
French Red BTS (1)

Auri sat still as the makeup artist caressed her face with brushes. Her hair was done up in more pins than she cared for. Everything felt surreal. She was finally here. Her very first show. She had spent the last two days practising her walk and preparing her body for this day. She had restricted her diet to light foods that would not make her bloat. She had taken extra care with her skin care. As she glanced at the vanity mirror behind the makeup artist, she was pleased it had paid off.

She could hear the chaos beyond her station. Everyone was being primmed. Those who were done with their makeup were being urged to go to the changing space as this one was already congested.

Models were in various states of undress and the makeup and hair crew was doing its best to get everyone done.

There was music coming from the front of the house. She could hear the mingled voices of their audience.

Brenda sat next to Auri. She was getting the last touches of her makeup.

"Are you ready for the show tonight?" she asked Auri.

"I am," Auri responded careful not to move too much.

The makeup artist was applying eyeliner and she did not want any of that in her eye.

"I'm done," the makeup artist told Auri.

Auri smiled in relief.

"Thank you," she said as she surveyed the work the woman had done on her.

She looked stunning. Her grey eyes looked bigger, her lips looked more plum, and her skin looked flawless and glowing. She looked like a perfect doll.

She got up from her seat and moved to the dressing area where the models were gathering and waiting for their wardrobes. Everyone was in either their underwear or in robes. Auri did not fancy the cold air freezing her bottom off so she had a robe over her undies.

"No one ever sees the clothes until the night of the show," Brenda's voice came from behind Auri, "Not unless it's a style that requires extra attention while showing."

Auri nodded in understanding.

It was rumoured that French Red took care to hide their designs from everyone until the night of the show. She could see now that there was some substance to the rumours.

"It's said that the ones who handle the clothes are under tight non-disclosure agreements," Brenda continued.

"No one" Her voice was theatrical, "Not even the ones who wash and iron the clothes, dare talk about the fabrics, the colours or even the thread used in the materials."

"They are here!" someone cried out.

Everyone craned their heads to see. However, there was nothing to see. The clothes were in numbered bags and on a rack.

Jean walked into the dressing room with a little notebook in her hand. She had exchanged her signature power suit for a pair of cargo pants and a white tank top. Her footsteps were muffled by the soft soles of her sneakers.

"Is everyone here?" she asked the group of models.

"Yes," the models replied in unaccent.

"Good," Jean said.

"Listen carefully," she flipped open her notebook.

"Aurelie!" she called out craning her head to look for Auri who was in the back.

Auri stretched onto her toes and raised her hand high up in the air.

"I'm here!" she called out and several people turned to look at her.

"You are the headliner and will go last," Jean told her.

"You can go get your shoes and sit over there."

She pointed to a seat out of the way in a corner.

Auri nodded and wondered where she was going to get the shoes.

"The shoes are back in the hair and makeup section," Jean told her.

Auri smiled gratefully before making her way back to that section.

"Siena Grace!" Auri heard Jean call out, "You are number one. Our opener. Brenda, you are two, Pearl! You are walking three…"

Auri was greeted by a nice young man who had boxes of shoes.

"You are the headliner?" he asked as he fidgeted with the boxes.

"Yes," Auri confirmed with pride.

"Here," he said and gave her a box marked with "HL" inscribed on the lid.

"Thank you," Auri said as she took the box.

The man waved her away. As she turned, she almost bumped into Siena who scowled at her. Auri walked around her. She went to her corner and watched as Siena sat down and put on her shoes in the hair and makeup area. She put her box under the dressing table and then got up and walked to the dressing area. The shoes were a shiny white colour. The heels were a decent six inches tall and Siena swayed gracefully as she walked in them.

Auri saw the shift in the air before she saw him. People were a little more silent and there was a slight stiffness to the way they moved. The models had their game faces on. Everyone was all business now. Nicolas walked into the room and he walked straight to the clothing area.

He was dressed to kill in a tuxedo that had a diamond brooch pinned on one of the front lapels and had a sharply cut flowing tailcoat behind. His dress shoes caught the light and Auri was sure one could see their reflection in them.

Jean joined him and they began talking. From their relaxed body language and smiling faces, Auri could tell their conversation was a friendly one.

Auri also noted that even as they spoke, Nicolas had an eye on Siena as she got onto a little podium. With his sharp gaze, he watched as a woman helped Siena into a flowing white dress. It was beautiful. It had silver accents on the trim and tiny jewels dotted the dress and caught the light as the fabric shifted.

Auri could tell from the way she preened; Siena knew everyone was looking at her. She looked like an angel. She twirled a little in reaction to something Jean said to her and everyone marvelled. As the skirts shifted there was a hint of grey underneath. It was a beautiful detail addition. But Nicolas was not smiling. There was a slight frown on his face.

Auri watched as he surveyed the dress and moved closer to Siena. He lowered himself to his haunches and he picked up the hem. Auri could see Nicolas say something. He did not look happy. Jean moved closer to him and responded as she gestured to the hem of the dress. Nicolas let go of the hem and straightened up. He indicated for Siena to turn again and she complied. He seemed to see something that Auri could not.

He looked around as if thinking. He then said something and a man rushed to him with a sewing kit. He took out a needle from the kit and knelt at Siena's feet. Auri felt a small little pang as she remembered that he'd been in that position with her a few days earlier during her fitting.

He began sewing in stitches to the edge of the dress. Once satisfied, he got up and gave the needle back to the man with the sewing kit. He said something to Siena who slowly twirled again. He nodded in satisfaction. He gave her his hand and helped her off the podium. He let go of her after and said something to her. She walked a few steps away from him and Jean said something to which Nicolas smiled and nodded.

Jean said something and Siena went to the lineup of the runway and stood there. Back at the podium, Brenda was stepping on the podium. Auri watched as she took off her robe and her bra. She was helped into an off-white creamy dress which was backless with crisscross straps at the back. She on the podium turned and the creamy white skirts shimmered with golden lights. It looked like the fabric was sewn in with golden threads that shimmered when the light hit them just right. Nicolas inspected the dress and was satisfied. He nodded and said something. He then gave his hand to Brenda and helped her off the podium.

Auri watched as Brenda joined Siena. She was going to be doing a lot of watching. She would be outfitted last so she would get the chance to watch everyone get done. She watched Berenda look around, find her and wave. Auri grinned and waved back.

Dear Reader,

This is part one and the second part will be posted tomorrow.

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AnotidaMandemwacreators' thoughts