
Chapter Two : Insane!!

         I saw that strange man that is now my father once a week for dinner. It has been ten years since I arrived at the house of ballork. There I sat sitting across from the puppeteer as we silently ate dinner. He broke the silence, "How old are you this year, it is your birthday soon, correct?". I glared at him as if I was picking the words apart to find a hidden meaning. I sighed exhaustedly, "Yes my birthday is in thirteen days, why is it that you wish to know?"  He places his hands together and smiles softly as if to look approachable, "How old will you be, Auriella?". I could almost smell the scent of blood radiating off of him. He isn't asking for an answer, he is demanding for one. His eyes stare holes into me like laser beams impatiently waiting for an answer. Maybe he can see my nonchalant look as if I don't care. I cracked my neck slowly as I felt stiff from the pressure; staring him straight in the eyes as I did it. I scowl at him to make him feel threatened. I sit there feeling like nothing but a robot. I stare at that wretched man. His face is laid with wrinkles, his cold eyes held a sort of malice towards me. He grinded his teeth impatiently.  "I'll be seventeen, sir." he focused his eyes on me, laying his head upon his hands. His grim face makes me repulsed. He looks at me as if I am nothing, but I am so much more than he'll ever see as he is blinded by greed. He opens his mouth blabbering about me being his best creation. He did not create me, nor did my mother, I create who I am. I do what I do to survive. I bloodied my hands not for his praise but for not to die. Nothing I do is for that man. His voice means to deceive and control. "Auriella, will you go to the battlefield for your dear father?" he says knowing I have no choice but to agree. He created the war but wont go? Maybe he wishes for a new heir, sending me off so I could come back in a body bag. I will never die; I will destroy him and rain terror upon the empire. I stare at him happily, "Of course sir. Why would I decline such an offer?". He smiled greatly thinking he shall kill me off so easily; maybe I should slit his throat right now?