

Rey came back inside walking backwards until he got near the bed and stopped but Ben still had his gun to his face.

Ben: people like you should not be here.

Rey: and who should, you? Do you even have a conscious?

Ben: so we are playing good cop and bad cop? The thing is you are not any different from me or Joe so stop playing nice because we all know what you want from her. Only that I got it ahead of you.

Rey attempted to punch him but the gun stood in his way.

Rey: drop that gun and fight me like a man.

Ben was hesitant and soon after, his phone rang. He held the gun in his left hand then reached for his pocket to see who was calling.

Rey kicked the gun in the air and it fell by the door then he started punching Ben. I only sat there wishing the gun had fallen any closer because I would have definitely blown Ben's head off the roof.

The fight continued, they pushed each other against the wall and a few punches they landed on the floor with Ben having pinned Rey down.

I wanted to help take down this monster but I could not. My whole body was in pain I couldn't even move a leg. Rey turned Ben and he was now on top of him. I couldn't see who would win this because they were equally tough.

Rey lifted Ben and they landed on the bed where I was lying then a few minutes later, I heard gun shots and when I raised my head, there stood Leila with the gun in her hand.

Ben was on top of Ray so that meant that Leila shot Ben. Rey pushed Ben off him then he got up from the bed. We both looked at Leila who was now limping towards me.

Rey: I thought I told you to rest.

Me: she doesn't take orders from anyone.

Leila: are you okay?

I nodded but then the tears after her asking if I was okay sold me out.

Leila: what happened?

I was silent. She came and sat next to me. She had a bandage round her tight where He had shot and another one on her arm.

Leila: something happened when I wasn't there with you, what is it.

Rey: I will leave you ladies; I need to find a way to get you out of here.

Me: please don't leave us. Please stay.

Leila: yeah, please stay.

Rey promised to come back as soon as he was done making a few phone calls.

He left me there with Leila and as soon as he was out of the door I hugged Leila so tight then broke down again. She was confused; I didn't even know how to start telling her what happened to me.

Leila: Hush darling, I know it's been a rough couple of days for you and if you are worried about your dad I know you will see him soon. Rey seems like a nice guy, he will get us out of here.

Me: it's not only that.

Leila: then what is it?

Me: earlier after Rey took you away, Ben visited me in that room he locked me in and.....

Leila pulled me off her shoulder and looked at me in the eye.

Leila: and he what Roxy?

Me: He raped me Leila, that monster raped me.

Leila: No... No.... no!

She got up and took the gun that she had laid beside her on the bed and walked up to where Ben was lying dead. He shot his dead body again severally before dropping the gun. What was that for, its not like he even felt pain..

when Rey heard gun shots he came rushing into the room and when he found Leila standing next to Ben's body crying he held her arm and led her back to the bed as he came back to take away Ben's body.

A few minutes later he came back and sat on the edge of the bed.

Rey: the doctor will be here shortly to check and run a few tests on you. and as for you, you need to take some painkillers and rest. I have ordered for some food too. i know you must be hungry.

Leila: why are you being so nice to us, what do you want?

Rey: I don't want anything from you, from either of you. The place is secure. I took care of the two guys who were remaining and I can get you out of here tomorrow after the pain has subsided.

Me: you took care of them?

Rey: I killed them. The fact that you don't see me walking around with a gun does not mean I don't know how to use it.

Leila: from the way you are speaking, you look educated and someone with a wealthy background, what are you doing here?

I was the right hand man to Joe. I did all his dirty works because I needed money to pay hospital bills for my mother who had been bed ridden for a while. I knew Joe was into drugs and crime but I never knew about the brothel until a few days ago.

Leila: are we supposed to believe that?

Rey: you guys can believe what you want. I don't expect a thank you note from you but am hoping you leave this place alive. That is if your mother won't get goons to clear everyone including the two of you.

Me: why would she do that?

Rey: to erase evidence. She is a pastor's wife who still needs to maintain her position in church and be that respected woman everyone knows.

Me: you don't know that for sure.

Rey took out his phone and showed us a text from my mum.

(Boss leady)

" don't let anyone leave. I'm working on finding a way to clean the place up. We don't need the police snooping and we don't want any word getting out there.


what about your daughter and the other girl?

(Boss lady)

shoot them then drive them to the road, make it look like an accident or a robbery with violence.


you want me to kill your daughter?

(Boss lady)

she is my daughter but the way I know her, she will risk exposing me. I don't know about you Rey but am not going to jail.

I couldn't believe my mum's guts; I was dumbfounded for a moment after reading the conversation between Rey and my mother. My own mother wanted me dead.

Rey: am putting my ass on the line for both of you, so how about you be great fun and work on getting better.

Me: am sorry for doubting you but what if the strike takes place tonight?

Rey: your mum does not trust anyone else but me and Joe. Joe is dead so that means she has to involve me in everything she is doing.

Me: Do you know my mum that well?

Rey: depends with what "how well' means.

Me: I heard my mum is into young guys, what did Joe mean by that?

Rey: your mum had an affair with Joe. I don't know how they met but he slept with her severally.

Me: what?

Leila: how long ago was that?

Rey: they were seeing each other even as you were "dating" if that's what you are asking.

My ears could no longer take the things I was hearing. This could not be my mum Rey was talking about. The conversation was cut short by the doctor who called to let Rey know he was already here and he went for him.

Rey led the doctor into the room I was in then he asked Rey and Leila to excuse us but I couldn't let Leila leave me, I couldn't stand the thought of me alone with another man behind closed door. I wanted Leila there with me and even the doctor was hesitant he finally agreed.

The doctor checked me and asked a few questions I didn't feel like answering but I had to. He gave me some medication then checked and dressed Leila's wounds as well. The doctor recognized us and told us our faces had been all over the news as we were missing persons.

He also told me that my dad had been hospitalized and he is still there under the doctor's supervision. I wanted to get out of here and see my dad. At least he was the only person I was left with after Lenny decided to die on me a day before our wedding.

When the doctor finished with Leila and I, he was seen off by Rey and later he came in with the food he had ordered them he also brought us some dresses and pants. It was embarrassing but did we have a choice?

"You can wear those tomorrow when you get out of here" he said giving each of us our shares of the food he had bought.

We ate as we talked through the night since none of us was willing to sleep for fear of what would happen to us.

The following morning we woke up and found ourselves well covered with a duvet and Rey had slept on the couch by the door. We didn't want to wake him up so we spoke in low tones.

Leila: so what next after we leave this place?

Me: I really don't know but one thing is for sure, my life will never be the same again.

Leila: am sorry my friend.

We hugged, then Leila took a pillow and threw it at Rey and he woke up in a rush falling off the couch.

Rey: what is happening?

Leila: since you decided to be nice to us, can we at least get breakfast?

He got up from the floor, wore his shoes and stepped out without a word.

Leila and I took the time to clean up and get dressed.

Despite the pain I was feeling I was happy that finally this nightmare had finally come to an end. I was going home to start a fresh. As for my mother, I wanted to see the look on her face when she saw me again.

I was done dressing and Leila was doing her final touches when Rey came burging in. he looked worried and that automatically made us panic.

Rey: stop whatever you are doing, we are leaving now?

Me: what?

Leila: is there a problem?

Rey: yes. I have spotted three guys carrying guns headed towards the main door.

Me: my mum sent them?

Rey: yes. It's funny she didn't give me a heads up.

Leila: unless she knows you are helping us.

Rey looked at the camera on the wall.

Rey: shit. The Cctv. she ought to have been watching us.

Me: she definitely knows you are helping us. Can she hear us?

Rey: no. she can only see visuals but she can't hear a word.

Leila: you have never known she can watch guys on ccvt?

Rey: I only knew of Joe because he had it connected to his laptop.

Me: what do we do now?

Rey: I will bring down the Cctv and all you have to do is use that window to get out. There's a small room on your left. Wait for me there. I have to deal with those guys.

We had no option but to go out the window. it wasn't easy especially with the fact that we were wounded but if that was the only way we were going to survive then we had to. The window wasn't too high and Rey helped us up.

We got down and the guys came into the room we had been in. we couldn't move because they would have heard us so we stood there with our backs to the wall trying so hard to remain invisible. The guys and Rey were having a conversation

Guy1: Where are they?

Rey: They who?

Guy 1: everyone, Ben, the two ladies?

Rey: I got here like ten minutes ago, Ben has stepped out and the two ladies were shifted to a different room.

Guy2: can you take us where they are?

Rey: why, you know they are prisoners right?

Guy2: Not anymore. The boss lady wants them out of here.

Rey: I don't have that memo.

Guy1: she should be calling you soon but either way we need to see the girls.

Rey: okay, let's go

Rey led them out of the room.

Leila: (whispering) do you think we should help him?

Me: No, he will take care of it. If we show up we might screw things up. Rey is smart. He will handle it.

We waited for close to 10minutes before Rey came back for us. Leila and I decided to go help anyway and before we could figure out what to do we heard gun shots.

We panicked. If it was Rey that had been shot then we were doomed for real.

A few minutes later Rey came for us. I have never been so happy to see a stranger.

He looked at us and smiled.

Rey: sorry ladies, I kept you waiting. Let's get out of here.

We walked to his car, got in and drove off.

Leila: how did you handle the three guys, we thought they would overpower you.

Rey: what do you think, I am Rey.

He said smiling. Honestly I didn't want to know how he handled himself back there but what mattered was that we were all out of there safe and sound.

Rey: so where are we headed?

Leila: take us to my place. Roxana is no longer safe at hers.

Me: can I borrow your phone Rey?

Rey gave me his phone and I called the police.

Voice: you have reached 999 police hotline what's your emergency?

Me: I would like to report a crime.

Leila and Rey looked at me surprised.

Voice: yes, what is the crime?

Me: there is a woman who was holding my friend and I hostage in a house. we have managed to escape after there was some shooting but there are people there who still need your help.

Voice: where are you and is this your number, might want to get in touch with you later.

Me: my friend and I were saved by a Good Samaritan and this is his phone number not mine.

Voice: how long had you been held hostage?

Me: a week and some days now.

Voice: what's the address to that place?

I gave the address then handed Rey his phone.

Rey: you are setting your mum up?

Me: who knows if I'm really her daughter? For wanting me dead, she will serve a long time in jail.

Leila: only if she doesn't buy her way out. You know just how corrupt our system is.

Me: if she buys her way out, I will kill her myself.....