying to spice up our pages no one asked them to go through suicidal lengths."

"Seriously, you are given the freedom and you do irrational things, just cos you are some local celebrity." TJ muttered to himself. Anger bubbling inside his as he remembered what transpired the day she took the shots. "And was a bridge necessary? Do you know how dangerous it was? That was outrightly irresponsible of you!"

A bang on the table and a plate falling, made him realise he was heard.

"You know what, since you think you can judge anyone you come across. Fuck you!" Chimdi banged on the table again. Causing people's attention to be directed to their table, before storming off.

She wouldn't let them see her cry.


Didn't mean for that to be heard!

Was all TJ could think of for the past two days.

The girls have been giving him the silent treatment since the other night, well except Abike, who liked him more for no reason and stuck to him at every opportunity she got, like glue.

He was surprised Jiki still warmed up just like Elo, like nothing happened.

If Chimdi once sent him glares, she sent missiles instead. If looks could kill he'd be six feet down or more at the moment.

He couldn't believe he'd gotten on her bad side twice in two weeks. It was like they were sworn and destined enemies for life.

He turned his eyes just to meet hers which sent missiles his way. Her eyes held cryptic hate messages reserved only for him.

He quickly looked away.

He was in for a long one.

Soon there was an uproar as students stood to check the class notice board. In confusion, he watched students with different expressions on their faces return to their seats, while some walked over to friends locker, some were happy, some sad, expressionless, while some were so angry.

A perfect example being Chimdi, who matched to Jiki's seat to engage him in a heated argument. He saw her send missiles his way, while Jiki tried to calm her down.

After flipping Jiki, she glared at him before stomping to her seat to sulk.

Curiosity got the best of him, instinct told him what was up, but he wanted to be perfectly sure. He stood up and walked to the notice board, trailing and passing strange and funny names before being hit with a dreadful reality.



Came staring back like a slap.

He found himself walking to Jiki's seat and plopped down on an empty seat beside Jiki.

"Man wassup? I'm fucked, like big time. How could you, you want me dead?" He rambled on, helpless.

"Seriously, I compiled the list before that night thinking it'll be the best option since you are one of us now."

TJ let out a frustrated sigh. "Dude why didn't you change it afterwards? Didn't you think it was best an option to change it at least, for my safety?"

Jiki tried to keep a straight face as he stared at the scared boy. "Trust me, would have if I had the chance. The cyber guy just delivered it few minutes ago I didn't get the chance." Jiki explained trying hard not to crack up at the expression on his face.

It was a sight to behold.

"Man, I'm dead. Jesus." TJ ignored his teasing expression, his hands rubbing his full hair.

Jiki couldn't hold it any longer, he burst out laughing.

"Dude chill. No one is dying." He assured, still laughing.

"I'm serious. Your girlfriend hates me for real." TJ continued, ignoring Jiki.

"Woah bro. Don't pass me any. Trust me she doesn't, You guys should settle it. And besides, Chimdi forgives in no time..."

The class became quite a loud house in growing seconds. It was obvious TJ wasn't the only student who had an opinion on the compilation.

"I'm coming." Jiki stood up to go address the rowdy class.

"Okay guys. Please can y'all listen!" He had their attention.

"Corp Morris said y'all should be shared in group of two's. It was shuffled so most of you wont like your partners." He looked at Chimdi who glared at him, earning a chuckle from him. "But that's fine. This will be a good time to get to know them. With that said. Any question?"

"Can we change partners Jiki? David is like impossible!" A girl whined.

A light skinned boy blew her a kiss before she shivered in disgust, earning a hearty laughter from the class.

"No ma. No changing partners. Please lets prepare for the next class. Good luck." With that, he made his way to his seat, ignoring his whining classmates.

TJ dared to glance at Chimdi, who as if in anticipation, gave him the middle finger.

Talk about getting to know your partner.

He really needed the good luck.



The woman no get chills - The woman is too strict

Una mumu - y'all were stupid / did something stupid...

Abeg - please.