

They all sat in the empty bar. Seven men on the chairs while Siren was on the bar top,her one leg dangling from the counter. Siren's eyes observing the men and taking in their appearance, weirdly enough all of them looked really familiar but she shrugged it of.

Maybe Siren saw them somewhere, she has seen ton of people in her life. After the robbers ran away Siren helped to put the fires out and provided shelters to the ones who lost their homes.

When they were about to go a woman ran up to Siren worriedly asking about her daughter Lily. She told her about what happened and brought her to the bar to take lily back home.

Siren spoke up breaking the silence "first. tell me your names. I can't always be like oh the chestnut one is dumb!" She wasn't wrong, Siren needed to know their names. Her instincts told her that she will be with them for a long time if not forever.

Rolling his eyes at Siren's remark the mentioned one spoke first " my name is Leehyun and I'm not dumb" completely ignoring his words except his name of course.

" Leehyun is dumb, sounds better" Siren said and shrugged getting a scowl from him at her remark.

Annoying him will be fun.

"What makes you think I'm dumb" he growled out. Siren tilted her head, amused at Leehyun's annoyed expression.


"Ok calm down now" the captain interfered and continued. "I'm Daisok. The captain". Siren nodded respectfully.

"Captain". He merely nodded at Siren's words acknowledging her respect.

Next spoke the ginger "hello! I'm Peter" he gave her a gentle smile which Siren returned with a small one.

"I'm Jaxon" the mysterious blue haired guy said and Siren nodded once again.

"Zayd" said the angry guy, her single brow rose up in amusement.

"Jashan. Nice to meet you" said the guy who had his holy forehead exposed. "Likewise" Siren shortly replied, trying her best to not sound rude.

"My name is Tom" the last one said briefly.

Nodding she tried her best to not forget their names, because that'll be embarrsing.

"Well we said our names what's yours?" said Leehyun.

Sighing dramatically Siren replied "you're lucky that I'm telling you, not everyone gets a chance to know my real name. Until I kill them that is"

getting annoyed Zayd spat "Just spit it out" putting her hands up in surrender Siren replied.

" woah calm down angry kitty. I'm Yvaine. Nice to meet you too" her small remark made him glare daggers at Siren or one must say Yvaine but she just ignored it.

"Can we discuss about what's actually important now" said Jaxon annoyed "Some of you do have minds." Yvaine chuckled sarcastically. " I want to make a deal, if you want my help then I'll need your help too" Daisok nodded as a sign to continue. "You saw the robbers at the square. They ran away but they will come bac-" "And how do you know that? " Leehyun said interrupting her. Interruptions were on of the uncountable things that Siren despised, no one should ever interrupt herl Rolling her eyes Siren retorted "well if you would let me continue then maybe I can tell you". Looking around her she made sure no one interrupts once satisfied she continued. "Ok good. Now as I was saying I know they will come back because I'm the only threat they have and as far as they've heard I'm leaving tomorrow noon after a town meeting but that's not what's happening now." "whats the plan then." Tom piped in going straight to the point. Siren looked in his direction and smirked at his bluntness "I quite like you"

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The sun was blazing and the town square was bustling with people shopping and selling goods. No children were in sight for their own safety. After discussing the plan the day before, the pirates went back to their ship to rest and came back to the bar next day early morning. Yvaine provided them with breakfast and went to the town square right after they were done with eating, thats when the pirates got the plan running. They told the people to act normal like any other day in the town, Siren also made sure to get the children somewhere safe away from the chaos that's about to happen and told everyone that she cancelled the meeting, when some dumb people asked why, Yvaine told them getting rid of the annoying robbers was far more important than some stupid meeting where one of them will most likely die. After alerting everyone she told the men to get in position which led Siren to where she was now, hiding behind a open stall with a certain grumpy kitten. Grunting Zayd spoke up " is this what you meant by getting rid of them?". Rolling her eyes in annoyance Siren retorted " well do you see them anywhere? I suppose not." She glanced at him before continuing "be patient Zayd". Giving out a huff he was about to say something when Yvaine heard angry shouts signalling the robbers were here. Anderaline rushed through her body reaching every vain, she sighed pleased. Siren really was missing some action lately. The bandits came riding their horses at a fast pace stopping in the middle, one of them took out his pistol shooting it in the air copying Siren's one of many signature moves. Getting out from her hiding spot she stood behind them remarking "copying me eh?" Yvaine's posture was relaxed, in one hand was her precious blunderbuss spinning lazily and the other hand was free resting on her hip. She then continued putting the free hand on her chest mockingly "ahh I feel so honoured to be looked up to" wiping away a fake tear Siren smirked like the satan itself enjoying their horrified expression knowing the other men have joined her. " I knew you dumb shits will come back. I really wanted to be proved wrong you know but oh well guess I'm always right". Looking at them with her ice cold eyes she sighed loudly and said " well now that you are here, How about we play a game? " the robbers gulped visibly knowing very well what Siren meant by game, she was mischevoius for games. Yvaine played fair but dangerous. "Because well you see my guests here" she gestured towards the pirates standing beside her "loves playing games and are really bored". " I love games." Peter chimmed in with an excited smirk which terrified them even more. " what do you say? we even have audience" Yvaine said referring to the people gathered around, those villagers or whatever were crowding them leaving a circle. " wait I don't ask" Yvaine frowned. "I order" her gaze met their. "Get off your horses. We're playing a game..........with swords"