
Team J(ackass)

I can't believe he just said that! I mean, what the...! The other instructors introduce themselves as well but, all that they say goes in from one ear and out the other. What the hell is going on here? This is B.S.! Why is the length of your hair important for training to become a detective?! Hmm, come to think of it, how long was Sherlock Holmes' hair?

Instructor: Students who are daydreaming during the assembly will be punished!


A sharp voice snaps me back to my senses. I look up to see the person on the stage. Holy cow! Just how much of a hunk are these instructors?! He looks just like a top model!! Wait, is he one?

Jared: Lastly, I'm Jared Johnson, I'll be supervising Team J. You all will address me as Instructor Johnson.

He'll be supervising the Jackasses?! That means I'll get to feast my eyes on him everyday! Hold up, that's not what I came here for. I can feel everyone's eyes fixed on him as he speaks.

Jared: Trainer Doris will be assisting me with training Team J.

He motions towards a tall man wearing a grey hoodie, his black and cerulean cap placed so low on his head that it could almost cover his eyes. Doris gestures with his hand in confirmation.

Jared: That's all, I hope you all are familiar with the basic rules of this academy; any violations will not be tolerated. You may get familiar with your teammates today, the training will start tomorrow morning. Circulars regarding each team's schedule will be sent to your dormitory. The receptionist will hand you the keys and room numbers to your dormitory. Do you understand?

Trainees: Yes sir!

Jared: Very well. Assembly dismissed.

He gets off the stage and all the trainees go to find their teammates. I don't know how my teammates look like except that Momo girl. I spot her in the crowd and approach her. It seems like my other teammates followed the suit as well.... Um, why is everyone so quiet? Should I start a conversation?

Ciara: Hello, my name is-

???: Ciara Sue. We all got that.

One of my teammates interrupts me. Of course they did... I look at his name tag. Marques Blanc, huh.

Ciara: That's good to know, Mar-kiss...?

???: Pfft.

One of the guys laughs. He is... Jake Locke.

Ciara: Huh? Did I say something wrong?

I'm pretty sure it's spelled that way.

Marques: You heard the man, girl, it's 'Marques' and not 'Mar- kiss'... What even is that..

He says with an African accent.

Ciara: But it's spelled that way.

Marques: Then I can call ya Ki- ara, can't I?

Ciara: Hmm...

Another guy looks nervously between us and timidly speaks up.

Kwan: Ahem, I'm Kwan Son. I look forward to learning with you.

Jake: I'm Jake Locke, I look forward to learning with you all as well.

He smiles at us, his beautiful green eyes slightly squinting beneath his red hair.

Momo: I'm Momo Xia....


Wait, that's it? Come to think of it, she was quite aloof with Instructor Johnson earlier too. Maybe she'll be a difficult one to get along with.

Hanley: I'm Hanley White, I'll be in your team too. I know about all the rumors regarding the 'Jackass' team but, I'm sure we can clear them together once and for all by the end of this year.

He seems easy (on the eyes and) to get along with. But, Momo, Marques, Jake, Kwan, Hanley and I make the six of us; where's the seventh one?

???: I'm sorry I'm late! There was just so much rush.

A tall man with dark brown hair and blue eyes comes sprinting towards us.... Have I finally reached the mine of good luck? Handsome guys keep appearing out of nowhere!

Hanley: You're late, Ryan.

Ryan: I know, there was a crowd (of pretty girls) back there so I got late.

They sound like they know know each other well.

Ryan: I'm Ryan Lawrence, it's my pleasure to be here.

Marques: Pleasure to be in the Jackass Team?

Ryan: Hah, you're a funny one.

Although Marques speaks to him in a sarcastic tone, Ryan humours him. He looks at his name tag and back at him with a polite smile.

Ryan: I look forward to getting to know you, Mar- kiss.


Ciara and Kwan: Ahahaha!!


Ciara: Are you okay there, 'Mar-kiss'? You seem unwell.

I ask him in a playful tone, teasing him.

Marques:.... *sigh* I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots. You guys just stick with 'Mark'.

Ciara: Why? No 'kiss'?

Wait, that didn't come out how I wanted it to. Marques looks at me and smirks.

Marques: You want a 'kiss', Young Lady?


Don't let that panic show on your face, Ciara... Don't let the panic from 5 years ago show.

Ciara: Who're you calling a 'Young Lady'?! I'm 24!

Jake: I would've never pinned you down as a flirt at first sight, Mark.

Marques:... I don't flirt with kids.

Jake: Uh huh, sure you don't.

Ciara: I'm not a kid, y'know.

Hanley: Hey, looks like everyone's leaving. We should get our dorm keys as well.

Ryan: I... I'll go get them.

Ryan rushes towards the exit. What's up with him?

Kwan: Something tells me that it was not the keys he ran for.


Momo: Probably a girl, a... blondie to be exact.

Momo says, brushing her short, black hair behind her ear. I follow her line of sight to see him talking to a beautiful, blonde girl while walking out the door.

Momo: Don't you think we should be heading to the receptionist too?

Jake: Yeah, we need to move our stuff in today too.

Everyone starts walking towards the exit but I keep looking at their backs in a daze. This... this is my team, we're going to be training together this whole year. Except for Momo, and MAYBE Mark, everyone seems pretty easy to talk to.

But, then again that rumour about the fraud trainees, could I be one of them? Just the thought of it makes my heart ache. If I am indeed one of the frauds, I will be weeded out of here; my dream will be crushed.

As these thoughts plague me with self-doubt, Mark looks over his shoulder to see me staring into space. He smiles teasingly at me.

Marques: You look like a little girl who just lost her doll. How sad.

Sad? Did I seriously look that depressed? Wait a second, he called me a little girl again!

Ciara: I'll beat you!

Marques: Bite me.

Ciara: Come back here!

He sticks his tongue out and starts to run and I chase after him well aware of my teammates laughing at us. I feel all my tension from before fade away and a small smile spreading across my face.

Weird, did he say that on purpose to cheer me up? But why? He doesn't even know what was bothering me. I guess, he is a good guy after all. Maybe we'll get along well in the future.

Whatever happens, this is my team, in the ups and downs we'll have to support each other in one way or another. With that thought in my mind, I resume taking my 'revenge' on 'Mar-kiss'.