
How long?

A boy whose is around 16 years old ,wearing full black clothes and messy blonde hair ,looks very pale walking in the endless desert alone.

He was only repeating one sentence again and again " I have to go back ,I have to go back."

After some time he started fainting and losses his senses and fall on brazen land .

Suddenly some sparks was appearing in front of him and next a human like figure coming from that sparks, put him on his back and again went towards the sparks .

After that he and the sparks both has disappered from the desert.


"Now who will going to win this , all of you are already failed " a fifteen year girl having black but short hair which falling on her shoulder, named Sofia said.with a little smile on her face.

"Don't go so exicted Sofia" a boy of nearly same age as girl said to her.

"How you can forget about a genius ?" the boy said ,pointing to himself.

Sofia first looked all around area and then looked at the boys eyes and said " where , I didn't saw any genius here."

"You are ...,the boy want to say something in protest but he quickly bit his lip.

All other children started to panic. They didn't want to even imagine what will happen with them.

"So you are only left then go and try if you lose, then don't complain me what is next for all of you".Sofia said .

"You better keep your eye on me when ,I will break your record and arrogance". the boy said and walk toward the centre of the platform .

This group and some other groups were present in the big hall. In this hall five platforms ware present . One can saw the huge pillars at the edge of the platform. Maximum eight pillars were present with each platforms . In this game people have to protect ourself from the incoming balls coming from the pillars .Initinally balls only came from single pillar ,but when time increase gradually more pillars start attacking .

And this balls will came from all directions.

In trying to protect ourself, they can use any techniques . But can't used any items that's were the simple rules ones had to follow.