
Decline of the Gods

The world as we know it; is it the true one? There is a world not seen by many which truly does exist, a world within the dreams brought into the reality.

onewhodreams · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

A Dream coming to an end

…Swoosh…  The world filled with Disasters. Earthquake shaking the Land and it felt as though the Earth was filled with Greif and Sorrow.

The sun completely covered up by dark clouds leaving no way for the rays of light to shine upon this world, rivers and lakes that remained had turned crimson red,….Mortal life were slowly fading away….Plants, Animals, Birds everywhere one can see were slowly withering up unable to hold on, Lands turning into deserts and the Humans that once reigned supreme in heaven and earth were nowhere to be found.

Only thing that still existed were the remains of their glorious past…

"THIS ERA HAS COME TO IT'S END!!!, The Heaven Have Forsaken the Mankind!"


An Ethereal Voice filled with bitterness sounded and covered the whole world.

Boom! Then as if a switch was triggered BOOM!!!!! BOOM!!!BOOOM!!!More and more destruction raged as if to silence that voice...

"I call thee Oh Lord, The One who Rules over the Maya the one who creates, the one who m!i@!@ns, the @^@e who D@&# ohhhhh the su@#eme ….rus …..*#$!h….g#4.#$.. *!($$#*&!: &$^* @#^^^% !)~ #{|"

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gasp…Gasp….Gasp...."

Eyes snapped open wide, His body drenched in sweat but as he had forcefully thrown the blanket covering him, causing a cold gust of air to make it feel like he just sat in a bathtub full of ice. Perush looked down at his hands which were trembling slowly grabbing his chest feeling that indescribable stinging sensation, He grabbed his head trying to make sense of what was going on but those images and voice slowly faded like it was never there to begin with.

Slowly getting up he started making his way towards the bathroom, holding the basin with both hand and looking at the mirror, his eyes searching for answers.

Perush Looked at his reflection and spoke slowly

"Once again the same dream, the same nightmare, the same voice calling for the one referred as the one who rules over the maya…sigh.."

Looking away he let the water run, slowly moving his hand over the water




Feeling a little clear headed he reached out to the towel rack and dried up his face

"It's getting more and more vivid"

As he spoke to himself he walked out of the bathroom sat down at his desk and wrote down additional details from the dream.

"The last words are about to be revealed, and the mystery along with it"

It had been exactly 8 years since Perush had been frequently dreaming the same dream and at first he didn't even realize this but it slowly started to be more and more apparent to him that this was really happening.

First time he started to take this absurd dream as real was when after every time he dreamt the dream the very next day some kind of unexplainable bizarre incident would occur to him, for instance one day while he was praying at Baghbhairab. Shrine of a Deity In his hometown, that time he felt as though the eyes of the idol moved just a little looking directly at him. Which caused him to be scared shitless and hurriedly get out of the shrine. The other time was while he was on his way back home after watching the festival known as 12 barse jatra (Ie. A festival celebrated by Newari community once every 12 years) at samala Dhoka which falls in his pathway home he felt a hand grabbing his feet which sent shivers down his spine causing him to scream as though he was a cat whose tail was stepped on in the middle of the night. God wasn't it embarrassing, Just the people hurriedly looking out of their windows only to see him sprint crazily (seeshh).

He even convinced himself many times that this was just his hallucination but only once and twice could be taken as such, after realizing there was something more to it he started writing all these down, trying to solve the mystery brought about by this as he was convinced that it was related to him in one way or the other and there lay a world unknown to science for him to unvail.